First Quadrant Organization in Four Quadrants | World Anvil
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First Quadrant

by hughpierre


Master of Ten

Some of the highest-ranked tax collectors based within the capital for forwarding the revenue from the masters of ten hundred.  

Master of Ten Hundred

Tax collectors who oversee the revenue collection of a hundred provinces within the four quadrants.  

Master of Ten Thousand

The local resident tax collectors employed for going door to door to collect their dues and sending them to the masters of ten hundred.



Innoit rule is ostensibly pan-coastal, but in practice is a complicated quilt of various degrees of autonomy, quasi-self ruled regions and direct rule. Rebellions to change things have been brutally repressed in the past. Rule by division is the observable strategy.

Demography and Population

Riven of Diu

A city folk of mixed Coastal-Innoit descent living in the sacred valley.

Bayn of Hayaqiago

The farthest people from the typical power centers in Tawantinsuyu.

Deltn of Bird's Feet

A less defined group of people inhabiting traditional coastal places and practices.



The first quadrant in the southern most lowlands; southwest of Ca-Chisneu to the Coastal Region. The contisuyo territories are made up of lands located between Diu and Hatun Wamp'u.


General of the Conquering South

Typically, close relatives of the Innoit nobility take on this role, as the First Quadrant is generally peaceful. With most rebellious spirit having been stamped out long ago.

Technological Level

Marine Breeding Techniques

These people used a curious tradition of utilizing animals' natural abilities, or breeding in such abilities, to their own benefit. The dream fish, for example, was originally a small dull reed swimmer before careful pairings created the luminous fish that lights the nightway. Similar for medicine derived from coral, grafting from red weed or armour from shells.



A tradition of community work and voluntary collective labour for social utility such as in the construction of public works and infrastructure or to the benefit a person or family needing help with other agricultural products. It is a system without salary and a tribute of labour within local communities.   Tawantin Suyu possesses a multi-ethnic armed force to expand and defend. Due to the military mit'a, warriors are provided food, clothing and state assistance for their family, such that becoming a permanent soldier is a preferable career for a person form a conquered people.

Trade & Transport

In the First Quadrant, the roads head towards the South and lower valleys along Hayaqiago; connecting Ca-Chisneu to its coastal territories.   The majority of the the capac ñan lies within this quadrant and is only for those traveling on the emperor's business.   It is the main axis comprised of the four roads leading to each of the suyus. The routes funnel into one of two rope bridges spanning the Cusp Crater where one runs along the crater walls


Oasis Bridge

The longest rope bridge that crosses the sacred valley.

Salt Nets

A water filtration system that is useful for making drinking water


Piles of fertile dirt that are currently used as intensely-cultivated farmland.

Governmental, Ministry
Alternative Names
Ruling Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
  • Bird's Feet
  • Diu
  • Ch'iqan
  • Ch'usana
  • Ch'añan
  • Hayaqiago
  • Ch'umpi
  • White Rock
  • Ch'illa
  • South Silver Mountains
  • Major Exports
  • Seafood
  • Wanu
  • Glass
  • Major Imports
  • Cloth
  • Feathers
  • Meat
  • Parent Organization
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