Delta Antilae VI Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Delta Antilae VI

A planet in the Delta Antilae System.  Delta Antilae VI is a very cold planet. It is covered almost entirely in snow, with few rocks visible from orbit or the surface. This is because the planet is at a large radius from the Delta Antilae star. The recorded average surface temperature is about -2 C. There is no life on the world other than alien lifeforms.   The world has a significant amount of titanium ore. This is mined as titanium is quite strong and light. This means it is used in many applications from matter plasma.   This means that this world has been mined by the Saelian Coalition a lot. There are multiple space elevators and colonies (the colonies are built to replicate living conditions.) The colonies must, however, take care when dealing with snowstorms. These snowstorms are strong and dangerous, reducing visibility to around 1 metre (not enough to see the ground) and travel at high speed, able to knock one off their feet and possibly bury them alive. In most cases where this has happened, however, the person was thawed out and they survived.
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