Schola staff

The Schola staff tend to have long tenures - or very short ones. I've listed them here as relevant to particular books, and there will be more information coming as we move into books set in the late 1930s and 1940s.   (Of course, the professors are not the only people of note! There are a number of teachers of the Trivium classes, research fellows who assist with classes, Infirmary staff, and others. And of course, there are also a number of household staff, cooks, porters assigned to each of the student houses, groundskeepers, and all manner of others. I'm including here only those who have been named in published work so far.)  

1924-1925 School Year (during Eclipse)



Alvis Osborne

Heads of House

Bear House : Helena Trembley
Boar House : Kelsey Bett
Fox House : Albertus Norton
Horse House: Linta Argonne
Owl House : Dipti Acharya
Salmon House : Shiva Ahmadi
Seal House : Richart Hase

Albertus Norton

Began teaching in 1870, became head of Fox House when Alvis Osbourne became Headmaster in 1895.   A talented and focused alchemist, but largely interested only in those students with particular promise, either in Alchemy or in terms of social connections. Fox House.  

Alexander Landry

The most recent addition to the Schola staff, Alexander arrives a bare few days before the beginning of the 1924 school year. (See his page for full details.) He was a mentor to Isembard Fortier when Isembard was in school, but up to 1924 has never taught groups of students. Fox House, and member of Dius Fidius. See his page for full details.   

Alvis Osborne

A teacher since 1860, headmaster since 1895. Somewhat set in his ways, very intellectual, and no patience for students (or staff) who are not. Originally was head of Fox House and taught Alchemy before becoming Headmaster. Lives in rooms on the top floor of the library building. (See Eclipse for events at the end of the year.) Member of Dius Fidius.  

Dipti Acharya

Head of Owl House, Deputy Headmistress, Mathematics
Heraldic image: white owl on a brown field
Does all the annoying bureaucratic paperwork Alvis doesn't want to bother with. Teaches Mathematics. She began teaching in 1890 and has been deputy head since 1907.   She also appears in Three Tales of Gabe and Rathna. Owl House.  

Helena Trembley

Heraldic image: white bear on a blue field
Helena began teaching in 1895, and became head of Bear House fairly quickly. She and Thesan collaborate on an ongoing project. She is steady, reliable, and has no patience for fools. Bear House.   Reggie Hollis consults her in 1917, during Bound For Perdition  

Isembard Fortier

Isembard begins teaching in the fall of 1923, as well as taking on bodyguard duties for two sons of Council Members, Orion Sisley and Claudio Warren.   Fox House and member of Dius Fidius. See his page for full details.   

Kelsey Bett

Head of Boar House, Martial 
Heraldic image: Red boar on white ground
Began teaching in 1885. Served in the Sudan, was invalided home, and therefore did not fight in the Great War.   He and Isembard Fortier get along well, which is helpful when dealing with complementary magical specialities. Boar House.  

Lane Anders

Senior librarian
Heraldic image: white owl on a brown field
Began in 1875. She is also mentioned in Magician's Hoard and Chasing Legends.   She is agreeable as a person, but has high standards for research and especially treatment of her library materials. Owl House.  

Linta Argonne

Heraldic image: golden horse on a green field
She began teaching Flora in 1883, and became head of Horse House in 1898. Her parents are dead, and her husband set her aside for not having children before she became a teacher. Thesan Wain has tea with her to check in about their shared house. Linta was supportive during Tea and Meetings when Thesan was a new teacher. (And ever since.)  

Mumbi Nole

Heraldic image: white bear on a blue field
Began teaching in 1905 after being widowed. She is one of the four core teachers of the Quadrivium, working closely with Dipti, Zimri, and Thesan (the other three), and thus teaches all students during their early years.   Her family came to Albion from Kenya in the previous generation. Bear House.  

Osanna Loft

Heraldic image: black salmon on a gold field
Began in 1918. Isembard Fortier had an ill-advised fling with her in 1923-24, and she does not speak with him, chatting mostly with the Trivium teachers at meals.   She is mentioned in Magician's Hoard. Salmon House.  

Raphaela Martin

Heraldry for the Healers: sanguine  a caduceus or - a golden caduceus, a winged staff twined by two snakes, on a red ground
Began in 1880. Widowed young, and Thesan mentions at one point that "she never talks about him when she's remotely on duty, so basically never." She is in charge of the Infirmary and the half-dozen people who help out with shifts during the week. (Serious injuries are usually moved elsewhere, but a school is a never-ending run of minor catastrophes.) Privately educated.  

Richart Hase

Heraldic image: Azure sea horse on a black ground
Richart has taught at Schola since 1891, and has been head of Seal House since 1897.   One of his secrets is revealed in Magician's Hoard, when Ibis Ward comes to him with a complicated problem.  

Shiva Ahmadi

Heraldic image: Azure sea horse on a black ground
Been at Schola since 1907. He took over as head of Salmon House (despite having been in Seal House himself as a student) when Zimri Hallerton wanted to give it up around 1921.   Charming, of Persian descent.  

Thesan Wain

Heraldic image: golden horse on a green field
Began teaching in 1918, as one of the youngest professors to begin teaching in the recent history of the school. Dedicated to getting her students to appreciate the wonders of the cosmos.   She appears in Eclipse and Chasing Legends specific to Schola. See her page for the full detailsHorse House.  

Zimri Hallerton

Heraldic image: black salmon on a gold field
Music professor since 1899. For quite a while, head of Salmon House for a number of years. He is Jewish, and handed over the Head of House duties when he became more observant (and as Thesan says at one point, students will keep having emergencies on Shabbat.) A talented musician, but rather full of himself, and tends to favour students who are musically gifted.  

Chasing Legends

(Changes since spring 1925)  


Helena Trembley

Heads of House Changes

Bear House : Mumbi Nole

Borea Leonard

Heraldic image: white owl on a brown field
Successor to Alexander Landry when he moves on from teaching in 1926-1927. A widow in her late 40s with grown children.   Apparently (per Tea and Meetings), the first time in two centuries the Ritual professor was a woman. Also mentioned in Chasing Legends. Owl House.  

Ibis Ward

Heraldic image: Azure sea horse on a black ground
Hired as the Materia professor in spring 1926 (his interview is in Tea and Meetings).   He is one of the point of view charaters in Chasing Legends, as well as Magician's Hoard. (See his page for full details.) Seal House.  

1946-47 school year
(during The Magic of Four)



Helena Trembley

Heads of House

Bear House : Frederic Hammond
Boar House : Hermia Aldescroft
Fox House : Jehan Knox
Horse House: Thesan Wain (Fortier)
Owl House : Borea Leonard
Salmon House : Tabitha Morwen
Seal House : Ibis Ward   Isembard Fortier continues as Protective Magics professor.

Frederick Hammond

Head of Bear House from 1932. Music.
Heraldic image: white bear on a blue field
Federick Hammond came to teaching later in life. He began at Schola in 1930, when he was in his 40s. A specialist in Music and its applications to magic, he oversees the various performances put on by the students.  

Hermia Alderscroft

Head of Boar House from 1935, Martial
Heraldic image: Red boar on white ground
Hermia Alderscroft served more than 20 years in the Guard before coming to Schola to teach. She began in 1935, when Kelsey Bett, the previous Martial professor and head of Boar House had to retire suddenly due to health reasons.  

Jehan Knox

Head of Fox House from 1934. Alchemy
Jehan was a teaching fellow from 1923-1925, assisting Albertus Norton with teaching Alchemy classes. When Professor Norton retired in 1928, Jehan was hired as the Alchemy professor.   He became head of Fox House in 1934. It has taken him some time to understand why Isembard Fortier didn't want the job. (Isembard thinks Jehan is doing wonderfully with it.)  

Thesan Wain

Head of Horse House from 1943. Astronomy.
Heraldic image: golden horse on a green field
Thesan has been teaching at Schola since 1917. When Linta Argonne finally retired from teaching in 1943, Thesan took her place as head of Horse House. She continues teaching Astronomy as well as Time and Place classes (chronological and locational magics).   She also helps maintain the apple orchards and beehives of Schola, especially important in providing food during the Second World War and rationing.   Thesan and her husband Isembard Fortier have raised their children Ursula and Leo at Schola. During The Magic of Four, Leo is in his second year and Ursula is in the first year of her apprenticeship after leaving school in June 1946.  

Borea Leonard

Head of Owl House from 1928. Ritual.
Heraldic image: white owl on a brown field
Successor to Alexander Landry when he moves on from teaching in 1926-1927. A widow in her late 40s with grown children.   She encourages Leo Fortier's interest in Ritual (including making sure he has space for work in the ritual classroom with Alexander Landry) during The Magic of Four.  

Tabitha Morwen

Head of Salmon House from 1940. Incantation.
Heraldic image: black salmon on a gold field
Tabitha came to Schola as the Incantation professor in 1937 and became head of Salmon House in 1940.   She has a collaborative approach with students, even when they're testing boundaries. She encourages both Avigail and Jasper during The Magic of Four.  
Spoiler for The Magic of Four
Tabitha is a member of Dwellers At The Forge, and helps coordinate some of what the Dwellers do at Schola. She keeps this generally quiet from students other than those in the society.

Ibis Ward

Head of Seal House from 1933. Materia.
Heraldic image: Azure sea horse on a black ground
Besides teaching Materia and being head of Seal House, Ibis is responsible for coordination and collaboration with the merfolk around Schola - a tricky task during the war!   In 1946-1947, Susanna, his daughter with Pross, is a 5th year. She's a house prefect in Seal House.  

Former Staff

(Prior to 1924)

Mizar Baldwin

Dies in 1918, during Thesan Wain's first year teaching. Longtime astronomy professor with an interest in both Locational and Chronological magics. An excellent teacher of people who love Astronomy, a middling one for everyone else. (Thesan is in many ways a better actual teacher of the subject.) He appears in Tea and Meetings, and Thesan thinks of him in Eclipse at several points. Fox House.
Heraldry for Schola as a whole: a white tower on a deep blue-green ground, with seven green keys on a white ground along the top.
