Cela Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil


The homeworld of the Saelian Coalition. It is cold on the surface.   During the Saelians' information age, the world was knocked out of its orbit, but shortly after, it re established orbit. This effectively increased the orbital radius, making the planet colder. Any patches lacking snow are visibly purple from orbit. The unique bacteria which evolved on this planet gives it the purple colour. As purple is on the high frequency end of the electromagnetic spectrum, this bacteria attempts to reflect purple light as to not damage its cell structure. However, a strange liquid with healing properties exists on the world. This is called Healing Liquid.   Cela, like any other planet in the Ukots System, is well defended by the rest of the federation especially since they swore to defend all species homeworlds. After being mined for so long by the saelians, though, Cela has been exhausted of almost all raw resources. There are some groups that have performed core extraction, but due to the sheer amount of lives on the world they are very careful as to not destroy the magnetosphere or effect the surface at all.   Cela also has 2 moons, but one of them is far too small to have any noticeable impact on the world itself. The larger, and closer, one has a large colony on it and a population of several hundred million. This moon acts on Cela's tides similar to the moon-Earth interaction.
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