Ull Caelora Settlement in The Azure Sea | World Anvil

Ull Caelora

Ull Caelora
Hidden deep in the trees of the Fearwyd Weald, some days travel north-west of the ruined village Springford is a truly remarkable place - the great tree city of Ull Caelora, built by the Grugach in the days since the The Great Schism  . It is now the centre of their civilisation.   The city is built into a single, giant tree that towers above the rest of the forest. The tree is over 200 feet in diameter at the base, with a circumference of over 600 feet, and reaches to a height of almost 2,000 feet. It is truly a breath-taking sight.   Huge vines and mossy growths cover the red-green bark of the tree, some almost reaching down to the ground. The whole thing exudes an air of extreme age.   Platforms and flets have been laid onto the higher branches of the tree, and wooden buildings set upon them by the Grugach. The centre of the tree is riddled with natural tunnels and caverns that the wild elves utilise for various purposes.   The drink Caelsap was originally made using the sap of the great tree, discovered as the Grugach explored it's boles.   The tree is circled by Grugach warriors mounted on Weald Wyverns, the defenders of the city.   Despite being a reclusive folk, the wild elves are a carefree and epicurean people, and competitions of skill are often taking place amongst the limbs of the tree. Under the rule of their leader Riluaneth Wysastra however, they are wary of outsiders. It is very rare to see other races in the branches of the city, and those that are allowed inside are often subjected to mind-wiping magic when they leave, so that they do not remember the location of the city.  

Notable Features and Buildings

The Bole of Legacy
The Bole of Legacy is a deep chamber inside the heart of the tree in which the Grugach hold their most treasured items. Part museum, part library, it contains many artefacts that were taken, or stolen, from the Antarian Federation after The Great Schism  . Much of elven history is recorded here.   Caves of Shaping
The Grugach are extremely skilled craftspeople, and it is in these huge natural caverns of wood that they ply their trade. They prefer tools that can be assembled or deconstructed at a moment's notice, often resulting in a primitive or even crude aesthetic. Even so, the wooden weapons and hide armours they create are as good as those available anywhere else.   Chieftain's Perch
Amongst the uppermost branches of the great tree sits a platform on which stand several large pavilions linked by arched, vined passages. This is the home of the tribal and city leader, Riluaneth Wysastra and her son Corym Feyberos.   Fenmarel's Nook
Near the top of the main central branch of the city is a large, open-roofed building made from living vines and branches. This is the main place of worship in the city, and is dedicated to the Lone Wolf, Fenmarel Mestarine. The building is tended by a cadre of elite Grugach warrior-druids.   Flyers' Branch
At the top of the great tree is a large open platform surrounded by stables for the Weald Wyverns that wild elf warriors ride into battle. This platform is where they leave and arrive at the city.   The Hollow of Gathering
In the centre of the great tree is a huge hollow, lit by softly glowing lamps of bioluminescent sap. Here the inhabitants meet to discuss and debate the concerns of the city. The Hollow is also used as an arena for competitions of skill.   Nost Mahtar
Nost Mahtar roughly translates to Hall of the Warrior, and it is here that the bulk of the Grugach warriors train and practice their skills. There is also a small jail here, though Grugach justice is normally swifter and more determined than most, so it is rarely used.   Sap's End
This huge tavern, set into a large bole on the side of the great tree, is a place of merriment, song, dance and drinking. The atmosphere in this tavern is raucous but not threatening, at least to other Grugach. The wild elves settle their differences by tests of skill rather than brawls.   Zocalo
Zocalo is the main entrance platform to the city. A large open area is surrounded by huge lifts and cranes that bring commodities, goods and citizens up from the forest floor. A disorganised marketplace where Grugach trade spoils from their hunts has sprung up here. It is a vibrant place of organised chaos.  

Travel Distances

All distances are approximate and via the shortest possible routes, which might not always be practical. Where a travel distance is not shown there is no connecting route possible (e.g. there is no road or waterway that links the places).

The Tree City of Ull Caelora by Leo Amaral

Founding Date
ca. 5680 AtD
Alternative Name(s)
The Tree, The Great Tree, Caelora
ca. 3,000
Location under

Cover image: Location Header 32 by Rushi Swarge


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