Mountain River Geographic Location in Four Quadrants | World Anvil
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Mountain River

by hughpierre


The Mountain River is the main river system in Tawantinsuyu. It's flow south into Antisuyu from the highlands of Chinchaysuyu is what carved the sacred valley into being and whose waters feed many upstream terrace farms.   In the northwest, a network of rivers form the inter-regional borders between Chinchaysuyu, Messa and Qullasuyu that are themselves sources for the river.


The Mountain River is divided into the Upper River and the Lower River, with the dividing feature being Q'asa: an infamous whitewater canyon that bleeds into the Neverending Forest.   On either side of the river's rocky banks, the main roads of Kuntisuyu and Antisuyu in the south and, Chinchaysuyu and Qullasuyu in the north; are generally the widest on the road network at over 13 feet.

Upper River

Upstream; the thousands of runoff tributaries from the slopes of Hananhallpa flow into a series of lakes which in turn flow into what is called the Sun River. The main parts of the river are the Falls, the Step River and the Jaws which descend through adjoining valleys and gorges.   It later gorges on the eastward rapids at the edge of the messa's balancing rocks before making a wide turn near Na-Chisalt. A number of ruins of the Mud Men and the Kang lie in the Sacred Valley, including the glass city of Q'ispi Rumi, Patallaqta, Fairy House and Ch'iquy.  

Lower River

Within Kuntisuyu, the name changes to the sacred river. It is relatively underdeveloped and features a significant indigenous population consisting of many coastal people.   The largest center in the region is the town of Diu; with several smaller, but still influential settlements, further downstream. The economy is based primarily on fishery around Birds' Feet and the nearby pacaritampu harvesting initiatives.

Ecosystem Cycles

Dry Season

Mountain river starts in the mountains and carves into the narrow, deep valley with steep banks and a rocky stream bed with accumulated rock debris.   It is characterized by insignificant depth, frequent rapids and waterfalls at the upper river and high slopes on either side of its banks and slow velocity at the lower river.

Flood Season

When the floods come, the water level rises 45 feet from where it would normally be. There it would stay as a salty near-lake for 50 years.    

Localized Phenomena

Directional Change

Every 50 years, the water levels of the seas, rivers and lakes rise. During its time, floods become frequent, seasons are harsher and the earth quakes more readily.   There are two 10 year winding up and down times in the cycle where the sea level slowly raises into a mountain-like bulge of water in the open sea that changes the gravitational direction for the waters to flow.
  The Sun River becomes the Moon River, when the water is forced to flow backwards and lap at the shores around Messa as an L-shaped bay that penetrates deep inland. Ocean going fish, crabs and cockles move in place of their fresh water brethren who either adapt, hibernate or are ritually transplanted by the people in Diu to other places.

Fauna & Flora

Dream Fish: A tiny bioluminescent fish that can survive in both types of water.   Pecari: A stout pest that eats anything of fabric, raiding stores and besieging wells. They go as they like though streets and homes; making their way from the sea to the Grey Haven where they are not known to journey back.


The overall curvature of the whole river is thought to mirror the sky bridge that marks the heavens overhead.
Given that the river can sparkle in the sun like the stars should at night.   We and many other civilizations believe that this strip of stars fell from the night sky and settled to become the mountain river.
Piluta of the Dhani

Alternative Name(s)
Sacred River
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Contested By
Related Tradition (Primary)
Related Traditions
Inhabiting Species
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May 7, 2022 14:05

Like the division of the Upper and Lower Rivers. Such a cool detail!   ----------------------------------------------------------------   Feel free to check out my Rivers/Waterways entry: Loch Mesner

May 9, 2022 22:10 by Michael Chandra

The Dutchman in me wants to build high enough dykes to have land claimed that can survive the floods.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
May 20, 2022 10:31

Pretty interesting river thanks to the cycles and it reversing course over time. Nice article.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Jun 4, 2022 02:08 by Tara Fae Belle

The cycle of flooding to a lake is pretty cool. And bioluminescent fish :) Neat.

My current passion is Shroom People. I still don't know much about them yet. But as I do, it will be updated here:
Shroom People
Species | Apr 17, 2024
~ Happy wording!
Jun 4, 2022 02:08 by Tara Fae Belle

The cycle of flooding to a lake is pretty cool. And bioluminescent fish :) Neat.

My current passion is Shroom People. I still don't know much about them yet. But as I do, it will be updated here:
Shroom People
Species | Apr 17, 2024
~ Happy wording!