Snake Panaqa Organization in Four Quadrants | World Anvil
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Snake Panaqa (pah-nah-kwa)

by hughpierre



Apu Mayta's internal culture is heavily focused on achieving greatness and success, often at any cost.   Heirs are taught to value ambition and self-preservation above all else, often leading to a cutthroat and competitive environment. Loyalty is highly valued, but it is only given to those who can prove themselves worthy of it.

Public Agenda

Machacuay operate subterfuge and gather sensitive information on potential threats, rival civilizations and internal dissent.



The capaccuna is the official list of prominent innoit ayllu, and their respective founder, and who had the right to be called "panaka".
From those records - the most prominent lineages are remembered
Mayta Qhapaqpa Panakan (MAY-ta KA-pak-pa PA-na-kan)
A royal ayllu that originated from the Uska Mayta Panaka Ayllu, characterized by exceptional diplomacy and strategic prowess, making them formidable negotiators and mediators in times of conflict. Their ability to navigate complex political landscapes and forge alliances allowed them to expand their influence without resorting to force.  
Qhapaq Yupankip Panakan (KA-pak YOO-PAN-keep PA-na-kan)
The current royal ayllu that originated from the Apu Mayta Panaka Ayllu, renowned for unmatched cunning and strategic prowess. They prioritize outwiting opponents during both negotiations and battlefield encounters. They are master tacticians, adept at devising intricate plans and exploiting the weaknesses of their adversaries.



The lower set of Hurin Chisneu is associated with Kollasuyu and Kontisuyu.


The "Hollow Salt District" is a worker district located at the cusp base for making chuño.
K'ayao Cachi
The "Salt Formation District" is a well funded worker district for making ch'arki.
Ch'akill Chaka
Corresponds to the double neighbourhoods of Asukar and Blin.

Foreign Relations

First Quadrant

The snake panaka unofficially govens Diu to manage the social complexities among the coastal people.

Bat Panaqa

An unconventional panaka of 1-3 mysterious individuals who are the snake's most favoured operatives.

Trade & Transport

Cusp-Crater Bridge

The second longest bridge that spans the gulf between Cusp and the crater wall.

Cosmological Views

Every panaka claims 'ownership' over one feature of the Willka Mayu as their sign. Machacuay naturally took possession of:


Mach'acuay, the serpent, appears as a wavy dark constellation that emerges head-first between the months of Yapaquis and Jatunpucuy in the Hayaqiago region. This curiously mirrors snake activity during the rainy season.   It is located between the Chukichinchay and the Chakana of the 'Willka Mayu' sky.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Cougar Panaqa

A fellow military rival in the political center of the capital with much needed expertise in artistry, research and religion.

Condor Panaqa

A fellow military rival in the holiest parts of the capital with much needed expertise in artistry, agriculture and politics.

Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names
  • Machacuay
  • Apu Mayta Panaka Ayllu
  • Leader
    Government System
    Power Structure
    Dependent territory
    Economic System
    Command/Planned economy
  • Sanka Rim & Floor
  • Major Exports
    Major Imports
    Official State Religion
    Parent Organization
    Official Languages
    Related Ranks & Titles
    Related Professions
    Notable Members
    Related Ethnicities
    Related Plots


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