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Mud Men

by hughpierre

Naming Traditions

Other names

It is hard to say just how the ancient mud people named things around them. However, there have been recurring instances of "Ch'" appearing in the names of places throughout the corners: Sumag Wagta Ch'in and Kamachina, being examples.   The discovery of Ch'iquy and studying the residents' language had highlighted this verbal markers' origin.


Culture and cultural heritage

Mixed Blood

The mud people were an old culture that were widely spread across the mountain sides flanking the sacred valley in decentralized settlements. As time moved on, they intermarried other groups and evolved into newer peoples. In that way, their blood has continued to flow through the mountains.  
Smoggy Cloud Clan
Disgraced and exiled clansmen from beyond north were forced to emigrate far south as a means of escaping ruin.   During their exodus, they encountered mud women who they brought south with them and aided in founding Na-Chisalt during the Munay Manqus Pacha.

Mud slaves, freed after the Kang collapse, established new towns during Nuna Ruruchina Pacha that grew relations with Canna.   Overtime, nearby farmer families married each other into indistinguishable, but still close, communities:
  • Mama
  • Qucha
  • Kawallu
  • Lamar
  • Quchapi

  • Coastal People
    There were no shortage of peoples who settled the low-lying beaches and riversides outside the sacred and oasis valleys. Now, from the Nina Pillunya Pacha, these mix-blooded descendents of the "spontaneous generation" and the mud men include the:
  • Riven of Diu
  • Bayn of Hayaqiago
  • Deltn of Bird's Feet
  • Shared customary codes and values

    As far as we can tell, the Mud Men had no written laws. No singular state ever existed to enforce protection; except for the sake of custom.   Whatever form it took was likely derived from a mix of religions. Religion bound everyone together and was the basis of power and authority.
    — the priest who recounts
      Each tribe, community or region carried their own god who was also that particular community's patron. Statutes of gods and goddesses were placed in places of distinction in their respective towns where offerings of textiles, beads, burnt seeds, carved wood and unbaked figurines were given.

    Average technological level

    Artificial Top Soil

    Contemporary thinking states that the mud people were so beneath the advance Kang that they were ridiculously easy to conquer. It is this perception that named the conquered as 'Mud Men'.   Any other name(s) that they may have called themselves were lost forever.
    — Tokoyrikoq to his michoq underling
    The most iconic invention from the most ancient people is a means of agricultural soil management: mud soil. This is a light brownish soil made from a mixture of charcoal, bone, broken pottery, garbage and human urine/excrement to the low fertility valley soil. It is well believed that this fertile rich mud made settlement possible and realistically feasible.  

    Pillow-Faced Architecture

    An innovation in construction where three-dimensional chunks of stone interconnect in unique configurations from loose bags of sand and gravel of varied sizes. These bags were initially made to conform to uneven cave walls. This made it easier to then be plastered over and painted. They were not originally load bearing.   It is believed that the Mud Men devised this technique in imitation of the monumental architecture left behind by their Kang conquerors. In turn, the Kang's successor state would improve upon their innovation to make larger, earthquake resistant buildings entirely constructed from this technique.

    Common Dress code

    Pleated Knotted Dress

    A style of dress that incorporates a twisted knot that draws the eye to it. The knotted detail may be anywhere: in the front, the sides or the back. They were so distinctive, that the style was readopted 2000 years later by the Innoit; likely due to the similarity with knottery.

    Art & Architecture

    Mud Figures

    There are small humanoid and animal figurines whose purposes remains unknown. It is from a time before the development of pottery. Much of what is known of the Mud Men is taken from the scattered remains of their shaped-mud art.   Mud people, being everywhere, possessed a bustling economy with access to shells, wood, medicinal plants, semi-precious stones and honey traded among them. However, there does not appear to be much trading of the figurines themselves, as grouping with similar features tend to be found conjugated around specific locations.

    Common Customs, traditions and rituals

    Migrating Tribes

    In the distant past, agricultural development was too primitive to sustain large settlements. Culture and society was either nomadic or semi-nomadic depending on the 50 year-long seasons.   Many relied on hunting migratory birds, crustaceans and wild vicunas during years of flooding. Though they eventually came to domesticate llamas, alpacas, rodents and some fish in mountain settlements year-round, they still needed to occasionally move from one place to another due to shifting soil fertility.

    Funerary and Memorial customs

    Funerary Masks

    Mourners cover the deceased's face with sticky mud before parading them around the community while beating their chests. The body is taken to a funerary house where the mud mask is grafted onto the face. It is created from mud and straw that encases the head and shoulders to be molded into elaborate mock finery.   Artists show corpses wearing great floral crowns bounded with ribbons, straight wigs and vertically striped or pleated garments on the shoulders. Deaths, where someone drowned or was attacked, are venerated with careful touching only by the priests.

    Common Myths and Legends

    They had the misfortune of being the only other people in the Four Corners at the time, so faced the full brunt of their might alone.
    — Matron Piluta from the House of Women

    Mud Pachakuti

    A pachakuti is a cataclysmic overturning of the 'old way of thinking'.   For the Mud Men, it was when the Kang emerged from the heights of Hananhallpa to dominate them. For 500 years, they were the subject to the Kangs' whims and wishes to varies effects.
    Depending on when and by who mud captives were:
  • mistreated as slaves
  • incorporated into the state bureaucracy as non-citizens
  • able to escape into difficult places like Chuntu or Silver Trench or the Great Green or Chinkapun
  • Major organizations

    Archeological Sites

    Ch'iquy was the culmination of several decades worth of artistic expression by mud artists who covered as much wall as possible with sculptor carvings. It is now the last place where full mud blooded people are found.   It grew organically over hundreds of generations and may have only ever housed just over 800 people at its height. It also appears to have been abandoned and resettled multiple times.
    The first human to descend the cavernous caves a thousand years ago. They eventually tailored the damp environment as a place on Cusp to grow their food.
    Diu Island
    A castellate complex built over the river island's Kang ruin that provides a commanding view of Diu North and South.
    Other Sites
    There are a number of mountain side towns with the lingual mark in their name or that had been renamed in the past. Much of these places are partly overseen by the Innoit Estate.

    STR 3d3 (Choose the lowest roll as modifier)
    CON 3d6
    DEX 2d6+6
    INT 3d6
    WIS 3d6
    CHA 2d3+3
    Armour 3d6
    HP 2d4+1d6 (9)
    Speed d10+10 ft
    Settlement | Dec 8, 2022
    Star Barrage
    Myth | Dec 2, 2022
    The mud men are often spoken of in the same breath as the much more aggressive Kang. Though there are no Kang descendants left to exult their ancestors.   Indeed, the drama of the Kang expansion so greatly overshadows the more passive mud people. Even the modern mud descendants prefer listening to the Kang exploitation of their own ancient ancestors.
    — describing the Ahcap Pachakuti
    Gates To Hell
    Building / Landmark | Jul 24, 2024
    Division of Eras
    Generic article | Sep 3, 2022
    The 'Millennium of Mud' is the thousand year period that predates the beginning of formal history writing.   But we really only call it a 'thousand' because its just a vague memory in the people's oral history. And historians have long gotten used to recording the time period as the tens' of ten's in our number system.   In truth, there is archeological evidence the era might have been 50 times longer.
    — Khipu Specialist
    Paqariq Tampu
    Myth | Nov 11, 2022

    Cover image: The grandeur of the Moche by Llouise Melin

    Mud Pachas

    Millennium of Mud

    • language

      A messa top town renamed Langusta in the current day.

    • gland

      A village floating on the sacred river that is able to sustain itself throughout both the dry and flood season.

      Mountain River
    • bird

      A cliffside town overlooking the Q'asa canyon.

    • tiny

      A citadel on the valley floor since renamed and incorporated into Diu Island.

    • axe

      A powerful city in the south of the Silver Mountains.

    • button

      A messa top town renamed Qarapara in the current day.

    • underwater

      A settlement on the valley floor since renamed and incorporated into Diu South.

    • outer

      The sparsely populated settlement near Chinkapun.

    • clean

      The section of Cusp, where Hawkaypata currently stands, that was a farming place for the riven branch of Mud Men.

    • flu

      A settlement on the Ribs whose occupants rotate between Swingers and Honey People.

    • milk

      A mountainside town renamed Lamar in the current day.

    • drought

      A town in the Silver Mountains renamed Kawallu in the current day.

    • vein

      The name given to the general area of Bird's Feet where people temporarily settle and resettle depending on the season.

    • watercress

      A borderside town overlooking the Great Green.

    • snail

      A messa top town that still retains its original in the current day.

    • wren

      A mountainside town on the east side of the Oasis Valley.

    • tree

      A settlement incorporated into Kamachina as "End of the Forest".

    • sepia

      A revisited settlement site in Hayaqiago.

    • clay

      A site that has been continuously occupied by human settlements.

    • owl

      A mountainside town on the over the east of the Oasis Valley.

    • orchid

      A mountainside town on the east side of the Oasis Valley.

    • gnat

      An abandoned town on the silver trench.

    • labour

      The city that existed before the Smoggy Cloud Clan arrived and established Na-Chisalt.

    • worker

      The ruined site where an unofficial second capital of Tawantinsuyu, Na-Chisneu, was built during the longest war of Innoit history to shorten supply lines.

    • tub

      A settlement on the valley floor since renamed and incorporated into Diu North.

    • diagonal

      A Pearl-facing mountainside retreat for the rich during flood season.

    • spring

      A village on the savage side of the Neverending Forest.

    • single

      A desert settlement next to the Volta lake renamed Qucha.

    • intestine

      An underground tourist destination in the Valley of Faces.

      Valley of Faces
    • pouch

      A colony on the sacred hill that pays tides to violent groups at the summit.

    • pineapple

      A mountain town over the east of the Oasis Valley.

    • suck

      A university town in the Silver Mountains that specializes in catering to students from White Rock.

    • 811 M.P.


      A small community confined to being a living museum to visitors.

    • shrubland

      A border town overlooking the Green in the Valley of Palaces.

    • venus

      A messa top town renamed Kisa in the current day.

    • chile

      An abandoned town in the silver trench.

    • fraction

      An isolated village of the Ice Tribe.

    • evening

      A mountainside town renamed Mama to the current day.

    • sorrel

      A popular place for travelers who regularly partake in Uchucuta.

    • wetland

      A former settlement on the shores of snake lake before its residents moved to Reed Town.

    • attack

      A historical Dhani holdout renamed Quchapi in the current day.

    • 977 M.P.

      1011 M.P.

      Mud Pachakuti
      Military: War

    • virgo

      A messa top town renamed Urpi to the current day.

    • flies

      An abandoned town on the silver trench.

    Kang Pacha

    Mit'awi Chapaq


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    Sep 8, 2022 03:53 by RandoScorpio

    This was so detailed and easy to follow! There are so many linked articles, it's inspiring me to spend a little more time and get some articles done to link to my own entry. I'll have to check out more when I have time!

    Sep 15, 2022 13:00 by K.S. Bishoff

    Great stuff!

    Come vist my worlds
    Sep 21, 2022 02:50 by George Sanders

    Great use of article blocks and quotes to build a solid layout.

    Write for the Summer Camp Prompt I sponsored "A personal item that keeps you safe".
    Share your articles on Lavani's Reading List!
    Sep 27, 2022 07:46

    And another great read!
    A perfect addition to your summercamps "Ch'iquy" settlement entry.
    Only thing that irritates me: The first word in each of your Timeline entries... pinapple, flu, virgo...

    Have a look at my entries for:
  • BasicDragons's Unofficial Dragon Challenge 2024: Parg-nél'rush, der Walddrache
  • DaniAdventures Romance-Ception! Challenge Ballade von der Silberelfe
  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • Sep 27, 2022 17:21

    Ah. That was something I did when I was setting up the timeline to hide the dates.   I wanted most of my timeline to remain vague, so I inputted those words in their place as prompts for describing settlements founded by the past mud men.   What about them is displeasing precisely?

    Sep 28, 2022 06:20

    Ah now I understand ^^
      they just throw me of / disconnected me because I had no context for them ^^" -especialy virgo, venus and suck after pineapple seemed so random, I did not know what to do with them

    Have a look at my entries for:
  • BasicDragons's Unofficial Dragon Challenge 2024: Parg-nél'rush, der Walddrache
  • DaniAdventures Romance-Ception! Challenge Ballade von der Silberelfe
  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • Sep 28, 2022 02:08 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

    I liked the Inca theme of the project, and use of article blocks to sub for art was a great idea. I need to learn to do mid article blocks and art!

    Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!