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Reed Town

by hughpierre


Lake Moat

Its position on the lake means that they are protected from the worst of any onslaught.   Whenever attacked, the inhabitants simply cut their moorings and float to a more remote part of the lake.


Rickety observation towers made of reeds and sticks monitor the potential enemies approaching from the mainland.


Floating Ground

Reed Town is build on 100 manmade islands constructed, by hand, from reeds. The tatora reed is tough and thick and suitable as a base, 7 feet thick. They naturally grow all over the lake and float to the surface during Ayamarca to Pacha-puchuy rainy season, when they can be collected and layered over each other. They are anchored with rope and eucalyptus stakes driven into the lake bed.
It feels like stepping on a sponge.
  Most islands are tiny. Each one being home to just a few families in tiny reed houses. These neighbourhoods can break up from one another and merge with others


Lake Center

Families who anchor in the middle of the lake sustain themselves by fishing, hunting birds and farming rabbits and guinea pigs.

Lake Shores

Families who anchor close to the shore, do so to maintain small gifted herds of llamas and bihorns.


Reed Boats

Overcrowded boats- 100 feet long- act as a taxi service between different islands and the shore.
Private rafts for one person more resemble laundry baskets to those on dry land.
Tatora reed boats are primarily used as small canoes for fishing and hunting seabirds.


Wars of Fire

The shores of snake lake was a common site where twelve battles have occurred during Tawantinsuyu's conquest of the third and fourth quadrants. This is because traveling around its rim is generally the easiest route; compared to crossing the Steaming River or hiking over the undulating range between Q'asa and Hananhallpa.


The islands are a well-worn stop for those hundreds of thousands of people moving through the snake trails.


Noble visitors with the free time to travel to the town known as a second Ch'añan.


Friendly tribes who regularly trade with the aursos.

Honey People

People from Hananhallpa pilgrimage to Ch'ura and would purchase supplies from the nearby shore.
Everyday, only half the population are open to accommodating visitor tours, while the other half go about the other necessities of life. Swapping roles the next day.   They are perceived somewhat similarly to the mud men confined to Ch'iquy. However, their formation is much more natural. In comparison, the aursos are free to leave whenever they wish.


Snake Lake

The largest navigable lake in the high mountains. It is 1000 feet deep and 650,000 feet wide. Its sparse glittering surface belies a toxic depth. The aursos engineered an ingenious ecosystem where their waste goes to feed the bottomfeeders on the lakebed, which inturn feeds the fish population they eat.



Sudden storms can destroy islands moored away from the lake shore. Nighttime temperatures are regularly below freezing and the air can be just as thin as the surrounding mountains to those unaccustomed.
Reed islands do not last forever. Every few weeks, extra layers need to be added to keep their feet dry.   Though done well, an island can last 30 years. Otherwise, they'd need to be dismantled and rebuilt.

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