The Strepslim Accord Document in Didome | World Anvil

The Strepslim Accord

In 3521 the Jharette captured the city of delnari. In the ensuing peace the followed the Yeanari Empire had to sign the Strepslim Accords which limited the Yenari's access to the ocean. It stated that the Yenari were not allowed to sail any ships on the Oceans and any boats on the Strepslim need to be accompanied by a Jharette guide on the river. This peace treaty was is instrumental in limiting the Yenarians influence on the oceans and in the cradle islands. This treaty had profound influence on the politics of yenari, Cradi and Jharette.   Without access to the oceans and the burgeoning cradle islands the Yenari Empire was cut off from access to those islands. This increased the tension in the empire and led to the 2nd Yenarian Civil wars which racked the empire and weakened the Empire. Then during the 2nd Navel war the Tern Bas attack the empire and overran the Eastern Yenari Empire.   The Treaty limiting the Yenari access to the oceans also unexpectedly granted independence to the cradle cities and to the association cities. The cradle cities were already very independent minded and were glad of the independence but is sparked a time of intense competion between the cities. The Association cities were much more loyal and resented the separated. They continued to trade with the empire developing an overland trade route called The Spirit Road  that connected the ocean trade with the Tresbort Lakes system.   The treaty caused the Jharette to become to dominate power on the seas, and the control of Strepslim and the city of Delanri caused a vast amount of wealth and power to be funneled to the Jharette vastly increasing their power and wealth.
Contract, Civil

Cover image: by Cory Brooke-deBock


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