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Temple of Phrixus

The Temple of Phrixus is the secondary religion of the Draconian people, worshipped most by the people of Bortan. It is centralized in the Northern Islands at the center of the Northern Sea above Elone, worship was banned by the World Court in the year 550. The major domains are Justice, Nobility, Honor, Protection, and Metallic Dragons.  

The Hall of the Just

Phrixus's Temple was once a large, beautiful building of intricate baroque design, with grand architecture of high domes adorned with the paintings of the just followers of Phrixus painted on its interior.
For an idea of what the temple looked like, see the image to the right.   It had a great hall with a bedroom for its priests, a room for confessions, and a great altar where Phrixus would appear.   Surrounding this altar, there are tokens of the great saints of Phrixus, including Fepar Tilrak's sword and Velthen Saseth's cape.   Along the exterior of the temple, there are statues of many of these Draconian heroes who followed Phrixus, each carved out by the Head Priest at the time of their death. These heroes, in particular, are those who were sainted.  


These saint with statues at the temple include, but are not limited to:
  • Kath the Eternal- The first living being on Totania, the Golden Dragon Lord created by Phrixus.
  • Wrakris the Orange- Founder of Bortan
  • Lalraan Tilrak- The first Draconian follower of Phrixus, who helped introduce his god to the people of Bortan.
  • Impak Daxur- Successor of Lalraan, who defended Bortan from Dwarven invasion, being the first Bortanian to unlock magic, and became the saint exemplifying Phrixus's protection.
  • Kilprax Ildial- First Grand Wizard who united all the Draconian people.
  • Cruldor Daxur- First Valedictorian of the Magic College and war hero from the Draco-Elvish War.
  • Grand Wizard Salasar Feaphed by Jarhed
  • Perzita Theldrar- The 7th Grand Wizard, said to be the greatest combatant in history, and the final truly "Grand" of the Grand Wizards.
  • Velthen Saseth- One of the Divine Heroes who saved Nerodil.
  • Salasar Feaphed- The Demi-God son of Phrixus and 64th Grand Wizard who reinstated the title to global prominence, leader of the Mage Trio.
  • Fepar Tilrak- The Guardian of Peace, founder of the Army of the Revolution, and member of the Mage Trio.
  • Melthrum- Converted follower of Hadur, Dwarven General of the Orange Phoenixes, and member of the Mage Trio.
  • Nalrik Tilrak- Was unable to be sainted before the destruction of the Temple, some believe Nalrik has achieved sainthood, others say he is not yet there.

Destruction and Ruin

In the year 550, the World Court outlawed Phrixus worship, citing his "justice" as the cause of strife, and declaring that with the death of his Temple, "true justice" would be carried out. The Head Priest of the Temple of Tiamat, Vornush Wrakris, led the Chromatic Dragon Lords to the Temple and destroyed it, despite the efforts of the three defenders: Kath the Eternal, Nalrik Tilrak, and Vodron Susk.   Ever since, the structure has lied in ruin, still present in pieces, but with much of it broken apart or reduced to ash. One can still find the foundation, as well as the base of the walls. The altar remained intact, and many of the treasures of the saints were stored beneath the temple before its destruction. One statue is known to have remained intact and fully standing: Impak Daxur, a protective force that still guards even the ruins.  

Origins of the Church

Phrixus was the first God to create a living creature, making the Golden Dragon Lord Kath the Eternal. Kath, then, in honor of Phrixus built the beginnings of the Temple, though later renditions were made by Kath's brothers and future Head Priests.
Phrixus by Jarhed

Phrixus and Helle: Twin Gods

Phrixus has an immortal enemy who opposes his Church, this being his very own twin sister Helle, the Goddess of Greed, Envy, Draconians, and Chromatic Dragons. An opposite to the Justice, Nobility, Protection, and Metallic Dragons Phrixus in every way possible.   Phrixus dislikes Helle's methods, saying that they are evil and exploitative of her own people. He wishes to help her people see the light and that his sister only intends for their destruction. Yet he still loves his sister, as she is the only family that he has, so he refuses to ever directly engage in battle with her.   Instead, Phrixus tries to change the beliefs of other Draconians so that they believe in him and follow his religion, believing that they'll be better off under his supervision. He had his greatest and first follower, Kath the Eternal convert some of Draconian territory, though ultimately only the Village of Bortan converted to Phrixus's faith.   Helle, however, preaches that Phrixus's religion is a sham that is trying to steal her work, though in truth she is always wanting everything that Phrixus has. After all, she is the Goddess of Greed and Envy.   Whether she has any love for her brother or not is unknown. Most Draconians say that if she did not, she would have never let him live as long as she has, while others say that Phrixus is exponentially stronger than Helle and that she could never take him on even if she tried. Ultimately, Helle challenges her brother with his known weakness: Challenges of the Mind.
Helle by Jarhed
Kath himself flew to the South, making a nest in the area north of the Peak of the World and Bay of Wonder, in a land that would become Zephys. Here, he built the Magic College, waiting until after Bortan was founded to act on Phrixus's will.  

Initial Spread and the War of Creation

When Wrakris the Orange, the first Village Chief of Bortan, passed away, Kath flew to Bortan and met with Lalraan Tilrak. Here, Kath told Lalraan and others in Bortan of Phrixus, of whom many of its population began to believe in. Kath wanted to stop the spread of their creator's religion, the sister of Phrixus: Helle, the Goddess of Greed and Envy.  
Kilprax Ildial by Jarhed
This caused trouble with Helle's followers, and Lalraan and his followers of Phrixus fought against the followers of Helle, led by Talriad Nimphonker. They declared war on Lalraan, which became known as the War of Creation. Ultimately, the Phrixus followers won and Bortan became the central hub of Phrixus worship, for there were no people living around Phrixus's temple.  


Bortan, led by Talxeth Ravofarn, helped to found a second Draconian village on the edge of Dwarven territory, known as Zeldarr. This, too, was meant to spread Phrixus's word. However, Zeldarr was taken by the Dwarves and has remained in their hands as Ebreichzell, largely following Hadur instead of Phrixus.  

The Grand Wizard

Kilprax Ildial would eventually find Kath's Magic College, where he studied under the Gold Dragon Lord for over 1000 years. Here, he grew to be the most powerful mortal, pretending to follow Phrixus.   He revealed himself in -797 to the Draconian people, uniting all of their villages together under his banner. For the first time, followers of Phrixus and Helle worked together, albeit begrudingly.   A Phrixus follower, Cruldor Daxur, was the first Valedictorian, and fought for Bortan in the Draco-Elvish War. He prayed to Phrixus before every battle, which led to many saying that is the best way to get Phrixus's blessing of protection. Cruldor also prayed because he considered it not right to work so closely with Helle followers, including later in the war riding atop Helle's most powerful son, the Red Dragon Lord Zome, Lord of Red.  


Kilprax had also founded another village of mixed religion: Yirthum. A place meant to house both Phrixus and Helle worshippers. However, after losing the war, the Elves took it over and made it largely filled with followers of Selene. There are, however, still Phrixus and Helle followers who live there, albeit persecuted by the Elves.  

The Divine Heroes

Velthen Saseth went to Nerodil in the year 20 to try and spread Phrixus's faith to the Humans who had recently settled there. As he was there, he joined up with a group of other priests and holy figures, becoming the Divine Heroes. Even with some of their religions not getting along well, the Divine Heroes worked together, saving not only Nerodil, but the entire world.   The Divine Heroes consisted of figures such as:
  • Velthen Saseth- Priest of Phrixus
  • Tankean Nimphonker- Follower of Helle
  • Dhurnas Blackmane- Priest of Hadur
  • Amara- Priestess of Selene
  • Ishii Daisuke- Priest of Erra
  • Entropy- Priest of Janus
  • Mash- Priest of Irkalla


In the year 550, Judge Alpha of the World Court decreed what had been decided upon by the rest of the World Court: Phrixus's Justice was banned. They claimed it got in the way of their own justice, which followed the new God Amukk. Therefore, they sent the Head Priest of Helle, Vornush Wrakris, to destroy the Temple.  
Nalrik Tilrak by Jarhed
Not long before, Phrixus had put Fepar Tilrak to rest, the Guardian of Peace, with a ceremony that all of the Gods honored. After Fepar's body was buried, his son Nalrik met with Kath the Eternal outside the Temple where they protected it from the Dragon Lords and Wrakris until Nalrik was forced to flee with his friend, Vodron Susk.   Kath was thrown into the Temple, the first part of the larger destruction which was then continued after Nalrik and Vodron had fled. While the World Court did not hunt Phrixus followers, they did impose restrictions on who was allowed to worship Phrixus, trying to contain it largely to the Valley of Creation and, more specifically, Bortan. They wanted no followers of Phrixus outside of Bortan and Zephys.  


Phrixus's Holy Text, "The Scale," is not often read by his followers. After all, it is one of Phrixus's teachings that justice is blind, and to be blind means one cannot read. At least, that is an excuse many give as to why they refuse to read the book.   The text teaches of atonement for crimes, yet speaks out against killing in most circumstances. While it does not say that killing cannot be done justly, it says that there are other ways around a problem, and that death should only be the last resort.  


Justice is the core of Phrixus's teachings. He says that all sins and crimes have a punishment, for a sin is purely something that causes another to suffer. Phrixus's faith is largely about others rather than the self, preaching selflessness to combat the selfishness of his sister Helle.   "The Scales" tell that justice must be blind, that one must not have biases to carry out the true justice that all people deserve. That justice must mean that every person has someone in their corner, for one who is alone is lost. Guidance is necessary to lead to fairness, and they must teach guidance through showing the right path to justice through fairness, and that fairness is necessary for the right thing to always be carried out at all times.
Without fairness, there is no justice, and without justice, there is no fairness."
— The Scales
Phrixus is often followed by many judges and lawyers, helping them to see what is just. When they follow Phrixus, they often pray to him for justice before a trial so that they may at least believe they are carrying out his justice. Phrixus often serves as a blanket of comfort for those who damn others, so that they may at least believe they are doing what is just.   Those who do carry out Phrixus's justice are not always without fault. Some hurt others in the name of justice, or believe that their justice is the greatest and should be followed above all others. A man like this was Ikkul Ravofarn, the Chief of Bortan during the Chief Crisis, who tried to impose his justice on the world by becoming Grand Wizard and enforcing his beliefs. Yet Phrixus teaches in "The Scales" that:
"No one man's justice is correct. Not yours, not that of my priests, nor judges. Not even my justice is wholly right, even if right is holy. All justice has cracks, tiny holes where the right thing slips through. We must not try to pretend it is not there, or find a way to prevent it. We must be ever vigilant in fixing what slipped through, for it cannot be stopped. Nothing is perfect, neither man nor God. We are only the best we set out to be. As is justice."
— The Scales

Nobility and Honor

Phrixus describes in "The Scales" the idea of a noble spirit. He says that a noble spirit is one who is willing to help anyone, caring less about themselves and more about the well-being of those less-fortunate than themselves. For this, Phrixus describes the noble as above others, yet that does not mean they are better.
"A noble is above others not because they are greater in any way, but only because the best place to help others is from above."
The Scales
  Nobility fuels the great heroes, Phrixus says, as a hero is the noblest kind of warrior. One who devotes themselves to saving others, who protects all and who does not discriminate. That is the very definition of Nobility for Phrixus.   The word has been co-opted by the rich and high-status of the world, particularly the Draconians and Elves. This was done first by the Elves, who did it to stick in the face of the Draconians that they were better. They were higher up above them in status and thus the Draconians were nothing to them. Kilprax Ildial then used this to describe the high status people when he founded Zephys, drawing in Bortan with the promise of nobility from Phrixus, and drawing in others with the idea of having a higher status.   As for Honor, Phrixus teaches that honor comes from those who do not deal in dirty tricks, but instead fight with nobility and with the well-being of themselves and their opponent in mind.
"An honorable battle is one fought on even ground."
— The Scales
Phrixus describes honor with other similar words, like chivalry, bravery, and loyalty. One who is chivalrous, who approaches all situations with great courage, and who does not betray anyone, but sticks instead to a strict moral code that upholds the noble spirit is one who holds honor.  


Phrixus teaches that more important than anything is that all people are safe to live as they please, and that it is the duty of himself and those who follow him to bring that protection. Not all must bring it to themselves, for there are those who worship him so that they may have protection. For them, the person they must protect is themselves. For the stronger people, they have a duty to the weak.
"There is not a man, woman, or child who draws breath who does not deserve to sleep at night with a roof over their heads. There is not a person, animal, or plant in this world that deserves to be caught in the midst of a petty squabble or a war that they did not choose. Those people deserve protection, the poor and downtrodden who are given nothing more than nothing."
— The Scales
A shield is the symbol of Phrixus. One can find the shield of Phrixus, which is a traditional shield with a Dragon emblazened on the front, on all buildings under Phrixus's protection. This is Churches, Temples, and even stores and homes owned by those who worship Phrixus. Here, one can find safety even in the most dire of circumstances, for the protection of Phrixus does not discriminate.  

The Heptad Honors

The Heptad Honors are a set of seven sacraments that one undergoes as a follower of Phrixus. Of course, not all of these honors needs to be done. In fact, only two of them are said to be necessary (Annointment and Acceptance), and even then it is not necessarily always true that one must do all four. The Heptad Honors are as follows:
  1. Annointment- One is annointed in the Church after they are born. For most, it is a light flame that they are dipped in for a moment for their annointment in ash. For Draconians, it depends on the color they are. They are annointed in the magic of their color, which they are more attuned to.
    • Red- Flames
    • Blue- Lightning
    • White- Ice
    • Black- Dark
    • Yellow- Light
    • Brown- Earth (Sand)
    • Green- Earth (Plants)
    • Purple- Water
    This is representative of one being put under the protection of Phrixus, being the first step for all towards being a follower of Phrixus. Before they take their Acceptance and after they are Annointed, they are young people who rely only on Phrixus for safety and guidance.
  3. Agreement- Agreement is an honor one must take before taking up a weapon. They are given a cookie in the shape of a shield, which is said to taste rather dry. They must eat this cookie, then taking a box of those cookies into battle. Whenever they feel they are overstepping their bounds as a follower of Phrixus, they must eat another of the cookies to remind themselves to protect above all else.
  5. Acceptance- One is accepted fully into the Temple when they reach the age of seventeen. Here, they are considered old enough to accept Phrixus as their God and accept that they must protect the people around them. They are told of their duties as followers of Phrixus, to never impose on others and to help while never expecting anything more than what they have. Followers of Phrixus know to live humbly and accept what comes from that lifestyle.   It is only after a Draconian that follows Phrixus undergoes Acceptance that they are allowed to go to the Magic College, which is why often the Draconians attending in their first year are eighteen.
  7. Testimony- Testimony is where one confesses any crimes they have done or sins they have committed. It is done before a Priest, but it is not done in secret. Instead, one is brought to a court where they confess as if they were confessing to a crime. Here, the Priest judges their sins and delivers the justice necessary, which often simply consists of absolving their sins and letting them go with a slap on the wrist to improve from that moment on.
  9. Honor of the Soldier- A rite that can be done only on the battlefield, the Honor of the Soldier is when a warrior annoints the face of their shield and the tip of their weapon in the holy oil of Phrixus, saying a prayer over it to grant protection to themselves and their allies. This can also be performed on a fallen ally, annointing their forehead on the oil to facilitate their passing in peace.
  11. Marriage- Said to be the most sacred of the honors, one binds themselves to another or multiple others (polyamory is accepted by Phrixus) in Phrixus's name. Their bond is forged in the spirit of honor and nobility, with Phrixus himself promising their love protection. Phrixus marriage ceremonies feature the best man and maid of honor giving a spear to the newlyweds after their vows, and the newlyweds throwing it onto a target. The closer to the center the spear lands, the more prosperous the union will be.
  13. Priestly Trials- Described in more detail down below, one must go through presiding over seven trials before becoming a Priest of Phrixus.
Tilthus Tilrak by Jarhed


Priests of Phrixus swear off of most possessions. They often do not read the news, staying isolated in the Northern Islands or traveling to spread the good word. They isolate so that they may stay impartial in cases where they must judge. Phrixus himself keeps up to date with the goings-on in the world and updates his priests as he sees fit.   To become a Priest of Phrixus, one must learn and memorize the teachings of "The Scale" and take it to heart. They must preside over seven trials as judge, one of many various kinds of crime.  
  1. Theft
  2. Drugs
  3. Arson
  4. Abuse (Domestic or Child)
  5. Murder
  6. Sexual Assault
  7. Mass Murder
  Only when their judgement has been passed on these seven crimes can Phrixus be sure of their definition of justice. In truth, it is said that presiding over these seven crimes can help them understand whether they can truly carry out justice, and what justice means to them. What is just in the case of the first crime may not be just by the fifth.   Priests of Phrixus can be married, though often they have no choice but to leave their families behind simply due to the fact that the Temple is far away from most civilization. In some cases, like if a Nereid from the Northern Nereid Kingdom or a Human from the Kingdom of man is a Priest, they may visit their family because they are nearby and do not take from their time at the Church.   They wear robes of red and white, the colors that Phrixus says represent "justice." Blue is the justice brought on by the innocent, red the justice brought upon the guilty. The priests must be familiar with both, thus their red and blue garments. They sometimes wear capes as well, which are meant to work as shields or layers of protection that they can freely give out to those who need them.

Cover image: by Tama66


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