Creation of the Promethean Craters Physical / Metaphysical Law in Didome | World Anvil

Creation of the Promethean Craters

During the time of the first descendants the palace of Barsamin (The Fall of Barsamin) fell to the ground and wiped out the first city of Prometheus. The prometheus crater is said to be where the palace fell. While the prometheus crater is the largest crater, sevral other promethean craters were also created (The Smiling Cresent,Delnari Crescent, and Nathle Crater).   The falling palace created sevral craters across Central Cresshar the largest one with a rim to rim diameter of about 19 kms. The energy released in this impact was about 4*10^21 Joules of energy, which for comparison is about 10-20 times more energy released than some of the massive volcanic eruptions on Earth like Tambora.   The impacts caused giant ash clouds to be thrown up into the air. The impact happened in the morning so the prevailing winds blew most of the ash to the west. Areas up to 700 km to the west received 150 cm of ash. The ash then mixed with the noon storms and for hours afterward the storms rained a sooty rain soaking the already ash covered plains. This massive infusion of pulverized rock and ash created an extremely fertile area as the vegetation grew back in the following days. The pulverized rock that was thrown up into the upper atmosphere blocked sunlight and cooled the planet down by a degree and reduced the growth of the vegetation on the planet. The effects of this massive impact made it even harder for the descendants to survive the first dozen days on Didome.   Yet despite the hardships caused by the impact the Nil Yeni people still feel a spiritual connection with the crater and The city of Nil located next to the rim of the crater was one of the first cities founded as the decedents expanded in the fortnights after the impact. To this day Nil is one of the largest cities in the Thresbort Lakes region.


Supposedly warned by the gods on the impending collision, many of the first descendants had a few minutes to flee Prometheus. However, some of the decedents who fled by boat over Lake Resbort and were over 300 km away still had their ear drums shattered as the pressure wave reach them. Even the descendants who fled to the other side of the lake over 450 km away were deafened for minutes after the shock wave reached them. Myths tell of how the descendents watched the palace streak down across the sky disappear over the horizon and then turn the whole horizon red with flames. around ten seconds later the deafening shock wave reached them as a cloud of pulverized rock and ash just rose above the horizon.
Metaphysical, Divine

Cover image: Promeathean Crater by Unknown CC0


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