Pakkahad System Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Pakkahad System

A star system in the Odyros galaxy.   The Pakkahad star itself is well known to be the largest star ever found in the Odyros galaxy as an O class hypergiant star. However, it only has a few million years left of its lifespan because it burns an extremely large amount of hydrogen.   A large amount of Hyperion Federation stations orbit the star at close radii. They constantly collect energy from the star to be used by the HF itself. The HF also built a ring station around it to star lift it. Surprisingly, star lifting can be healthy for a star, increasing its lifespan.   The Leosus Federation in particular is accepted to own the system.   The star has a very large amount of planets orbiting it because the huge size captured a lot of asteroids that combined into planets. There are also several asteroid belts through the system.   The first 12 of these planets are extremely hot, sometimes completely comprised of lava and magma. There are multiple gas giants in this radius, these gas giants being extremely hot.   The next set of planets are barren and hot. Though lava is no longer common on the surface, the atmosphere is still averaged at several hundred C.   There is a gas giant within the habitable zone. It has an immense orbit radius. There are several habitable worlds orbiting the gas giant.
Star System
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Owning Organization


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