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Farinos (Silver Stream)

Silver Stream is a large navigable river on the Southern Continent. The Silver Stream Valley in the hearth of the plains is the center of the Faren civilization. The fertile river soil feeds the huge city states, and the river offers the easiest large-distance trade route.


The name Farinos 'Silvery Stream' probably stems from the confusion of the Nem (Faren language) word far 'Faren, local person' and the word fara 'silvery, shiny'. Most likely the original meaning was mundanely 'the local river'. However, people prefer associating the name with the silver and riches transported to the valley from the mountains.
Southern Continent
(hover over the labels to discover invisible map pins)  


The Silver Stream is perhaps the most important trade route on the continent. The best navigable trade route to the Highlands runs through the Silver Stream and the of the River Cross. The highlands are a source of essential minerals like copper, gold. The highland forests also provide wood and stone for construction. In return the plains trade in grain, wine, and refined products.  
The trade routes have also spread the Faren culture from Silford to all over the Continent, promoting the Nem language, Nem alphabet and many of the other Faren customs. Silford near the crossing of Silver Stream and Yeirinos is the major trade hub on the river. Because of the good trade opportunities Silford has managed to become perhaps the most powerful city state of the world.
The Nem alphabet has become almost universal
(Sample text from the epic of Daursan and Kauteirin

History & mythology


It is told that the river was born when the Giants were digging tunnels far in the mountains, and in their greed they dug so deep into the Abyss, that they accidently broke into the divine waters beneath. Femur, the king of the stone giants married the river goddess, and established a great fortress to guard the source of the river. Later Hero Ásinnar used this secret tunnel to descend to the Underworld and fight the five demons of the deep.

In the early history the Silver Stream used to be the border between the free people of the Highlands and the Plains ruled by the Giants. The final battles of the War of the Giants and Men were fought near the river, and the Giants were driven away far to the south and west. Giants are still thought to exist in the highland forests, but they are only rarely seen by any human.

After defeating the Giants Daursan and Kauteirin, the sons of Ásinnar, founded Silford on the banks of the river. Legends tell, that Daursan and Kauteirin were fighting over which of the twins should rule the city, and they decided to ask a poor peasant who was passing by. The peasant answered "me", and this is how Silford became the first democracy.
by Unknown artist, Met museum

Early Period

The written history of the valley began in the late 2nd century AFS (after founding of Silford), with the invention of writing. The city state of Silford became the cultural center of the Faren world of this early period.   Late 3rd century brought a period of unrest, when the rich valleys faced multiple attacks from the neighbouring higland peoples, and failed crops caused the economy to flounder. There were mass migrations away from the cities, and the center of the culture shifted to the coast and the islands. Ostalin in the mouth of the river was still an important settlement during this period.

Recent events

The importance of the Silver Stream rose again in the 6th century after the Ara people managed to conquer the weakened Sayals in the eastern mountains, opening profitable trade relations through the Silver Stream and River Cross. This period is characterised by the Ara influences on the lowland culture, and the interest for the shared history of the Ara and the Farens.


The settlements along the river are mostly Faren city states, but the area is by no means monocultural. The large cities have inhabitants and travellers from all over the lands. The most important minorities are the Highlanders (Ara) in the southeast, and Zeribian sea traders near the mouth of the river.

The Valley has the largest cities of the entire known world, the largest ones estimated to have a population of more than 500 000. The estimates are rough, because only a fraction of the people are citizens, and much of the population consists of slaves.
by John Webber (public domain)
The originally ethnically Zeribian Boat-Dwellers live as outcasts around the large cities, fishing for their living. But in addition to feeding the cities, they they are a constant nuisance to the city states, robbing unprotected trade shipments, and smuggling goods past taxing posts.
Location under
Contested By


Silver Stream is born on the border of the Highlands in the South, where other mountain streams are joined with the River Cross. From there it travels north to the sea, travelling through Silford and many of the other largest Faren city states. For most of its course the Stream runs level and wide through the plains, making it ideal for travel even with seaworthy ships.

The lands north from the joining of the Silver Stream with River Cross are under the control of Faren city states. Beyond that the highlands are controlled by hostile kingdoms, and casual travel upstream is not possible.

Flora & Fauna

The River Valley is mostly a domesticated environment, dotted by farms, vineyards, fruit gardens and villages. Not many wild species are found in the area, and most predators have been driven to the highlands. Deer, rabbits and many species of birds nest on the plains and are hunted by the people. The rare old forests are the destination of enthusiastic Mushroom tourism.


The Farinos silversides are enjoyed as a local delicacy. They can grow up to a cubit in length, and have shiny silver and rainbow colouring. Unfortunately, their colouring cooked on the plate is not particular, and their taste is average, so they are more popular due to their association with the river's name than any real merits.
by Eileen Kortright

Historical events

20-0 BFS Giant Wars All the Giants are driven away from the eastern side of the river
0 AFS Founding of Silford Daursan and Kauteirin found the city on the bank of the river.
150-200 AFS The Invention of Writing oldest surviving samples of writing commemorate 200th anniversary of Silford
~300 AFS Period of war and unrest A mass migration from the valley to the West Island.
420 AFS The Black Years Plague hits the valley, and the river is filled with floating corpses.  


The same way as the Farens venerate and worship their ancestors as the life givers of the family line, the River Mother, Goddess of the Stream, is thought to be the common ancestor of all the people of the river valley. Her will is revealed by the city states from divinations, that are performed before any important decisions, such as declaring war or beginning construction. In the daily life of the citizens she is less visible, as the Farens prefer to keep their worship private and personal.

The Zeribian minority the river is their vital connection to the sea, and it is worshipped as Ûhiz, the herald of Feren (god of the sea). They also associate the Faren River Mother with their god Idûrfeš, the mother of all life and protector of fresh waters and all water animals. Zeribians offer plentiful gifts to the river, and bathe in it regularly to purify themselves.
Cover image credits: Gaspare Vanvitelli (1653–1736)
Map created by me with Inkarnate Pro (


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May 18, 2022 16:11

The use of the Faren language in the naming really adds depth to the river's history and the world around it. Great work!

May 18, 2022 19:52

Thanks, I'm suffering from a bit of word builders disease :D (getting too obsessed with the languages)

Check out my Summer Camp 2023 wrap-up here!
May 18, 2022 22:22

Love the article! The organization, the addition of the alphabet, and the classy placement of the pictures all bring it together. I would love to see some more of the religious aspects fleshed out though, I think it would help it balance out.

May 19, 2022 00:28

Thanks, I'm glad to hear that it's working! ^^ I'll try writing some more of that!

Check out my Summer Camp 2023 wrap-up here!
May 20, 2022 00:09

Very detailed and thorough, really liked the cover artwork and map too. The alphabet gives me strong runic vibes. Would love to hear more about the religious aspects.

Check out my latest work: VinenceAefus GateOrder of the HawkDeath of a God, and Patch
May 21, 2022 03:49

I really like the mundane and confused origin of the river's name and it stemming from Faren. I wonder if everyday people believe its named such for other reasons.   I could imagine a conversation like: "Why is it named the Silver Stream? It's always muddy brown!" "All the trade, of course." "There are no silver mines in Salan. Maybe it's because of all the fish?"

- Hello from Valayo! Featured work: How to Write Great Competition Articles
May 22, 2022 15:49

Oh, I love that, thank you! ^^

Check out my Summer Camp 2023 wrap-up here!
May 30, 2022 08:26

I wrote about a silver-coloured local fish inspired by your comment, commenting to let you know if you want to check that out! :)

Check out my Summer Camp 2023 wrap-up here!
May 30, 2022 16:53

Nice! I like it :)

- Hello from Valayo! Featured work: How to Write Great Competition Articles
May 22, 2022 17:35 by (Um dos mestres da Oito em Ponto)

I can't even start to explain how envious I am from your maps lol. Love the name of your settlements and rivers, too.   On a side note, the credits for the cover images and such are a bit out of place. Have you considered putting them in your sidebar or using the automatic credits generated with the infos in the image tool?   Very nice read! Your english is good too (I'm also not a native speaker).

May 22, 2022 21:56

Thanks! ^^ Inkarnate is pretty easy tool to learn, so drawing maps is not so difficult!   I think the automatic credits are not visible for the cover image, unless something has changed recently, so I just figured I would slap it in the end just to make sure :D The sidebar could be a good place for them too.

Check out my Summer Camp 2023 wrap-up here!
May 26, 2022 10:40

Nice read with a good looking map fellow inkarnate user :) The history the river has with the giants is pretty interesting and I wonder how far away they currently live from the area? Btw you have COLUMN-1-CONTENT somewhere is this intended? :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 26, 2022 12:44

Thanks! The giants were driven away after the Giant Wars (in the end of the mythical age) and have been later seen only rarely, outside of the civilised lands. They have become wild again, and I don't think they have proper civilization anymore. But maybe they would deserve some mention in wildlife section or something too!   I think you were unforunate to read while I was just editing, so that explains the text :D Everything should be in order again now!

Check out my Summer Camp 2023 wrap-up here!
May 26, 2022 21:17

Ah much better now xp that was indeed unfortunate timing for me xp

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
May 27, 2022 11:41 by K.S. Bishoff

This was very rich and engaging !

Come vist my worlds
Jun 3, 2022 19:22

Nice article! The historical and linguistic aspects makes it feels like a real place. I especially love the origin of the name.