Grugach Species in The Azure Sea | World Anvil


The grugach, or wild elves, have keen senses and intuition, and their fleet feet carry them quickly and stealthily through their native forests.   Grugach are reclusive and distrusting of others. They tend toward chaos and neutrality.   They feel no special duty to anyone beyond their own folk and the forest that is their home. Troubles beyond their borders are best kept there.   If anyone is fool enough to disturb a grugach realm, these Elves take to arms and fight in earnest. Grugach master the basic weapons needed to hunt and forage in the wood. Every copse of trees becomes a sniper’s nest, and each forest meadow is an ambush point. The grugach set pits filled with stakes, snares that leave an intruder helpless to grugach arrows, and other snares designed to kill rather than capture.   Their skin tends to be copperish in hue, sometimes with traces of green. Their hair tends toward browns and blacks, but it is occasionally blond or copper-coloured. Their eyes are green, brown, or hazel.   Player character grugach have the features detailed opposite in addition to the ones they get from being Elves.

Grugach around the Azure Sea

Grugach shun contact with other folk, preferring the solace of the deepest forests and the companionship of wild animals. Even other elves draw their suspicion.   Ever since the Great Schism the grugach have retreated into the depths of the Fearwyd Weald, and are rarely seen. Rumours abound about what they are doing there, but no-one knows for sure.   Some say that it was the grugach who caused the Great Schism of the Elves, and that they were cast out for some terrible crime. Whatever the truth, their leader Riluaneth Wysastra lead them away from Antaros to find a new home in the wilds.

Grugach by Unknown

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Ability Score Increase +1 Str
Size Medium
Speed 35 ft.

Grugach Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the spear, shortbow, longbow, and net.   Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from the druid spell list. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.   Languages. Unlike other elves, you don’t speak, read, or write Common. You instead speak, read, and write Sylvan.  

Cover image: Races of the Azure Sea by Tyler Jacobson


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