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This is my entry for the Call of cartography challenge March 2020   Yamenawa is the Northern highland region of the Serme Mountains, and is the main location controlled by
the Ara people ruling the Mountain kingdom.  
Yamenawa - Mountain Kingdom 2.1
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Provinces and settlements

The most important settlement in the North are Isünókul the capital of the Mountain kingdom, and K'ayädemä which is the Northernmost big settlement.

Érüoça river flows to the West of the lake, and has Kuymüarän in its valley.   Outside the Mountains
Tasalwüyrü is located on the Northern coast, and is an important trade city between the Ara and Farens and Zeribians. Walawal is located on the Eastern edge of the Kingdom and is an outpost for the trade with the local nomads.  

Neighboring regions

To the North it is bordered by a thin lowland strip before the sea populated by the Zeribians. In the East the Mountains end in the dry deserted are of the Pillar Mountains and the Great Plains.The Western side borders the Faren Lowlands, an region of lush forests and acriculture, mainly inhabited by the Farens. The Mountains continue innumerable leghts to the South.
Many cities are located in the central region around Lake Ülüwerä, including Wasäkawakal, and Áçämara located on an island on the lake.

In the South-Eastern region Óhüntinwána flows towards the Great Plains, and the region's main settlement is Áçäpunkul. The Southernmost settlement of the region is Aränwílü, located by the River Cross.
by public domain
Climate graph of Isünókul


The settlements in Yamenawa reach between 2000 and 4000 meters in altitude, the Lake Ulüwerä being at 3600 m. The average temperatures are relatively staple over the year, but the daily variation can be drastic, even between 25 degrees c and frost. Like all of the Western regions of the continent, Yamenawa receives plentiful winter rains coming from the Northen seas. The closeness of the Lake Ulüwerä has a stabilising affect on the climate of the Central region, causing it to be a bit more wet all year round and protecting the crops from frost.
Map created in Inkarnate Pro version (
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The most important etnicity of the area is the Ara people. They are the masters of highland acriculture and woolwork. There are approximately 4 million Ara in the Kingdom. They are distantly related to the Farens, and have arrived to the region relatively recently.   The second most numerous etnicity are the Saial. They have the biggest precence in the Lake Ulüwerä region, and in the Northern cities of Áçäpunkul and Aränwílü. Originally they populated the whole Yamenawa, which can be seen in the high influence of Saial language on the toponymy of the whole region.


Most of the important places in Yamenawa carry names that are superficially Aradal. In practice however Aradal has borrowed most of it's geographical vocabulary from Saial, and a lot of the toponymy can be assumed to reflect the original Saial toponymy. Many smaller locations have names only in pure Saial, or competing names in both local languages.

Sights to see

The hotspot of turism in Yamenawa for the past millenia has been the holy island of Áçämara. Currently many pilgrims also flow to the Áçäwal temple city near the capital Isünókul.   For other than religious visitors, the region offers great opportunities for ambitious mountain climbers, but one should keep in mind that many of the sites on the mountain tops are infact sacred for the locals, and should be approached cautiosly. If you are around during a festival, you might even catch a breathtaking glimpse of a ruler parading with one of the tamed dragons! Any tourist should fill their packs with the world famous Ara wool clothes to take home!

by Bgabel (wikivoyage)
A look over the terrace farms to Lake Ulüwerä

Articles under Yamenawa

Cover image: by Paolo Costa Baldi


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