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Playable Species of Totania

This is a noncomprehensive list of all playable species in Totania, a diverse array of people that can be used by Players and GMs alike, though GMs also have access to the species that are otherwise listed as not playable at the bottom.  
Freya Colad by RovaRed
In the world of Totania, there are many species to choose from. Below is a list. If not playing in Totania, feel free to disregard or read at your own will.
  • Humans- The basis for all other species, Humans are the thing the Gods fear most. They are a species descended from apes, and therefore share many qualities with their monkey brethren.   More than that, all Gods have forms that resemble Humans, and Humans are said to have the greatest willpower among all species, making them feared by all.   There are many nationalities, and ethnicities of Human that have been assigned to them.
    • Nerodilian- The residents of the Kingdom of Man, a diverse ethnicity that is what most consider the "standard" Human, though no such standard exists aside from that perpetuated by the Kingdom of Man itself.   Their culture is much more integrated in with surrounding cultures like Elves and Dwarves.
    • Shafaian- Living in the southern jungle continent of Shafai, Shafaians have a culture that deeply respects nature above all else.
    • Jihdi- From the eastern Jihdi Empire, the Jihdi people are culturally more reserved and not as open to outsiders. Their culture focuses on strength and keeping a calm, measured approach.
      Nalrik Tilrak by Jarhed
    • Alzirgan- From the city state of Alzirgos, Alzirgans are exposed to cultures from all over the world and end up with a richer, more open perspective on most of the world than other Humans.   Their culture emphasizes the place of Humans amidst the world rather than in any opposition to it, as well as an open-minded nature in regards to all things.
  • Draconians- A species of Dragonlike humanoids, Draconians are said to be some of the greatest mages in Totania due to their ties to Dragons granting them potent magic.   They have scales, sometimes wings, and are incredibly powerful individuals on average. Few Draconians do not wield magic.
    • Arux- Draconians that reside or originate from the Draconian Villages such as Ealla, Tamd, or Bortan, with non-metallic scales, created by the Goddess Helle.   Each village has its own rich culture, ideals, teachings, and magical techniques, and each color of Draconian comes with their own unique abilities.
      • Red- Often wielding fire magic, almost all have fire breath.
        Oraakil Mardaar by fyrcracker
      • Blue- Varied in magic, often with ice or lightning magic and breath.
      • Green- Often with poisonous breath and various affinities of magic, most commonly earth.
      • White- Wielders of ice magic and breath alike.
      • Black- Carrying an acidic breath and all kinds of magic, like dark or earth.
      • Orange- Similar to Red Draconians, with fire breath and often fire magic.
      • Yellow- Many types of magic, and breath of light.
      • Brown- With earth magic and breath that spews out rocks.
      • Purple- A rare genetic mutation, no Draconian of purple scales had purple parents, but instead their scales came out purple as a blessing (or curse). They have varied magical affinities and no magical breath, though they are said to pick up the Ancient Draconic language more easily.
    • Verthica- Created by Helle's twin brother, Phrixus, the Verthica Draconians abandoned their creator to pursue all forms of knowledge.   Residing atop the Celestial Palace, the Verthica Draconians are scholars, often with metallic scales.  
      Captain Avant by genuinetrickster
      They are isolated from the rest of the world, and those playing as them would need a reason to travel from the Celestial Palace, either on a journey or abandoning their home.
  • Elves- A species of humanoid folk with pointy ears and high magic capacities granted to them via a blessing that allowed them to stand equal to the physical prowess of Orcs in their own way.   They are associated with royalty and lavish lifestyles, but there are more types of Elves than just the traditional view of them (High Elves).
    • High- High Elves come from the gilded city of Camor, which is made entirely of gold.   Many High Elves, particularly those of noble or royal status, are known to have massive egos. However, to say all High Elves have an ego, are rich, or are incredibly smart, powerful, and cunning is not true.   Elves, like all people, are diverse in skin tone, wealth, ego, power, and intellect, and High Elves are no different.
    • Wood- Wood Elves come from the Elven Forest. Their culture centers around survival in nature, hunting, and living without many luxuries.   Their society was founded by High Elven runaways as a direct response to the lavish lifestyle of High Elves and in opposition to it, though eventually they were subjugated by the High Elves and now follow the same monarchy.
    • Dark- Other former High Elves, Dark Elves fled Camor and ended up in a cave alongside the teleporting rose known as the Stemine.   Ever since then, their culture has revolved around the Stemine, as well as isolating themselves from High Elven influence in their cave.
    Dhurnas Blackmane by AnthraxSurprise
  • Dwarves- A species of small humanoids that, in many ways, resemble humans. Dwarves are short and stout, often slightly wider than humans, with tougher bones.   The most notable feature on all Dwarves are their beards, no matter the gender, all Dwarves grow beards. Anyone without a beard is considered a child, and only when ones beard has grown in are they fully accepted as an adult.   Beard styles are shared among families or by partners.   Dwarven culture centers around such beards, as well as the importance of family and community to their lives.   Something else that is incredibly important to them is the art of smithing. Dwarves are said to be some of the greatest blacksmiths in the world, creating the highest quality weapons, armor, and other metalworks.
    • Mountain- Dwarves that live on and around mountaintops, in cities, towns, and other settlements carved from the mountains.   Mountain Dwarves are the natural enemy of Elves, both of High and Wood varieties, and are often in opposition to them.
    • Cave- Dwarves that have abandoned the surface to live in the caves alongside the Dark Elves and Cave Gnomes. They, like other Dwarves, do not get along well with their fellow Elves on the regular, but they are able to live together.
    Sinner Caerxan by Jarhed
  • Korvians- A species of birdlike humanoids, often flightless, but gifted with powerful and absurd abilities only allowed to them. Abilities inherent to their very soul and willpower.   Korvians are a people that admire power above all else, and so those with powerful abilities are given a higher standing in society and those without power are considered "poor" and therefore are looked down upon in Korvian society.   Korvians also have a disdain for Orcs, and the two peoples are often at odds with each other due to their differing definitions of power and the Korvian insistence to keep Orcs from taking their place as the most powerful in their continent of Udai.   Korvian culture is all about making the most of short times, as Korvians only live to be around 20 years old and must make the most of their lives. They reach maturity at the age of 2, a rapid process considered odd all around the world.
    • Avians- Much like Korvians, Avians are birdfolk. They are oppressed by the Korvians, but there is no true difference between the two.   Once there may have been, and while most Avians can fly naturally, there are many Korvians that now have gained the ability to do so, meaning the only difference is one is more accepted than the other.
    Expressive Mastema by Jarhed
  • Devils- The residents of Hell, Devils are horned folk with hooved feet, colorful skin, and pointed tails.   Their culture embraces the importance and value of money, with their main currency being the buying, selling, and trading of Souls.   They are common to see interfering around Totania, as they profit off of chaos around Totania and many enjoy causing mischief.   Until the year 560, there was no permanent settlement for Devils. After the year 560, they became a much more common sight on the surface, becoming residents of the plane much like all other sapient species.   Devils, like Korvians, have special abilities unique only to them: Area Devil Abilities.   Area Devil Abilities are gained by claiming land in Hell of any size, which then grants an ability that emphasizes the personality and ideals of the user.   While anyone in Hell can gain this type of ability, Devils have an innate desire to gain an Area Devil Ability, as it becomes their greatest pillar of support.
  • Orcs- A species of large, green humanoids, Orcs have an innate strength that they can tap into. This strength comes from the magic source in their bodies, which powers their muscles.  
    Amukk God Breaker by Jarhed
    Due to this, few Orcs are able to use magic, as their bodies are wired to make them stronger physically instead of magically.   This is not to say Orcs are unable to use magic, as there have been many great Orcish mages, but it is rare to see.   Orcish culture places much emphasis on strength, in a similar yet opposite way to Korvians. Orcs respect and grant honors onto those who are strong.   Many push the narrative that Orcs are, in some way, barbaric for their emphasis on strength and use of violence, but this is a false narrative pushed by Korvians to make Orcs seem lesser to them. Most nations use violence, Orcs are no different from them in that sense.   Orcs are also parallels to Elves in many ways, as Elves were made to be mirrors to Orcs. For this, Elves also hate Orcs and push narratives demonizing them.   Orcs, generally, pay little mind to how others view them. Outside opinions do not matter for the simple reason that it is a weak mindset to make lies about others, and the Orcs only respect strength. Therefore, they do not respect these lies.
  • Goblins- A species of small, green humanoids that once had a sprawling empire, but after their defeat at the hands of the Humans, they retreated to caves all across Elone, forming different nations and cultures.
    Jibral by Jarhed
      There are, still, shared aspects of culture amongst them. A language, a cuisine, and a foundation of culture from which all others have sprung off from.
    • Votarran- Residents of Votarra Den, the Votarrans follow a generally peaceful matriarchy that is allied with and subjugated by the Dwarven people.   While sometimes they are known for causing trouble, it is mostly trouble for Elves that the Dwarves send Votarran Goblins to meddle with.
    • Nationalist- The remnants of Goblins that still live in the lands stolen from them by Humans, particularly in the caves under cities like Nerodil.   Goblin Nationalists have a general desire to bring back the sprawling empire that the Goblins once had claimed from the remnants of the Giant Kingdom, therefore refusing to abandon their old lands.
    • Alzirgan- Goblins that hail from the city state of Alzirgos, having been the first to reside there. They welcomed Human settlers and opened the doors to the open-minded culture of Alzirgos that they share with Alzirgan humans.   While not cultural or political centers of the city as they once were, they are the only Goblins to truly hold onto any fragment of the dominance they once had in the world.
      Ishii Daisuke by Jarhed
    • Ocultos- Residing deep within the Mines of the Slime, Ocultos Goblins are more superstitious than their surface counterparts, and wary of outsiders.   They often lash out at intruders, which give them a violent reputation, but this is due to having been led away from most civilization after defeat at the hands of the Humans.
    • Hobgoblins- Hobgoblins are no different from normal Goblins in most ways, and are spread out culturally among all the other Goblins. What differentiates them, however, is height. Goblins are short, Hobgbolins are tall.
  • Kamejin- A species of turtle-like humanoids, Kamejin are very isolationist, residing in a nation amidst an archipelago, shut off from most of the world. Some may even say they do not like to come out of their shells.   They have developed a rich culture independent from most of the world, with many famous parts of it including the samurai, ninjas, and their cullinary expertise (as their Abral Empire is the home of the culinary academy).   Not all Kamejin are Chefs, Samurai, or Ninjas, but these are certainly some of the most prominent among them, and the most likely to ever travel outside of the Abrals.   Most Kamejin are unable to produce magic, therefore favoring martial combat, which is the reason for the Samurai generally being on par with mages in terms of strength.
  • Gnomes- A species of small humanoids with a culture that emphasizes art and creation, they are famous for their bards and enchanted creations.   Most Gnomes live in the Uncharted Desert, but there are many Gnomes spread out all around the world.
  • Nifi Bada by Jarhed
    • Secci- The Gnomes most are familiar with, these are those that live on the outskirts of the desert, closer to civilization, in cities like Lebalos.   Due to their proximity to civilization, most Gnomes that go out into the world are Secci Gnomes.   Secci Gnomes put high value on intelligence, their culture centered around an endless quest for knowledge of all things the world has to offer. Due to this, Secci Gnomes are generally friendly, often so they can learn things that others from different backgrounds would know.
    • Detser- Gnomes that come from deeper within the desert, their culture is more mysterious as few are able to reach them.   What is known is that they emphasize skill over knowledge, how one is able to use what they know rather than simply what they know.
    • Cave- The only Gnomes to not have their majority population in the desert, Cave Gnomes live alongside Dark Elves and Cave Dwarves.   While they share a generally playful cultural center as other Gnomes, their ideas of where the line for tricks and jokes are is different due to proximity and exposure to Dark Elven and Cave Dwarven culture.  
      Eagvek Lonefriend Jalor by Jarhed
      Like Cave Dwarves and Dark Elves, Cave Gnomes have grey skin thanks to the Stemine.   Detser Gnomes are said to have some of the greatest users of divination, as their culture has grown dependent on prophecy.
  • Emetians- A species of large, stone humanoids that also reside in the Uncharted Desert.   Emetians are also grey, but not due to any radiation or mutation, but because their skin is truly stone. Due to this, it is difficult to pierce an Emetian, and some are even able to toughen it to become what has been called "Emetian Unbreakable Skin."   Emetians have middle names that describe their character, assigned to them by leaders of their particular villages, such as Lonefriend.   The most detested title is Worldbreaker.   Emetian men travel out to different villages in search of a mate, and those that are straight fight against women in search of one. When the woman defeats them, they settle down, and often it takes one or two battles.   Those men that defeat everyone they cross paths with are given the title of Worldbreaker, forced to roam the desert forever with no home because they are too strong to live with others.
  • Halflings- A species of smaller humanoids, Halflings resemble humans more than Gnomes do. While Gnomes are often thin and particularly short, Halflings stand in the middle of the two.   They do not have a civilization of their own, but instead reside largely in the city of Stallbourne, with strong ties to the governing body of that city, the World Court.
    Count Weird by RovaRed
      Halflings are particularly known for their inventive nature and crazy creations.
  • Mammen- A species of elephant-like humanoids, Mammen are descended from ancient mammoths and are one of the few humanoid, sapient species to fully evolve into their present forms.   Mammen were, for a time, seafaring nomads, with no permanent settlements. Eventually, they settled in the peninsula city of Ruzrugh, forming a culture centered around trade based on their prior culture of taming the seas.   Their culture is deeply focused on money and trade, having deep ties to the Devils but also to the idea of constantly being in a state of change and transition.
  • Jinn- The children of Genies and non-Genies, with inherent magical properties because they are born of the element their Genie parent gains power from.   Jinn can, if they learn the power, grant 3 wishes in their lifetime. No more, no less.
    • Fire- Born of Genies from the Fire Plane, Fire Jinn are made of fire itself. They are known to be more bold due to the way they are generally raised.
      Ogonn Ha by RovaRed
    • Wind- Born of Genies from the Air Plane, Wind Jinn are semi-incorporeal due to being partially made of wind. However, they often grow overconfident, and many Wind Jinn are said to die young due to this.
    • Water- Born of Genies from the Water Plane, Water Jinn are able to unform and reform, much like Slimes. They are generally raised to be more easy-going.
    • Earth- Born of Genies from the Earth Plane, Earth Jinn are said to be tougher than most. They may be plants or rocks, and both come with different upbringings and cultures.
    • Lightning- Born of Genies from the Lightning Plane, Lightning Jinn are made of lightning and therefore tend to think quicker than most others.
    • Ice- Born of Genies from the Ice Plane, Ice Jinn are in more danger than most others due to the weaknesses of ice, particularly heat. Due to this, they are generally more cautious.
    • Light- Born of Genies from the Light Plane, Light Jinn are bright individuals that many are drawn to. Therefore, most become prominent public figures.
    • Dark- Born of Genies from the Dark Plane, Dark Jinn stick to the shadows, considered dangerous even if they have done nothing because of how easily they can hide from others.
  • Tainuki- A species of Racoon Dog-like humanoids, Tainuki were the original residents of the Abral Islands that the Kamejin took over, and live amidst them, in isolation and in smaller settlements, not having a government of their own but instead being represented in the Kamejin empire.
  • Aaldir by Jarhed
  • Nephilim- A species of humanoids descended from the Heavens, Nephilim are also called fallen angels due to often having angelic parents and wings.   Most Nephilim are larger than any mortal parents they would have, being considered by some as "Mini Giants" or "Small Gods." After all, the divine forces, be they Gods, Angels, or anything else, are larger than mortals, so this passes down to the larger Nephilim.   Generally, most end up in many ways resembling Humans more than anything else, even if their parentage is a less human species like Korvian or Minotaur. Some believe this is due to the root of Gods being humanity itself, but this is a radical theory.   Some hold the faith of the God they descend from, but others do not, abandoning their faith and parentage.
  • Changelings- A species of shapeshifting folk, said to be enchanted by Fairies. Some call this a curse while others call it a blessing.   They are able to change their faces, bodies, and voices to suit any identity they please. This happens by manipulating their bodies to grow and shift, often changing skin colors via growing a new layer of skin over the previous, which absorbs the old one.   At higher levels of self-understanding, Changelings can even heal themselves by regrowing damaged parts of their bodies, and can shift their bodies around points of attack to dodge actually getting injured at all.  
    g'Doobh by AnthraxSurprise
    Many people around the world fear Changelings, since they have distrust in others and think that Changelings could then be anywhere.   However, the idea that all Changelings want to manipualte things and trick people in secret is fearmongering. No group of people are united in such a goal, and most Changelings shapeshift to be more accepted and live normal lives.
  • Anurans- A species of small, froglike humanoids, Anurans have skin that absorbs many things, including water and poison, granting them resistance to many poisons and even the ability to secrete it themselves.   They reside in communes within the swamps on the western edge of Udai, with the greatest distinctions between them coming from where in the swamps they reside.
    • Trent- Anurans that live in the trees of the swamp, in homes made of branches.   These homes are mobile and are often carried around to different locations in different trees. Due to this, Trent Anurans are more familiar with travel, and most Anurans seen outside of the swamps are Trent Anurans.
    • Lilith- Anurans that live in the waters of the swamp, as well as in lily pad homes. They are a more focused and gentle community, sharing much with their neighbors, who they attempt to stay in good standing with as much as possible to foster stronger communities.  
      Nolos Davanzath by fyrcracker
      They are less likely to go outside of the Swamps due to the fact that they do not live on the surface at home and are not prone to wanting to do so outside of the swamps.
  • Nereids- A species of aquatic humanoids, with blue skin, gills, and other features that grant them an easier time living in the ocean. They are the rulers of the sea, and most aquatic settlements are led by Nereids.   While they live in the sea, most Nereids have an innate desire to settle on the land. There has never been a successful attempt that has lasted more than a hundred years, yet still Nereids try to settle on dry land.
    • Northern- The most populous Nereid people, Northern Nereids come from the Northern Sea.   For a time, there was one, united, Northern Nereid Kingdom in this sea where all Northern Nereids came from, but after the 560s, this split off into various Petty Kingdoms such as the Petty Kingdom of Salinia.   Northern Nereids are prone to traveling, as they are more accepting of surface folk than their Southern counterparts, and consider the ocean a place for everyone rather than just themselves.
    • Southern- The point of origin for all Nereids, the Great Sea in the southern half of the world houses the Southern Nereids, a nation that is more violent to those that enter their waters, as they are protective and seek to not be attacked by others.   Due to this, they lash out first, thinking it better to strike than to be struck.  
      Aleela by Jarhed
      Most Southern Nereids are more wary of the outside, and when they leave their Kingdom, they are more prepared to fight than they are actually meet outsiders.
    • Eastern- Eastern Nereids traveled east in search of land, and while they are the only ones to build a permanent settlement in Deepwater, they are unable to live there long term, and instead live around the Abral Archipelago.   Eastern Nereids are some of the greatest threats to the otherwise unstoppable Kamejin navy, attacking them from underneath, where the Kamejin cannot see them.   Like most people from the east, Eastern Nereids do not travel west very often, as there are enough troubles to keep them occupied in the east.
  • Fairies- A species of small, winged humanoids that resemble humans in many ways other than their wings and size.   Fairies live amidst nature, in small homes that hang in trees or are carved from them, and study magic with great dedication to aid their lives, nation, and the nature that surrounds them.   They reside in the continent of Shafai, and can be found mostly around the tree known as Yggdrasil.
    Oculus by RovaRed
  • World Forged- The first inorganic humanoid species in Totania, the World Forged are robotic creations of the World Court made from the Fuccium metal and powered by Thorasite crystals.   World Forged, at first, did not have free will. They were subjugated to the will of the Judges of the World Court, and ultimately many still do serve them, but they were freed and given free will thanks to the actions of revolutionaries.   Since then, while it is not common to see many of them, it is not strange to come across World Forged living around Totania.   They have tough skin, and while they cannot use magic, they have lasers that come from the crystals on their foreheads, and many were built with special abilities.
  • Merfolk- A species of humanoid fishfolk with human-like upper halves and fish-like lower halves.   They live in Nereid cities, not having governments of their own, and not seeking them. They often cannot go on land unless accomodations are made for them, and those accomodations can only be made if a water mage is present.   There are many Merfolk who seek better accomodations, as they wish to see the surface, and some make those accomodations for themselves.  
    Getoh by Jarhed
    The will to see the world has created some of the most prominent Merfolk in history, and it still carries many Merfolk to push past the sea and towards the surface.
  • Teleosts- A species of fishfolk, unlike merfolk or Nereids they are truly humanoid fish, with the features of aquatic creatures.   They do not leave the sea much, as they cannot breathe air, but given helmets and other magical advancements, it may be possible for them to reach the surface.
  • Lizardfolk- A species of reptilian humanoids that reside in the western reaches of Udai, around the same swamp as the Anurans.   Lizardfolk are known for their resilience. The Lizardfolk cities are under constant threat from all sides, and still Lizardfolk push on and continue to live in the most dangerous place in the world.   There is a cultural desire among the Lizardfolk to find a solution to their troubles, either a source of immortality or a power that could hold back any threat to their lives and nation.   This is often the call to adventure for most Lizardfolk, seeking a power to slay a Dragon or to keep them from dying. While often unsuccessful, some Lizardfolk have found solutions for themselves. This spurs more to continue the (usually) fruitless quest.
    Tsar Sackerton by Jarhed
  • Mishans- A species of humanoid bearfolk, the major ruling people of the northern arctic land of Moroza.   Mishans adapted to harsh, cold surroundings, and came out with a culture that emphasizes conquest and survival above all else.   For most of history, it was rare to see Mishans around. They stayed in Moroza, and few people explored the frosty continent.   The Mishans sent expeditions and, eventually, all Morozans became more comfortable traveling away from home, though few still have the guts to travel to Moroza to see them.
  • Fenns- A species of humanoid foxfolk, Fenns are another of the Morozan peoples that were unknown to the wider world for much of history.   They were mostly great allies to Mishans, as the Mishans were more powerful and populous than the Fenns, but eventually Mishans turned on Fenns and many Fenns were forced to fend for themselves.   They are often fast and sneaky creatures, compared to other more brutish Morozans that they are often pitted against for survival.
  • Wolfmen- A humanoid species of wolffolk, and the final of the three major Morozan species.   Wolfmen do not have a united government, but are instead divided into packs led by Pack Leaders, the greatest hunters that can unite together a group of Wolfmen to provide for their packs.  
    Ha Kyung by Jarhed
    While they are called Wolfmen, there are females in their species. However, the Wolfmen have no distinction for them. In their language, it is not a gendered term, and so they see no reason to make it so by calling females of their species Wolfwomen as some outsiders have tried to do.
  • Ophidians- A species of snakelike humanoids, Ophidians are known for having a violent culture. They are most famous to people that have never visited their nation for invading neighbors not to conquer, but simply to find greater battles.   Their culture focuses heavily on strength, and therefore they look down on those who are weak and often try to make them stronger whether they want it or not. They do this, of course, by fighting anyone they come across.   The capital city of the Ophidians, Bang Kruthiwat, is always on fire. This is said by them to represent their eternal burning will to fight and grow stronger. Any other attempts at building an Ophidian settlement has resulted in its destruction at the hands of other Ophidians.   Ophidians almost never have magic, unless they are able to get their hands on Item Magic. Some believe that this is due to a similar quirk as Orcs, but little study has gone into this question.
  • Crocutions- A species that are not dissimilar to Wolfmen in most ways, as they are canine, but they are not just any type of dog. They are hyenalike humanoids, known for a fearsome laugh and vicious cultural practices.   Crocutions can have magic, but it is frowned upon in their society. Mages are often hunted and killed, as they are seen as a threat that the Crocutions do not want to deal with.  
    Remnant of History by Jarhed
    They are one of many Beastmen species that can be found on the Key of Beasts, a large island off the southern coast of Udai, where they are constantly embroiled in battles against the Felids and Minotaurs.   Crocutions usually live in open plains, better for them to hunt in.
  • Felids- A species of Beastmen that also reside on the Key of Beasts, Felids are catlike humanoids of all sorts.   They are less outwardly violent than Crocutions, but this does not mean they are any less brutal to their enemies. This is often because of escalated tensions and pushing back against Crocution brutality.   Felids are more attuned to nature and live in forests, some say driven there by Crocutions while others say they decided to move there on their own.
  • Minotaurs- A Beastman species that also resides on the Key of Beasts, Minotaurs are bull-like humanoids, sharing many similarities to all sorts of cows.   They are said to be the mediators of the Beastmen, often stopping conflicts between the Felids and Crocutions. Their place is often devoted to this, as they need to keep wars from breaking out.   The reason for this is that Minotaurs have generally low populations compared to other species. They do not reproduce as easily, and therefore are one of the least populous species in Totania.
  • Satyrs- A species of Beastmen that have rather strange features, with the legs and horns of goats being their most prominent features. Aside from that, most of their other features are reminiscent of Humans, but not to the point that they would ever be mistaken for a Human.   Satyrs reside on the Key of Beasts, often remaining outside of any conflicts and staying with nature. They have a culture that puts much emphasis on nature, music, comedy, wine, and revelry. It is always a fun time in a party of Satyrs!
    Queen of the Scarlet Mist by Jarhed
  • Centaurs- A species of Beastmen that many compare to merfolk, for they too have humanoid upper torsos, with the lower half of a horse rather than a fish.   Centaurs are mostly residents of the Key of Beasts, but they can really be found roaming anywhere from Udai to Elone.   They have no government, but a rich nomadic culture centered around hunting, racing, and other activities suited to their horse bodies.
  • Wraiths- A species of ghosts made of blood, which comes along with the red mist of the Scarlet Host that all Wraiths are made from.   While no one is born a Wraith, as all Wraiths are souls of the dead that were claimed by the Scarlet Host, many journies begin as a Wraith.   Wraiths can serve the Scarlet Host as individuals, and can even in some cases break free from the call of the Host. This is dangerous, but grants them more freedom than the Scarlet Host does, which is what many souls desire.   Some Wraiths lose memories of who they once were while others do not. Either create a diving board of infinite possibilites.   As they come from Elves initially, their culture is very Elven, taken to its extremes, with a matriarchal monarchy centered around former Elven Queen Macvara Nerifir, the Queen of the Scarlet Mist, and a strong cultural desire for immortality and eternal youth, which the blood of the Scarlet Mist grants all Wraiths.
    Dustis Drasashi by Jarhed
  • Slimes- A species of goo, which is only humanoid when it wants to be. While some take on Human appearance, they are said to instead either take no familiar form at all, or to resemble any species at all, from Goblins to Korvians to Draconians.   They come from the Mines of the Slime, where various Kingdoms of Slime can be found.
  • Fiends- A species of Demons that come from the Void itself, they are in many ways similar to Wraiths. They are not born, but instead made from the dead.   They are shadows of Souls claimed by Demons, either by the Demons themselves or by powers that Demons have latched onto like Death Magic or Demon Magic.   Their skin is dark, almost impossibly so, but it is still fleshy. Their bodies can be shaped however they please in the Void, but outside of the Void they are limited to that form.   Rarely do they travel on the surface, but it is not impossible to find one around.
This is by no means a full list, as there are more than just the standard species. Of course, one can also play as the child of two different species, like a Half-Elf or Half-Orc, and this is the most common deviation from the list above.
Fiend by RovaRed
  For the sake of brevity, most will largely be ignored in the list below, with small descriptions given for the seven most prominent:
  • Elf-Orcs- Elves and Orcs were made from the same idea, and therefore share many similarities. Children between them, therefore, do not end up much different from their parents.   They will either carry the green skin of their Orcish parent or the human-toned skin of their Elven parents, the pointed ears of Elves, the tusks of Orcs, and often are able to use the magical strength of Orcs and the magic commonly associated with Elves.
  • Elf-Dwarves- Children of Elves and Dwarves, Elf-Dwarves are rare simply due to the animosity between these two species. Therefore, Elves and Dwarves that get together often go into hiding, and their children tend to hide the features of one or the other parent that they inherit from, making it difficult to accurately speak for all Elf-Dwarves.   However, they are prone to growing facial hair like Dwarves no matter their gender, have pointed Elven ears, and can range from the short height of a Dwarf to the taller end of Elven heights.
  • Devil-Dragons- Children of Devils and Draconians, this child comes out often with colorful, even potentially rainbow skin similar to their parents. They often have scaley skin, not fully smooth like Devils nor fully covered in scales like Draconians. They have Devil horns, Devil faces, and mostly Devilish features, but can breathe out an element like Draconians.
    Lorakaen Shinebright by Yumedatchi
  • Half-Elves- Children of Humans and Elves, Half-Elves are some of the most discriminated against people in Totania due to the mindset Elves have that they are superior to those around them and too good for those of mixed parentage, as well as Humans often being distrusting of Elves, and Dwarves outright hating both Elves and Humans.   Half-Elves that are protected and kept safe often end up working hard to find a place in the world, becoming some of the most prominent figures in history despite the hatred directed towards them.   Many have worked to attempt to end discrimination of Half-Elves, and while it has not ended fully, each one makes leaps and bounds of progress towards making future generations of Half-Elves more accepted.
  • Half-Orcs- Children of Orcs and Humans, Half-Orcs are generally accepted, unlike most other children of two species. Orcs generally just see them as Orcs, and just work hard to teach them their culture.
  • Half-Dwarves- Children of Humans and Dwarves, they mostly resemble Dwarves, but there is one thing to differentiate them. Half-Dwarves cannot grow beards, and some believe this is due to a hatred that Hadur, the Dwarven God, has for Humans.
  • Half-Devils- Children of Humans and Devils, Half-Devils have splotchy skin, half of it the tone of their Human parent, the other half the colorful skin of their Devil parent. They have Devilish hoofs, horns, and the magic of Devils. The human side only seems to poke through, as if attempting to break through a curse.   However, they are not a curse. None of these children of two species are a curse, for it is never a curse to love, and the product of love is not a curse either.
Pithian by Jarhed
The reason that half-humans are not called Human and the other species is for two reasons, both stemming from the same explanation. The Gods were the ones to first name these species, and therefore they had biases that skewed towards Humanity being a global default.   In truth, all species came from Humans, meaning that Human is something that is common between all species, thus why it is considered the default half of a Half-Elf or Half-Orc, for instance.  
There are some species, as well, that are not playable unless the GM determines it is allowed in the story they are telling.   These include the Pithians, which are still primitive and therefore have not the mental capacity for a player to control them, as well as Giants, who are far too large to fit in most places that players would need to go.   Finally, there are the Zavese, a hive mind species of blue folk that have achieved a level above all other sapient creatures. This would grant little roleplay potential to players, and would require immense knowledge and expertise to make interesting as an individual within the hive mind.

Cover image: by Ogio


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