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Wishing Wall

by hughpierre


In the heart of Rimaq Panpa, lies a divinely crafted wall - almost as single and seamless as a mirror.   Legend tells it holds the power to grant wishes. Those who stand before it with the purest intentions and speak aloud are said to have their desires granted.   For centuries, people have come from far and wide to offer their prayers to the great jade wall. As the sun sets everyday and the city quiets, the wall glows with an ethereal jade light, as if holding wishful secrets of its own.
Magic of the Jade Wall

Historical Basis

Jade Stone

During the Millennium of Mud, the resident Mud Men shaped a giant piece of jade into a polished, reflective, cubic block. Precisely why they had done so remains unknown, but given that it was foreverafter named the 'wishing stone' attributes some cultural importance to it.   Some say it was a gift from their riven cousins who had fished it from the sacred river as a mark of peace between them. But really, no one knows anything about it.
Other than being a large monolith. Maybe it was just its size that gave it importance. And why it was worth carrying up and over a mountain.
— Historian from the Innoit Estate


Given the exclusivity of even entering the capital city, knowledge of the jade wall is not so widely known. Indeed, only reasonably wealthy members of society are able to access the religious district where the wall is located.

Cultural Reception

Green Wall

Either in spite of, or because of, the stone's missing influence; it was chopped up into smaller pieces to assemble the 7ft tall, 100ft long wall made of solid jade. It is traditional for students from the Yachay Wasi and examinees of the Simsiker to race one hand across its length for good luck. Incidentally, polishing the wall with an uneven shine after many generations of swiping away it's luck.

In Art

Palace of Hatunrumiyoq

The naturally green rock wall is famous for its over-sized, angled stone and belonging to Innoit Roqa. Today, it is the Willaq Umu's palace.   The great temple was built with massive blocks of stone paved with large and tightly fitted segments to be found in the city. The temple grounds contained 200 store rooms for oil, food, religious items and earthen jars.
The stone was kept inside one of these many old storerooms like an unwanted present. But it might also have been so precious as to not risk it being weathered by the elements.

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