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Third Quadrant

by hughpierre



The zipa is the ruler of the southern part of the Kamachina Savanna and adjacent areas. He is one of the rulers of the Desert Confederation and the recognized leader of the Third Quadrant by the Sapa. As the leader, the zipa acts as the spiritual and social example for others to follow so that the confederation would remain unified against outside threats.   He currently holds supreme power over all the peoples in Hananhallpa and is accepted as the ruler of Tawantinsuyu's Third Quadrant by the Sapa. So long as he acknowledges nominal Innoit overlordship.  


The zaque were the ancient rival to the zipa but have since become subservient to Kamachina. They were exhausted due to many years of innoit resistance before the bee revolt finally drove them out. Thus, they were not in much of a position to press for a greater role in the new alliance.  


The iraka was once a ruler in his own right but has since fallen from political significance. Though contemporary iraka still maintain religious power as priests to the Sun. They enforce religious traditions and give loud sermons that influence the zipa's decision making process.



Honey people have a not-unfounded reputation for parties. They had a myriad of reasons to get together where anything is fair game, from philosophic conversations to drinking games throughout the nights. Invitations are not strict though there were a set of formal rules at the start before being disgarded later in the evening.  
Night fires lit the jeers and hollering of half-naked men. Spilt wine was good enough to keep drinking.
  There did not need to be a great occasion:
  • If a traveler returned with new tales someone would throw a party
  • If an athlete exceeded expectations, a wealthy supporter would sponsor
    Basically any excuse to party was good enough for the wealthy to come together and get drunk.
  • History


    In its time, the zipa represented just one faction in the Valley of Palaces. With its holders generally being out done by the iraka of the salt people; and in constant competition with the zaque of the emerald people for second place.   It was the zipas who were the first to skirmish with the innoit's army around snake lake, sometimes with help from the others, other times without. During one three-way conflict, the honey people found themselves unwilling to continue fighting the innoit, so instead invited them in. Once the innoit were past the choke point that kept them out of the valley, they had an easier time violently surpressing all the people.  

    Revolt of the Bees

    This was a surprise, impromptu, ambush by the honey people; where they brought in many of the fleshly bloomed desert flowers into their homes and around innoit barracks. These flowers attracted wasp bees, from the honey towers, whose stings are lethal to those unaccustomed to Sumag Wagta Ch'in but merely cause raised bumps on locals. Being poisoned and disoriented, a mass uprising had an easier time violently ejecting the occupiers from their lands.  

    De Facto Independence

    Hananhallpa has been organized under Ca-Chisneu as the Third Quadrant for thirty years. Indeed, it is still officially called that. But after the successful revolt, and the continuation of the Wars of Fire in the Fourth Quadrant, the Sun Court decided that Canna took precedence. Diplomats were sent to Kamachina and it was agreed that that the rebels would maintain their autonomy in exchange for acknowledgment of the Sapa's supremacy over them. The only quadrant to be offered such a deal.

    Demography and Population

    The people of the third quadrant are grouped into three loose confederations of tribes ruled by the Zipa, the Zaque and the Iraca. Most of the tribes are part of the same ethnic group; sharing the same language, culture and forming relations through trade. They have historically united in the face of a common enemy under the combined leadership of the Zipa or the Zaque.

    Honey People

    A privileged population in the quadrant who make alot of the political decisions.

    Emerald People

    A politically isolated people in the quadrant who are resentful of their zipa overlords.

    Salt People

    A religiously driven sect of people who are more populous in cities other than their own.



    The third quadrant in the northern most highlands begin at the Land of Honey and extends to the Fall and the Green Forest.


    Guecha Warriors

    Local champions of different sporty games are automatically qualified to serve in the group. They are commanded by the zipa or other high-ranking honey person.  
    General of the Conquering North
    The Third Quadrant is the most autonomous region in the empire. Their general, assigned by the Sapa, is seen more as a symbolic position as the sapa's continual rule over the honey people. The innoit troops under him see it more as a vacation post and rest easily in one of three forts.

    Agriculture & Industry

    Honey Hunting

    Only those of us who are strong, brave and fit should go up there
    — Veteran Honey Hunter
    Honey hunters descend towering cliffs on man made ladders to harvest enchanted honey nestled under jagged overhangings. It is dangerous work, but obtaining honey is so central to the people in the third quadrant and it is impossible to separate their association. Going through these labours to achieve rich rewards became the basis for their work ethic.  

    Gold Working

    Gold is not common in Kamachina territories but enough is obtained through trade to make crowns, nose rings, pectorals, earrings, diadems, chunso, brooches, scepters, coins and tools.   They use an advanced technique to produced highly stylilised figures utilizing melting pots, ovens and heated stone moulds filled with beeswax.

    Salt Shifting

    Water collected from salt springs are boiled in the sun, or over coals, to be as the most common de facto money in trading with the confederacy's neighbours.

    Emerald Mining

    People dig holes next to emerald-containing sediment rocks during the rainy seasons. The rainwater would wash into the dried holes to reveal clean emeralds.

    Trade & Transport

    In the Third Quadrant, the roads head towards the North. This path breaks into three ways that go through and organize the most important administrative centers of Tawantinsuyu outside of Ca-Chisneu.   These roads are transversal routes that guarantee the complementarity of natural resources. Since they also cross very varied ecological floors, in the varied altitude of that area; from the heights of the cordillera to the lower spaces.

    Geopolitical, Protectorate
    Alternative Names
  • Chinchaysuyu(Innoit)
  • Desert Confederacy (Honey People)
  • Ruling Organization
    Leader Title
    Government System
    Monarchy, Theocratic
    Power Structure
    Autonomous area
    Economic System
    Gift economy
  • Valley of Palaces
  • Honey Towers
  • Little Lake
  • Kamachina Savanna
  • Mara
  • Tamalame
  • Cundinamarca
  • Mukuku
  • Suamox
  • Currency
    Exchange of goods and services is based on reciprocity between individuals and among individuals, groups, and rulers.   Taxes are reflected through labour obligation and the circulation of honey, salt and precious gems.
    Major Exports
  • Bees Wax
  • Lumber
  • Metalwork
  • Aoctli
  • Emerald
  • Glass
  • Honey
  • Salt
  • Seeds
  • Major Imports
  • Lumber
  • Seafood
  • Gold
  • Exotic Fruits
  • Meats
  • Ice
  • Silver Silk
  • Fabrics
  • Parent Organization
    Related Ranks & Titles
    Related Professions
    Manufactured Items
    Related Items
    Notable Members
    Related Ethnicities
    Related Myths

    Cover image: Forester fantasy world by Andrew Krivulya


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