Nil Yeni

The ancient culture of the south eastern Tresbort Lakes region  
    The Nil Yeni Culture was an ancient culture in the Tresbort Lakes region the culture was very prevalent as the region was settled as the promethean survivors spread out in the region. Many of the modern culture of Didome are related to this culture and its traditions and values still have a profound impact on the modern people of Didome.   Scholars generally say the Nil Yeni culture started several days after the The Fall of Barsamin around 100-200 F.E. Thier is more disagrement as to when the Nil Yeni Culture disappeared. Many scholars say that the Nil Yeni culture merged with the Old Yenarian culture when the Early Yenari Empire was founded in 2760 F.E. However, there was no distinct event that caused the culture to disappear, instead the beliefs of the Yenarian Empire slowly changed the Nil Yeni Beliefs.   The Nil Yeni culture focused on the duty of everyone to ensure the survival of the community. The Nill Yeni had no conception of a individual family. Everyone was focused on the survival of the community. After the fall of Barsamin many of the surviors lived in small groups of 20-150 people and this was the unit that the Nill Yeni considered paramount to survial. Most groups were led by a Nil Yeni Himoth, a leader who was responsible for the survival of the community. She was then supported by a Semick council.   As the population of Nil Yeni continued to grow this focus on the community as a important cultural concept continued. As the first cities appeared with larger population the people were still concerned with the survial of the community or city. However, the concept of a Himoth and Semick council changed. Cities became organized into subcomunities with 100-500 people led by a Himoth who was responsible for them. Most cities then had a Grand Semick composed of the Himoths and a Grand Himoth responsible for the whole city.   One consequence of the highly matrialial culture and the ideal of self sacrifice for the village, the Nil Yeni men were often admired for their brawn and physical prowess yet had very little say in the direction of the community. Some scholars who study the Nil Yeni tell how Nil Yeni plays would often depict the men as hugly brawny men with ripped muscles, the actors would sometimes where padded muscle suits to exaggerate there brawn. Yet in almost all the plays the men are incompetent bumbling bufon who would led the village to ruin if not for the moderating influence of the Himoth and Semik.


Beauty Ideals

Self sacrifice for the survival of the community was regarded as very attractive. This generally took two different forms depending on the genders.   The more intelligent and wise a Women was seen as the more attractive she was considered.    For men the self sacrifice took the form of dangerous and hard tasks. The Nil Yeni consider risk taking for the community to be very attractive.

Gender Ideals

As the Promeatian survivors struggled to reestablish themselves in the wake of the fall, The Nil Yeni placed a supreme importance on rebuilding the population and thus a very strong Matrilineal culture developed. When the the Women were tasked with ensuring the survival of the community and men were seen as more expendable. Men were acknowledged as surviving a vital purpose, but the were expected to do the harder more risky jobs. While the Nil Yeni Women we accepted to have wisdom and guidance and should guide the survival of the village.

Courtship Ideals

Any two consenting adults could have a relationship with each other as long as they were born in different villages. If they were born in the same village, it was very taboo to have a relationship. Due to this the Nil Yeni villages would often swap large parts of its adolescent male population. This would create a formal alliance between the two villages as each village looked after the others adolescents.   Often times the ceremony would involve contests where the juveniles would compete in competions to prove of strong and willing to accept danger they were.   Once at the village the men were encouraged to make friends with the other members of the village and if they wanted to explore they sexual identities they often had to impress the women of the village. Since the villages were organized around the matrilineal connections and the teenagers are newcomers to the village, the boys often had to compete intensely to prove their masculinity before one of the village women you consent.

Relationship Ideals

With the Nil Yeni focus on the community they centered their relationships with respect to the community. Everything was viewed through the lens of ensuring the survival of the community. Children were raised communally and only loosely remembered who their biological mother was.    With a focus on the community, the Nil Yeni did not have a strong commitment to lifelong monogamy. Men and women often formed relationships for years to decades. However, if the relationship did not work out their was little stigma related to ending the relationship. However, leaving the village or getting banished was the ultimate humiliation.   The people of Nil Yeni had a very broad view of incest. Any two people born to the same village and found to be sleeping together were publicly shamed and ostracized.
Nil Yeni Woman by Cory Brooke-deBock
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Cover image: by Cory Brooke-deBock


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