Didome Greater Yenaria Timeline

Greater Yenaria

The Blackness

0 A.E 649 F.E

Establishment of the Nil Yeni Settlements

650 F.E 1769 F.E

The Barsamic Cities

1770 F.E 2200 F.E

Barsaminism spreads to the Nil Yeni Cities

  • 1770 F.E

    Da Harka Darmin Born
    Life, Birth

    The Phrophet Da harka Darmin is born in the city of Yeni

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  • 1798 F.E

    Da Harka's Voyage to NoShar
    Life, Milestone

    The Prophet Da harka Darmin joins into the Noshar wastes and first contacts the spirits directly by leaving her body.

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  • 1856 F.E

    Founding of Barsama Star

    Da harka Darmin founds the temple complex Barsama Star.

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  • 1870 F.E

    Phrophet Da Harka Dies
    Life, Death

    The Prophet Da Harka dies. It is said that she left her bady to walk with the spirits and decided never to come back.

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The Age of Exploration

2201 F.E 2499 F.E

The Nil Yeni Build Ocean Worthy boats and start exploring and colonizing outside of the Tresbort area.

The Brybort Wars and the rise of the Early Yenari Empire

2500 F.E 2751 F.E

City of Rel and Yeni were involved in several wars eventually leaving Yeni the only major power (besides the Holy City of Nil) in the Tresbort region.

  • 2500 F.E

    The prisoners of Esse sent to Cradcresse.
    Population Migration / Travel

    Criminals from the Early Yenarian empire and the Bybort wars are sent to the Cradcresse Island to work in the mines. This creates the first Esse Cradcressian caste rank.

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  • 2542 F.E

    Burning of Ancient Mar
    Military action

    In one Bybort war Yeni sack the city of Mar.

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  • 2543 F.E

    The flight of the Marites
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the city of Ancient Mar was burned to the ground by the Yenarians, the remaining Marites fled past the Cradcresse Islands to the continent of Marrish.

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  • 2600 F.E

    Exploration of the Eral Islands

    Traders and Explorers from populated area of the Din Yurk and the Yenari know about the Eral islands and a few people establish the earliest settlements on the islands. But they are considered a far flung backwater.

  • 2700 F.E

    The consumption of the Rel Navy

    Rel loses its navy in crossing the den shar in the 3rd brybort war

  • 2738 F.E

    2753 F.E

    The 4th Brybort War
    Military action

    The Last Byrbort war in which Yeni completly ocupies and burns to the ground Rel and is left as the only major power in the Tresbort Lakes region.

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Early Yenari Empire (Darmin Dynasty)

2752 F.E 2997 F.E

  • 2754 F.E

    The Falling Palace

    A piece of Barsamin was seen streaking across the sky at night going north. It was so bright that it could even be seen when The Swirling Eye was not closed. This created a huge stir that another part of Barsamin had fallen to the ground.

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  • 2755 F.E

    2759 F.E

    Founding Nali

    A expedition is sent to try to find the resting point of the Fallen remnant of Barsamin. As the expedition heads north they find nothing. But as they get to the Pillars of Barsamin their is a small community living on the shore of the bay who belive a little bit of the spirit of Barsamin protects the bay. The expedition is taken with the pillars and agrees that it a site of Barsamin.

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  • 2759 F.E

    Assassination of the Himoth of Yeni
    Diplomatic action

    The Himoth of Yeni is assassinated and her daughters are about to plunge Yeni into civil war.

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  • 2760 F.E

    The First Empero of the Yenarian Empire is established

    Darmsel Darmin returns from the expedition unexpectedly and claims her title as guide and brings her sisters into line. She then declares herself the 1st Empero of the Yenarian Empire and quickly and ruthlessly moves to consolidate her power.

  • 2802 F.E

    The Yenishar Territories officially created

    The Yenishar territories are officially added to the Early Yenari Empire.

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  • 2832 F.E

    Empero institute the Himark system
    Cultural event

    Empero Darmsel Darmin insititutes the Early Yenarian Empire HImarks system replacing the Nil Yeni Himoth system of political control.

  • 2864 F.E

    The 1st Empero of Yenaria Dies
    Life, Death

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  • 2943 F.E

    4th Empero Hraven Darmin Coronated

    Hraven Darmin coronated. Big scandle that the 3rd Empero appointed her only son as Empero.

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  • 2949 F.E

    The Sacking of Jar Mith
    Military action

    The Empero Hraven Darmin personally led the navy to put down a revolt in shadcress. He ordered the town of Jar Mith to be sack and burned to the ground. He then fired lots of the captains of his ships thinking that they were plotting against him, inadvertently creating a power vacuum that encouraged defection.

  • 2950 F.E

    The assassination of Empero Hraven
    Life, Death
  • 2950 F.E

    2300 F.E

    The Yanarian Navy mutinies and joins Jhar Dilith
    Military action

    The Navy mutinies and joins Jhar Dilith this allows the Jhar to harass the Yenarian shipping eventually causing most of the Yenarian nobility to flee the island.

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  • 2951 F.E

    The Disappearance of baby Da Harka the 2nd

    Soon after the murder of Empero Hraven Darmin when Yenaria was preparing to crush the rebellion on Shadcress and take revenge for the death of the Empero. His only daughter and now 5th empero disappeared. This was the cause of the war of the five Emperos.

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  • 2951 F.E

    2989 F.E

    The Wars of the 5 Emperos
    Military action

    With the death of Da Harka the 2nd five members of the Darmin family all claim the title of Empero. What follows is a long protracted civil war with no Empero being strong enough to defeat the others.

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  • 2989 F.E

    2998 F.E

    The rise of Tomish Sharven the 1st Grand Guide
    Military action

    Tomish gain the loyalty of the largest army and makes a deal with one of the Emperos that she will guide the empire while the Empero guides the religion and the holy city of Nil.

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Middle Yenari Empire (Sharven Dynasty)

2998 F.E 3521 F.E

  • 3123 F.E

    The stopping of the Esse Export
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Yenarian Empire stops the export of slaves to the Cracressian Islands. This creates tension with the islands.

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  • 3130 F.E

    3201 F.E

    The Cradcressian revolts.
    Military action

    The islands have a series of revolts from both slaves and from the upperclass against the yenarian empire.

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  • 3201 F.E

    The establishment of the Markists on Cradcrssian
    Cultural event

    After the revolts, yenaria take strong control of the Himarks and decrees that they must be appointed to the Islands. This essentially establishes an elite ruling class that later turns into the markist caste.

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  • 3508 F.E

    3521 F.E

    1st Navel War
    Military action

    The United Ire attack the Yenari Empire to liberate the city of Delnari. The war led to the evantual capture of the city and the signing of the The Strepslim Accord .

  • 3521 F.E

    The Strepslim accords signed
    Diplomatic action

Middle Yenari Empire - Unstable period (Sharven Dynasty)

3522 F.E 3763 F.E

With the Yenari's access to the sea cut off, the empire experiences almost 250 days of instability with many regions only paying lip service to the Yenari Empire.

  • 3523 F.E

    The Establishment of the Spirit Road

    The Spirit Road was established after the sea route between Nali and Nil was restricted.

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  • 3621 F.E

    3628 F.E

    Slim Bas invasion of Tomarrish
    Military action

    The Slim Bas cross the mountians and sweep down into Tomarrvish. The attack is a complete slaughter, because the Old Din Yurkish people unprepared for the brutality of the slim bass. They would have been quickly occupied, if not for the fact that the Leader of the Slim Bas was assisnated by one of his underlings. This caused the slim bas army to fight itself and fall apart. The slaughter changed the southern din yurkish people and the Tomarrish people were created.

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  • 3760 F.E

    Deemor the Second Prophet of Barsaminism is Born
    Life, Birth

    Deemor Soo is born

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Delfic Alliance and Yenari Empire (Ternvic Dyanasty)

3764 F.E 3821 F.E

The Tern Bas claim the throne of the Yenarian Empire with control of most of the Eastern Cities. The western cities form a loose alliance with the City of Delfi and the major partner and last bastion of defense against the Tern Bas Yenari.

  • 3764 F.E

    3785 F.E

    The Marble War (2nd Navel War)

    The Marble Wars are fought

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  • 3772 F.E

    3780 F.E

    The 1st Tern Bass Invasion
    Military action

    The Tern Bas sweep down from the plains and invade eventually taking much of the Fertile Shar and the area around Nil and Yeni.

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  • 3772 F.E

    3774 F.E

    The Revolt of Delfi
    Military action

    Delfi and other Yenari regions declare independence right as the Tern Bas Invade. Scholars have speculated that the Tern Bass gave the rebels warning of the invasion. However, after the Tern Bas burn Nil to the ground, and rampage through the Shar. Delfi realizes they have made a great mistake and try to stop the Tern Bass.

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  • 3775 F.E

    Delnari Free City
    Diplomatic action

    After signing an alliance with the tern bas, Delnari becomes a free city, and remain a powerful trade city.

  • 3776 F.E

    Delfi Alliance Formed

    With the utter destruction of Nil. The city of Delfi stops its revolt and forms a loose alliance with the remaining Yenari areas and confronts the Tern Bass.

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  • 3776 F.E

    The Failure of the Den Shar crossing
    Diplomatic action

    The Tern bass intended to cross the Den Shar to attack Delfi. However, they underestimated how marshy and impassible the Den Shar is. However, during that attempted crossing it is rumored that the Denites came to an agreement with the Tern Bass.

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  • 3778 F.E

    The Flight of the Barsamic Priests

    As the Tern Bass return to Nil to seige it, many of the Priests flee the city. After its fall they make their way all the way up to Nali. Nali becomes the one of the most important city for the Barsamic faith.

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  • 3801 F.E

    Deemor preaching in NIl
    Diplomatic action

    Deemor Soo develops his belief that the Tern bas religion and Barsaminism are compatible and get at the same truth

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  • 3802 F.E

    Neerse Vimtoric
    Life, Birth
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Yeni and Nil Crusades

3822 F.E 3863 F.E

The 1st and 2nd crusades to retake Lake Resbort area.

  • 3823 F.E

    3828 F.E

    The Yeni Crusade
    Military action

    The priests in Nali call for a crusade to retake Nill and Yeni. The Association gathers a large force and after lengthy debate decide to attack Yeni, figuring that if Yeni falls the surround country side will revolt. After several days the crusade fails to achieve its objective.

  • 3851 F.E

    3864 F.E

    The Nil Crusade
    Military action

    The Nil Crusade is called by Nali. This second crusade is more successful and sucesseds in capturing @Nil and some of the Southern Lake Resbort cities. The Crusade stalls as it tries to expand toward Yeni.

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  • 3853 F.E

    Deemor Exiled to tern Bas
    Diplomatic action

    As Nil falls to the crusade. Deemor is exiled from Yenari for insisting that Nil would never fall.

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  • 3856 F.E

    Deemor proclaims Neerse the Father of Gran Saminism

    Chieftan Deemor Soo proclaimed Neerse Vimtoric First Father of Gran Barsaminism

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Yenari Empire (Vimtoric Dynasty) and Delfic United Alliance

3864 F.E 4517 F.E

  • 3865 F.E

    3871 F.E

    Neerse invades Yenari and takes the throne
    Military action

    Neerse Vimtoric invades yenari

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  • 3876 F.E

    Neerse fails to capture Delfi
    Military action

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  • 3881 F.E

    Death of Deemor
    Life, Death

    Deemor Darmin dies shortly after his miraculous recovery.

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  • 3881 F.E

    3883 F.E

    Deemors sickness and miraculous recovery

    Deemor gets sick with a crippling illness and gos to Durbarrak and is cured by being imersed in Samin's reflection.

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  • 3900 F.E

    The United Delfic States form
    Diplomatic action

    Delphic Alliance unifies into the Delfic States

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  • 3916 F.E

    3946 F.E

    The Strepslim Skirmishes

    The Cradari Empire attempts to take Delnari, this causes a 30 day long conflict over the control of the water around the strepslim. It eventually ends in stalemate as the cradari empire has to face the Cragsmouth revolt.

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  • 3928 F.E

    Delfi Liberation of the Fertile Shar
    Civil action

    Delfi Liberate the Fertile shar North of the Den Shar

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  • 3948 F.E

    First Father Neerse Dies of natural causes
    Life, Death
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  • 3948 F.E

    Neerse the 2nd elected as 2nd Father to the Yenari Empire
    Cultural event

    The Elders of Yenari and Durbarrak elect Neerse Vimtoric the 2nd as the 2nd Father

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  • 3960 F.E

    4082 F.E

    No Shar Tribes incursion into Delfi
    Military action

    As the Gran Barsaminism faith spreads to the tern bas. The tribes close to the Noshar Wastes do not embrace it and are slowly pushed further West. This causes lots of conflicts with the United Delfic States.

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  • 4053 F.E

    Neerse the 3rd elected Father
    Diplomatic action

    Son of Neerse Vimtoric the 2nd elected Father of Yenarian

  • 4053 F.E

    Neerse the 2nd dies
    Life, Death

    Neerse Vimtoric the 2nd dies of natural cuases

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  • 4056 F.E

    Neerse the 3rd Killed
    Criminal Activity

    Neerse the 3rd killed in Durbarrak

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  • 4056 F.E

    Disputed election of Keraak elected as Neerse the 4th Father
    Diplomatic action

    Keraak Stuk "the userper" is elected under controversial circumstances as Neerse the 4th

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  • 4057 F.E

    Yeni forced to confirm Neerse the 4th's election
    Diplomatic action

    Keraak Stuk "the userper" marches horde to Yeni and forces elders to accept his title.

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  • 4058 F.E

    4060 F.E

    Keraak's War
    Military action

    Keraak Stuk "the userper" declares war on Delfi before being killed in battle outside delfi

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  • 4062 F.E

    4143 F.E

    2nd Nil Crusade
    Military action

    Angered by Keraak's War  United Delfic States attack the Yenari as they are recovering from Keraak Stuk "the userper" turmoil. The The Yenishar Associated Cities also join in, and the war exhaustion is one of the factors that leads to their civil wars. While delfi and the assoiated cities successfully capture Nil. Delfi has no success capturing Yeni and struggles to hold Nil for 80 days before having to abandon the city. They also capture remaining fertile shar south of the Den Shar

  • 4070 F.E

    The Delnari Coalition forms
    Cultural event

    The Delnari Coalition declares independence from the Vordenlan Empire  during the instability2nd Nil Crusade and Vordlans involvment in Farete's Revolt     They continue to monopolize the trade on the Strepslim, and are very friendly to the United Delfic States and the remnats of the The Yenishar Associated Cities for their help with independance.

  • 4143 F.E

    4344 F.E

    War of 200 days (ten score war)
    Military action

    United Delfic States and The Yenarian Empire fight the 140 days war. Really a series of small conflicts and wars where no one side gained an upper hand

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  • 4198 F.E

    4212 F.E

    The independance of Dal Aria
    Civil action

    The people in the modern nation of Dal-Aria demand their independance from Ria Mar and the The Delnari Coalition gains the Den Mar.

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  • 4250 F.E

    4400 F.E

    The Waning of Yenari influence over the tern bas
    Diplomatic action

    The influence of the Father has less sway over the tern bas. Until they are just a titular part of the empire

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  • 4344 F.E

    The Fall of Delfi
    Military action

    The city of Delfi falls into Yenari control ending the War of 140 days (seven score war)

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  • 4403 F.E

    Rise of vidualists
    Religious event

    The Vidualist movement starts in the Yenishar Cities. It is a religious belief that individual can connect with the spirit world and the need for a Empero is unessisary. This cuases lots of termiol in the Delfic States and in the Yenishar Cities.

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  • 4427 F.E

    4438 F.E

    The Delfic League war
    Military action

    The United Delfic States attacks yenari empire to try to reclaim Delfi. They initially sucessed and then are driven back losing the city and lots of the fertile shar. Before they can be completely crushed the Tern bass attack Yeni.

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  • 4438 F.E

    4446 F.E

    Dissolution of the United Delfic States
    Diplomatic action

    The United Delfic States breaks up into many smaller states.

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  • 4438 F.E

    4470 F.E

    The Tern Bas Revolt
    Military action

    While the Tern bas had long been a titular part of the empire. When they united under a chief and attacked Yeni. The Yenarian Empire consider it a revolt. Over the next 30 days they were mercilessly crushed.

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  • 4446 F.E

    The Independent Delfic Cities
    Diplomatic action
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  • 4454 F.E

    The capture of Durbarrak
    Military action

    the yenari capture Durbarrak and revoke the prohibition on only tern bas entering the old city. Instead they turn the old city into a holy retreat/spa.

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  • 4460 F.E

    The settlement of the upper strepslim

    With the Tern bas tribes shattered and the scared nature of the Plains of Tern revoked a wave of Yenari settlers starts settling the Strepslim

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  • 4470 F.E

    4600 F.E

    Tern Bas Skirmishes
    Diplomatic action

    the Tern Bas have multiple skirmishes with the Yenari settlers.

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  • 4493 F.E

    The revolt of the Mar Alliance
    Civil action

    The Mar Alliance declares independace from The Delnari Coalition  starting a long drawn out independence war

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  • 4497 F.E

    The Nos Delian Uprising

    The Nos Delian uprising takes place in Delian, where the people excute the Delfian Granic Marths in the city and institute a government run by the people.

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  • 4510 F.E

    Unification of the Bas Tribes
    Military action

    Hormbek Basim unites the Slim Bas and intergrates many of the fleeing Tern Bas. He has a powerful horde under his command.

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  • 4512 F.E

    The Yavari Revolt

    While the city of Yavari had been acting independently since 4488. The revolt did not officially begin until 4512 when the old senile Tern governor died and was replaced by a very zealous young governor determined to bring the Yavari into line.

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