Berresea Bay
A large shallow bay surrounded by sandy beaches and cliffs topped by the black peaks of the Kibagi Mountains, Berresea Bay would be a wonderful location for civilisation to encroach, were it not for the fact that one must pass either the shifting passes of the Kibagi, or the Doldrums of the Kraken Straits to reach this place of beauty and calm.
Myriad rivers run down from the mountains above, forming stepped waterfalls and pools that eventually spill into the cool, but calm waters of the Bay.
As a consequence of the lack of settlements, nature has flourished here, and the waters are bountiful in a wide variety of fish, mammals, and birds. Pods of dolphins cavort in the calm waters of the bay, kittiwakes wheel in the sky above the cliffs, whilst huge clams grow pearls the size of a man's fist.
Berresea Bay by RooM
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