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1st Federation Civil War

A conflict to decide the future of the Federation

While this article is very long, it is intended to act as a central staging area for a wide variety of articles, on a range of topics. I suggest using the article table of contents, as it clearly seperates the three primary stages of the Civil War. This conflict also serves as the main topic for my WorldEmber23 articles found here
— SparkyTheSec0nd

You would see our union falter for your own ambition!  
I wish only for this Federation to be free of tyrants like you Oberyn.
  A bastard like you isn't fit to rule, this war only proved that.  
Perhaps, but I'm not the one who lost.
Michael Oberyn & Benjamin Picket
  One of the most impactful events in the history of both the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets and the Galaxy of Astraesto was the 1st Federation Civil War, informally called the Andisien Treason in some parts of the Federation and Galaxy. The impact this conflict would have on the Federation has been felt for a millennium, all the way to the modern day. It would see two diametrically opposed political groups battle for control of the Federation, the Oberynites - alternatively, Loyalists, led by President of the Federation Michael Oberyn, and the Andisiens, the rebel faction, principally though not fully, led by Senator Benjamin Picket. Both sides also saw galactic support, with large contingents of foreign volunteers and supplies joining the war effort.   The conflict would see almost all the sectors of the Federation choose sides, with only a few sectors - notably Iomhare, remaining neutral, at least for the opening stages of the war. Nearly every organisation within the country would also fracture, the military included. This immense fracturing would cause heavy confusion for the war's first year until battlelines were properly established between the two sides. There was also very little ship-to-ship combat in this early stage, with mutinies among naval ships and army units (most prominently the Mutiny on the FNS Duncan A. Davenport) accounting for nearly all major battles.   The five-year war would end with the Liberation of Serdica, with Andisien forces proving victorious after the capture of Oberyn. Soon thereafter, Picket would be elected as the 53rd President of the Federation, and the Andisien Bloc - a coalition of six major left-wing parties, all of whom supported the Andisiens during the Civil War, would go on to dominate Federation politics for the next century.  
The exact causes of the Civil War has long been debated among Federation academia, most concur - and in this I must also share my own support, that the final spark for armed conflict was the execution of Elissa Andis. However, even this opinion has seen its detractors, and then there are the many notable academics criticising what they see as a gross oversimplification of a huge number of unique events, all coalescing into a single explosion. The truth of the matter is that this conflict was deeply complex in all its intricacies, even the most comprehensive of histories have left out significant details.
- Federation Civil War Historian Julian Head

Political Breakdown

The Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets in the 35th century was a nation in the midst of political calamity. Never before had the country been so politically divided, with over 2 dozen major political parties attempting to gain control of the Federation Federal Government. Few Presidents had been able to maintain even a single term in government, as political parties unified, broke apart, and made temporary alliances to further their own ends.   After a period of 6 successive presidents failing to achieve a second term, from 3396 to 3436, it would be the Liberal Party candidate Lara Barerra that would finally break the cycle, winning his first term in 3444 AC, and his second in 3452. Barerra was able to achieve this victory, thanks to an unprecedented alliance between three right-wing factions, spearheaded by Barerra, Marnus Braithwaite, and Michael Oberyn, the three leaders of the respective factions. Following their election victory, Braithwaite became the Deputy President, with Oberyn given the Ministry of the Military as the junior leader in the three-party partnership.
Turmoil in the Federal Assembly again today, as a 14th straight day of arguments nearly concluded in physical fighting between several senators. Congressional Police were forced to intervene, and we have been told that all members involved have been reprimanded.
- Federation News Network Anchor
  As the Liberal Party celebrated their victory, the many left-wing factions in the Federation nearly collapsed. Rather than forming a united front against Barerra's coalition, many left wing leaders sought instead to consolidate their own power, rejecting all calls for alliance and unity, even in the face of political defeat. Even as the right-wing coalition won a second term the left refused to do the same.   Feeling betrayed and abandoned by their Federal leaders, many among the left turned to more local leaders, most notably Aradio Andis. Andis quickly became a nationally recognized figure of the left, though he was most well known in his native Anfieden. He quickly showed his leadership, leading many marches throughout the planet, earning him the personal animosity of Oberyn. As Andis consilidated his new power, Barerra's coalition did the same, with left-wing Federal politicans able to do little to prevent the rapid introduction and passing of bills.  
What can only be described as absolute chaos has erupted across Anfieden this evening. The long-awaited anti-government march has attracted hundreds of thousands to Unity Terrace, where they have been met by a huge counterprotest. The large and hostile crowds have made it difficult for police officers to attend to fighting between protestors.
- Anfieden Central News Anchor
Of course I disagree wholeheartedly with the counter-protestors and what they stand for. But I want a free country, a nation where we can protest no matter the cause. What I mostly disagree with, however, is a counterprotest intended to cause violence and fear, which is exactly what this is.
- Aradio Andis
  By the end of 3459 AC, Barerra's second term was nearly its end, and the Federation prepared for the next election. In a shocking twist, Barerra would announce his retirement from politics, despite many polls and surveys showing a clear lead over the leading left-wing candidate Silvia Fortia. Soon thereafter, Barerra declared his support for Oberyn, passing over Braithwaite - in what many of his supporters saw as a massive betrayal. Nevertheless, Braithwaite soon also cast his personal support for Oberyn's presidency.   The subsequent 3460 Federal Election would be another victory for the right-wing coalition, this time under Oberyn, with Fortia unable to completely unify the various left-wing faction. Oberyn would become the 52nd President of the Federation, and Braithwaite would spend a third term as Deputy President.  
In a result that seemed to surprise only Senator Fortia, the Liberal Party led right-wing coalition has won a third term in government, with the former Minister for the Armed Forces, Michael Oberyn, elected as the 52nd President of this Federation. His running mate, Marnus Braithwaite, has also achieved a third consecutive term as Deputy President - the first since Jake Pedlar a century ago. The Coalition is also on track to win a supermajority in government, after narrowly missing out in 3452. The President is expected to make a speech declaring victory any minute now. Make sure to remain tuned in to FNN for all political updates.
- Federation News Network Anchor
  While the presidency of Barerra had seen a large number of political protests and marches - far more than regular, his general charisma and leadership abilities had shielded him from major violence. The same could not be said for Oberyn's administration. From his inauguration, gigantic protests erupted across the Federation, challenging Oberyn's presidency and weakening his political power. Despite the many protests, and the loss of some political capital, Oberyn continued to push through many bills, much like his predecessor had done. It would be one of these bills that spark an even greater act of defiance, one large enough to be called a rebellion.  

The Andis Revolt

It is often questioned and pondered, if Andis's Revolt should be considered the starting point for the 1st Civil War. It was, after all, the first major act of rebellion against Oberyn's administration, and saw a heavy and harsh reaction. The two events are unquestionably connected - you would be hard pressed to find someone who disagrees with that, and yet most place the starting year of the Civil War in 3464, three and a half years after the revolt concluded. The Andisiens are even named for the principal leader of the revolt, and yet their future governance would see the revolt and civil war separated.
- Federation Civil War Historian Julian Head
  Aradio Andis - already a popular man by 3460, had only gained even more popularity, even as Oberyn won his party a third consecutive term, and in doing so formed a supermajority in the Federal Government. Andis was viewed by many as the only left-wing leader capable of breaking the hegemony that the right wing was slowly forming over the Federation Federal Government. This was despite the fact that Andis had never held political office, and was nothing more than an activist, compared to politicians with decades of experience.  
"What word on Andis?"   "He continues to gather support across the capital, and his little stunt in front of the Apreasean has brought him support Fortia can only dream of."   "Should we consider him the greatest threat to reelection then?"   "I would Mr President."  
Michael Oberyn & Grace Fletcher, September 3460AC
Thanks to his supermajority, Oberyn was still able to pass many bills, although the majority hinged on the support of the Federal Unity Party - the most centrist of the right-wing parties in the coalition. The FUP's leader, ___, while on paper a supporter of the president, personally despised the man. This often caused ___ and the rest of the FUP to vote against new legislation put forward, in turn fermenting a deep rift between the Liberal and Unity Parties.   Seeking to regain the support of the FUP, and in turn, continue his supermajority, Oberyn introduced two key pieces of legislation. The more notable, and far more controversial bill was the Marches Act, which sought to stifle the largest political protests by requiring them - and all marches of any type, to be fully registered and accepted by the newly formed Citizen's Opinion organisation. Despite the name, Citizen's Opinion was a subsidiary branch of the Federal Domestic Affairs Agency and was entirely controlled by Oberyn and his party. In addition, the Union Immigration Act was abolished, making travel between planets and sectors of the Federation much harder. Border security was also tightened on all planets, with the Federation Navy and Federation Federal Police tasked with boarding and inspecting every ship attempting to land on any Federation world.
  The resulting outcry was enormous, and expectantly, Aradio Andis soon led a huge unscheduled march - later nicknamed the Grand Andisien March, throughout Anfieden. Despite a huge number of fellow protesters, the March soon came under threat from planetary and federal police forces. The protest was soon declared an illegal assembly, and a warrant was placed for Andis' arrest.  
Even in the face of prosecution the march continued, and Andis, and most notably his daughter Elissa Andis continued their protest, standing front and centre against numerous police forces. Soon, Federation Army helicraft - fully armed, began to circle the massed lines of demonstrators, and the Federation Navy Marine Corp arrived to provide backup for the police. Seeking to end the protest by taking out the head, government forces under the direction of Ashkan Zadeh - Minister of the Interior, attacked the centre of the protest, attempting to directly arrest Aradio Andis. The defensive actions of hundreds of protesters would stop prosecution for Aradio, however, in the struggle, Elissa was captured.   The aftermath of this protest would be the Andis Revolt, which saw the first armed conflict against Oberyn's government. Unlike the later Civil War, the revolt was centred on Anfieden and rarely ventured further than Iomhare. Nevertheless, the revolt was a bloody and confusing affair for the planet, and many deadly terrorist attacks on Government buildings were directly connected with the rebels. Despite being called the Andis Revolt, the rebels were largely incapable of operating as a singular entity, although Aradio Andis was respected as a prominent leader by the majority of rebels.
  Under the extreme pressure the revolt was putting on the Federation and his government, Oberyn would finally offer a compromise to Andis for him to stop the revolt. Him for complete amnesty for the rest of his family - including the imprisoned Elissa. In addition, Oberyn promised to reverse the Marches Act, granting a major victory to the rebels. Seeking to protect his family, and stop a riot that had gone widely out of control, Aradio Andis - ever an idealist, accepted the proposal. With Andis denouncing the revolt, soon even the most vehement rebels began to reintegrate into normal society.     The day he was to be arrested, would, however, also be the day he was assassinated. In one of the greatest mysteries in Federation history, an assassin - whose identity remains a mystery through two millennia, would murder the rebel leader mere moments before he surrendered to the Federal Police, using a sniper rifle to do the deed. The resulting fallout from the assassination would echo throughout the Galaxy of Astraesto and is one of the major events that lead up to the 1st Federation Civil War.  

Corruption & Execution

The highest punishment for treason is death, and in consorting with a criminal you have committed treason. I find your defence invalid and unconvincing, as does the assembled jury. The punishment is clear, and your crime and guilt are undeniable...  
- Judge Luis Rion, to Elissa Andis
  The death of Aradio Andis all but ensured conflict within the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets. And so, just as the Andis Revolt had ended, President Michael Oberyn looked to be facing another crisis. Perhaps as a way of scaring the protestors into stopping, Oberyn and his administration - along with the majorly right-wing Anfieden planetary government, greenlit the prosecution of Elissa Andis, with the government seeking the death penalty.  
The resulting trial is often regarded as one of the most heavily biased judicial displays in not just Federation history, but the history of the Galaxy of Astraesto. Despite a typical case seeking capital punishment lasting several years at a minimum, this case would resolve in under a month. Even with the best defence lawyers at her disposal, and broad support from the public.   The jury - which was allegedly filled with agents of the Governmental Arm of Intelligence, unanimously found her guilty, and the judge sentenced her to death. By Federation law, a vote of the Anfieden Planetary Congress took place to determine if capital punishment should be utilized. A narrow majority saw the same vote fall to the Federation Federal Congress, who also in turn voted in favour of the execution.   The final decision came to Oberyn, who gave the go-ahead for Elissa's execution. In addition, he ordered the suspension of the typically mandatory decade-long appeal process. This second act only served to bolster an increasingly irate populace, even muzzled as they were following the Andis Revolt, and soon a new leader began to emerge for the left-wing, Senator Benjamin Picket of Denaria. Despite being relatively low level in the Federal Congress, Picket proved himself to be charismatic and a natural leader - much like Aradio Andis had been before his assassination.
Capital Punishment in the Federation
Following the collapse of the New Terran Republic, and the rise of many regional powers in the wake of the 1st Imperial Republic of Jerace's Galactic Hegemony following the 1st Galactical War, few believed that the death penalty should exist. A notable opponent was the Republic of Raybia, one of the two founding Republics of the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets.   With the union between Iomhare and Raybia, many laws were changed, reworded, or merged. In particular, capital punishment received attention, and while the new nation would not outright ban the practice, significant barriers were put in place, to prevent abuses of power. These barriers were; the agreement of the President of the Federation, a majority vote of the Federation's Federal Congress, and a majority vote of the Planetary Government associated with the charge. All of this is in addition to the ruling of a jury and judge.   This process resulted in relatively few cases ever resulting in the death penalty, and only for the most heinous of crimes. The number would also change drastically from government to government. By 3463, there had not been an execution in over two decades.
  On the 22nd of September, 3463AC, Elissa Andis would be executed by lethal injection, with her execution attended only by her remaining family, her fiancé Emily Raien, and Benjamin Picket. At the age of just 27, Andis was the youngest ever to be executed by legal mandate, in not just the Federation, but the entire Galaxy. It would be the last act of the prelude to one of the most impactful and important events in the Federation's history.  

The Declaration at Golova & Armed Conflict

And now we reach the apex of the play, the pieces have all aligned and true conflict - not just a protest or riot, shall now begin.
- Federation Civil War Historian Julian Head
  The execution of Elissa Andis is widely considered the biggest, and final contributor to the Civil War. In its immediate aftermath, Benjamin Picket would travel to dozens of sectors, most notably ___, ___, ___, and ___, to gather support among political figures. Other left-wing leaders began to do the same, in one of the first shows of true collaboration since before the right-wing coalition came into power. Another important, though hidden development, came from Naval Chief of Staff Amy Linkin, who secretly ordered the construction of 17 advanced naval warships - including 2 battleships and 7 battlecruisers.  
In his journey Picket had managed to attract numerous recruits to his cause - from Sector Governors and Senators, to the impoverished and starving. Numerous leaders of the Andisien cause would be recruited during this period, as it soon became an open secret that the Federation was rapidly heading down the path of Civil War.   Meanwhile, President Oberyn attempted to strengthen his own position. Meeting with the King of Apreas Greshan I, to reaffirm the alliance between the Federation and the Kingdom. Like Picket, he ventured to numerous sectors, although he mainly strived to reassert the loyalty of already loyal sectors, unlike Picket who travelled to right-wing and left-wing strongholds alike.
An often downplayed, though an exceptionally vital and important part of the conflict, was the initial formation of what would become the Andisiens. A dedicated campaign, orchestrated by some of the rebel cause's later leaders, managed to gather enough support - among both the military and general population, to directly take on - directly, a galactic government. A feat few other anti-government causes have ever managed.
- Prof. Julian Head
  Only a few months following the death of Elissa Andis, all the pieces were set for all-out war. Meeting on the planet Golova in the sector of Ameritan, Picket, alongside countless other revolutionaries - most notable among them being Emily Raien. It was on Golova that the aptly named Golova Declaration was written and signed by just under half of all sector governors in the Federation, as well as many planetary governors. In addition, with few exceptions, the entirety of the left-wing caucus in the Federal Congress signed their names to the Declaration. The Declaration itself declared an end to the "fascist regime that had taken over all facets of government", and saw each left-wing party unite into the Andisien Bloc, led principally by Benjamin Picket, although other leaders had significant power in the coalition.   As was to be expected, Oberyn and his administration rejected all parts of the Declaration. Civil War between the Oberynites and the Andisiens had finally begun.  

Early Skirmishes and Consolidation

- Emergency Alert, transmitted to all devices within the Federation, 9th February, 3464
For many, the first they heard of the impending conflict was the now infamous Emergency Alert, broadcasted on every Federation news channel, directly to individual devices, and any other public electronic sign, which ordered citizens to immediately seek shelter and remain indoors. Despite a direct threat of prosecution to any who disobeyed the order, large-scale arrests were only performed on planets with incredibly high numbers of dissidents. It did not take long for these planets to gain a significant military presence, as martial law was declared across many planets and sectors.

Very few sectors in the Federation gave unilateral support to either side. For the most part, the early stages of the war saw Sector Governments completely collapse, with Planetary Governments choosing to take their own paths. Both the rebels and the loyalists used the initial period of limited fighting to establish their zones of control. The Andisiens centred their cause around Ameritan and Golova - choosing to all but abandon the Initial Sectors, meanwhile the Oberynites chose Raybia as their central sphere of influence. While technically remaining the capital, Anfieden was all but abandoned by both sides, with only minor skirmishes occurring.
Ground Forces

Unlike the divided and fractured Federation Navy, large portions of the Federation Army remained loyal to the Federal Government. While the lack of a unified naval force to transport the army around the Federation stifled its movements, planets already home to a significant army presence were almost universally retained by the Oberynites. Quickly understanding the need for ground forces if they wished victory, the Andisiens established their version of the Army, led by Planetary General Frank Fadden - one of the highest-ranking army defectors. Initially undersupplied, and untrained, the Andisien Army rapidly expanded and evolved, as open conflict loomed.
Space and Aerial Forces

By in large, the Federation Navy was split by suborganisation. The Federation Navy Marine Corp and Federation Navy Security Corp were the most noteworthy of these separations, with the former choosing the Andisiens, and the latter the Oberynites. This divide led to many mutinies aboard naval vessels, especially with high-ranking officers choosing the Oberynites, with lower-ranked officers seeing the opportunity to rise through the ranks, and become ringleaders for these mutinies. Notably, the highest ranking naval official in the Federation, Naval Chief of Staff Amy Linkin, gave her support to the Andisiens, further fracturing the only divided Navy.
Naval Warship approaching sir, Andisien markings   Understood, get everyone to battlestations, let us show these rebels the power of the Federation Navy.
- First Officer Francis Fisher and Captain Eli Hunt
Mutinies were the conflict of choice for the opening period of the war. Across the Navy, the Army, the Air Force, and across every government institution. It was not uncommon for Planetary and even Sector Parliments to be interrupted in the midst of meetings by Andisien and Oberynite supporting Federal Police, as every planet fought over their allegiance. Even neutrality would not save many governments and politicians, as political violence only increased as the Civil War continued.

Full Open Conflict

And thus the true war begins.   Lets see how the fascists deal when faced with an opponent that will actually fight back.  
- Andisien Naval Officers, Battle of Sela
  Although historians debate the dates on which full conflict arose, most agree that by 3465AC, full open conflict between military forces claiming allegiance to the Andisiens and Oberynites had begun. Among the earliest open conflicts were the Battles of Sela, Aliya, and Sestea, with each seeing millions of casualties and the destruction of dozens of warships and civilian vessels. Even as military forces of both sides consolidated, chaos always reigned supreme. It was not uncommon for naval vessels, aircraft, or army units to completely change sides even in the midst of combat, with the outcome of entire battles and the fate of numerous planets being decided this way.   Both sides garnered significant intergalactic support, which saw the Civil War only expand in scope and destruction. Numerous warships, military equipment, and manpower flooded into the Federation, although with the exception of only one nation - the Republic of Kandino, no other galactic power directly involved its military apparatus in the war. While not directly involved, the Apreasean Interstellar Royal Navy often massed in neutral space near Andisien forces, prompting fear among the rebel forces. Several times throughout the war, the Royal Navy directly travelled through Andisien controlled Federation Space, remaining unchallenged by the Andisien Federation Navy.  
How many vessels did they send?   Intelligence believes several dozen sir, travelling directly through the Goloverite Lane.   Opinions on engaging?   We could take them sir, but I'd be more scared of the rest of the Royal Navy, we'd need full Jeraci intervention to save us then.  
- Bradley Horne and Charlie Kirkland
While initially threatening, as the war dragged on, the manoeuvrers of the Apreasean Navy became far less impactful, with naval leadership within the Andisiens all but ignoring them. The rebellion of the Kingdom of Asray only further weakened the Apresean position, with many ships withdrawing from Federation Space. The move of many Andisien naval vessels from a potentially defensive nature against the Apreaseans, to an offensive campaign against the Oberynites, was one of many early victories for the rebel forces.   While the Andisiens were the recipients of many victories in this early stage of open conflict, defeats proved far more costly to their cause than the Oberynites.
  Among the most impactful was the disastrous Naval Battle Above Itralia, where the Andisien Federation Navy suffered significant losses against a comparably small division of the Oberynite controlled Federation Navy. Beyond the losses of the battle itself, it also proved to be a strategic catastrophe, with early plans for an Andisien assault of Iomhare quashed, and leaving several prominent Andisien controlled sectors open and unguarded against Oberynite attacks.   A consistent and deadly back and forth would characterise many of the years of the Civil War, for every victory the Andisiens were able to obtain, the Oberynites would quickly bounce back. Planets and sectors fell rapidly throughout the Federation, divided populaces hampering planetary defence plans that were intended for a foreign enemy, not a domestic one.  

Final Stages

What we now consider the final stages of the war correlate directly with a string of Andisien victories, led by the famed ship Enduring, against the Oberynite controlled Navy. Consecutive victories were a rare sight before this moment of the war, yet following it, the Andisiens would rarely see defeat.
- Prof. Julian Head
  3468AC is generally regarded as the beginning of the end for the Oberynite controlled Federation Federal Government. A number of battles, starting with the Battle of Zoran, and ending with the Action above Crawley, saw the Andisien Federation Navy win several decisive victories against their Oberynite counterpart.  
Each victory that the Andisien's achieved during this time was small, but the creeping losses being suffered by the Obeynite Navy began to hinder their ability to respond to future attacks, only further stretching an already dwindling frontline. Oberynite carriers and battleships were even at times forced into operating without any significant support or escort, drastically reducing their impact, and opening them to attack.   The Andisien's meticulously planned their every engagement, slowly but surely pushing the Oberynite forces towards a final showdown. While initial plans sought Anfieden as this battlefield, it soon became clear that Raybia and its capital Serdica would serve as the last remnants of Oberynite resistance. The stage was set for the final battle of the war, the Liberation of Serdica.
Is it easy to underestimate, and thereby underappreciate the impact a single vessel could have on a conflict the size of the 1st Civil War. Yet the FNS Enduring is the most famous ship to fly the colours of the Federation Navy for a reason.   Such was the tactical abilities of its captain, and the strength of its crew, the Enduring was able to deliver into the hands of the Andisiens the entirety of the Federation. Without that ship, it is perhaps not Benjamin Picket, but Michael Oberyn, who holds the presidency.
- Prof. Julian Head

The Liberation of Serdica

So crumbles a corrupt regime, who believed the strength of the Federation lay with them, and not its many peoples. It is through unity we have achieved this great feat, and it is through unity, that the Federation will continue on.
- Benjamin Picket, conclusion of the Liberation of Serdica
  Of the thousands of battles fought throughout the 1st Federation Civil War, none were as deadly or impactful as the Liberation of Serdica. The battle served as a final concluding clash between the Andisiens and the Oberynites, and was fought over the de-facto Oberynite capital of Serdica, also the capital of the Raybia sector of the Federation. The battle was also the largest space engagment and one of the largest ground engagements of the war.  
Dozens of naval squadrons from across the Andisien Federation Navy would be organised to fight at Serdica, comprising a force of roughly 400 vessels, though many of these ships were retrofitted civilian transports, rather than the purpose-built warships of the Oberynite Navy. Nevertheless, the Andisien armada significantly outnumbered the Oberynite naval presence in Raybia, thanks to the preceding victories of the Andisien force before they attacked the Sector.   The Andisien force would fall under the command of Captain Bradley Horne, the commanding officer of the FNS Enduring - by far the most successful naval vessel of the entire war. Directly instated by Benjamin Picket, Horne's appointment as commander saw at least three Andisien Admirals overlooked, which caused some grumbling prior to the Assualt on Raybia and Liberation of Serdica. However, the widespread support of the Andisien Fleet's crews forced the complainers to accept the appointment, as the final engagement of the Civil War began.
  For the most part - despite its large scale, the Liberation of Serdica was a fairly decisive victory for the Andisiens. Largely split into two theatres - ground and space, there was little even the remaining combined might of the Oberynite military could do against the relentless Andisiens, who now smelt blood in the water, and knew their victory was near.  
Serdica will fall, and with it, so shall Oberyn. This I swear, upon the Union that we hold dear.
- Benjamin Picket
  A decisive naval campaign quickly saw the last of the Oberynite Federation Navy collapse, with a full retreat from Serdica ordered. Uncontested, the Andisien Army, led by a dozen generals, simultaneously invaded hundreds of locations across the planetary surface, supported by missile fire and overwhelming air support. Any resistance the Oberynites attempted was quickly stamped out, and tens of millions found themselves the captives of the Andisiens.   Michael Oberyn, once the uncontested President of the Federation would be betrayed by his personal guard, and was personally brought before Bradley Horne. In the final act of the 1st Federation Civil War, the famed captain would accept the surrender of the Oberynite President, signalling the defeat of the Oberynites, and the supremacy of the Andisiens.  

An End to Fighting

So rises to the presidency, Benjamin Picket, once senator of Denaria, now national hero.



Conflict Type
Civil War
Start Date
9th February, 3464
Ending Date
7th August, 3469
Andisien Victory
The Andisiens take control of the Federation Federal Government   Former Senator Benjamin Picket is elected President of the Federation   Michael Oberyn is placed on trial and sentenced to a lengthy prison sentance   The Andisien military branches disband and remerge back into the Federation Army, Federation Air Force, and Federation Navy   Much of the government is relocated to Envis, and the Envien Congressional Assembly building is built to house the Federation Congress   The sectors of ___ and ___ are ceeded to the 2nd Imperial Republic of Jerace and the sector of ___ is ceeded to the Republic of Osheni in exchange for their assistance during the war.


Political Parties
Oberyn's Coalition
- DL
- BL*
Andisien Bloc
- IU
- Others
- BL*
- Others
Supported By
Jerace (until 3466)
Asuralin (alleged)
Jerace (after 3466)
Principal Leaders
Marnus Braithwaite
Benjamin Picket
Emily Raien
Minor Leaders
Ashkan Zadeh
Grace Fletcher
Florin Perez
Silvia Fortia
Ryan Graysol
Amy Linkin
Bradley Horne
Frank Fadden
Angelo Roland

Split Allegiances

While the Civil War is often regarded as a battle between the left and right-wing blocs of the Federation, many disregard the split that formed within parties. It is, after all, simple enough to paint the Braithwaite Liberals as an obvious supporter of the right-wing coalition, with their leader serving as the deputy President of the Federation. Despite that, many of the former politicians and supporters of that party would go on to support the Andisien cause, rather than Oberynite. Many other similar occurrences fractured dozens of political entities, causing the mess that is the 1st Civil War.
- Prof. Julian Head

Intergalactic Support

Imperial Republic of Jerace
The 2nd Imperial Republic of Jerace is a curious case in this conflict, that should not be readily dismissed, even despite our nationalistic tendencies. It may very well be true, as much as we hate to admit it, that Jerace decided the fate of the entire civil war.
- Prof. Julian Head
By the 35th century, the 2nd Imperial Republic of Jerace had become a vastly powerful entity in the Galaxy of Astraesto, challenged only by the Kingdom of Apreas. The Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets had long served to balance the two powers, and its instability proved an alluring target to both nations.   Initially, Jerace chose to support the Oberynites, as they had severe doubts about the viability and longevity of the Andisien cause. With Apreas soon providing Oberyn and his cause an increasingly large amount of money, arms, and armaments, Jerace began to consider passing their support to the Andisiens.   It would be the Andisien victory at the Battle for Nova Martinez that would tip the scales for Jerace. Imperial President Romanov Vassili publicly announced his support for the Andisiens - a statement which proved controversial in the Federation. Almost immediately an incredible amount of equipment made its way to the rebel military forces, proving an incredible boon in the fight against the Oberynites.   Following the Andisien victory during the Liberation of Serdica, and the subsequent takeover of the Federation Federal Government. The sectors of Torus and Aurora, both of which bordered the Imperial Republic, were ceded to Jerace. Both sectors had been Oberynite strongholds during the war, with their exclusion neither actively supported, nor directly opposed by other Federation sectors.  


Kingdom of Apreas
With a tentative alliance with the Federation already in place, the Kingdom of Apreas was one of the first Galactic nations to declare their support for the Federation Federal Government and the Oberynites. As one of the two comparable galactic superpowers in the Galaxy of Astraesto - the other being the 2nd Imperial Republic of Jerace, Apreas needed the support of the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets to ensure victory in any conflict.   The vast majority of foreign equipment that the Oberynites received was Apreasean in origin. With the Kingdom soon providing so much that entire businesses began to form around it, with the now major galactic weapon manufacturer Lockridge Industries being formed during this period.   The extent to which Apreas supported the Oberynites saw relations with the new Andisien Federation Federal Government following the Civil War suffer immensly. Relations would not even begin to repair until the collapse of the Andisien Bloc a century later, with the power of Apreas decreasing significantly in this time.  


Kingdom of Apalachi
The Kingdom of Apalachi was one of the earliest supporters of the Andisiens. This rapid support was primarily prompted by the Apalachian rivalry with the Kingdom of Apreas - by far the largest contributor to the Oberynite cause.   Unlike many other nations, Apalachi directly sold over a dozen naval warships to the Andisiens. These ships, alongside the advanced Federation Navy warships commissioned by Naval Chief of Staff Amy Linkin, were vital in the early stages of the Civil War, in controlling space superiority around Andisien controlled planets and sectors.


Principality of Echodia
Kingdom of Echodia Flag by SparkyTheSec0nd
The Principality of Echodia was initially neutral in the 1st Federation Civil War. However, in 3466 AC, the Principality became subservient to the Kingdom of Apreas as its vassel state. It did not take long after this aquisition for Echodia to officially declare its support to the Oberynites, and equipment - mostly humanitarian although some lethal aid was given, began to make its way to the loyalists.   Much like its overlord, relations detoriated heavily between Echodia and the Federation following the resolution of the conflict. Relations would heal far more quickly than with Apreas, thanks to Echodia splitting with its overlord in 3491 AC, with large scale trade resuming by 3493 AC.


Republic of Osheni
The Republic of Osheni was a minor yet impactful supporter of the Andisiens. Alongside the Kingdom of Apalachi, it was one of the Andisien's earliest supporters, driven by already unfriendly relations with the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets thanks to a number of major trade and migration disputes.   The Republic's biggest contribution would come in the form of Rear Admiral Angelo Roland. Roland would serve as an advisor to the Andisien Federation Navy, and was vital in its expansion to rival the loyalist Federation Navy. He also served alongside Captain Bradley Horne on the FNS Enduring for over a year of the conflict, further showcasing his tactical and strategic knowledge and strategy.


Union of Araya
A pawn of the Apreasean Kingdom, the Union of Araya served only as a resupply and staging post of the Royal Navy.
- Prof. Julian Head
The Union of Araya, a puppet state of the Kingdom of Apreas in all but name, was rarely political distant from its overlord. Much like Apreas, Araya supported the Oberynites, although rarely provided equipment or manpower, instead serving primarily as a staging point for the Apreasean Interstellar Royal Navy.


Republic of Kandino
Arguably the most surprising supporter of the Andisiens, the Republic of Kandino was unwavering in their support of the rebel cause. This was despite a long-standing alliance between the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets and the Republic of Kandino. It is widely believed that this change in policy was due to Prime Minister Kenon Jade's, great dislike and disdain of President Michael Oberyn, and a belief that a right-wing Federation would be far more cordial with the 2nd Imperial Republic of Jerace - even despite Jeraci support of the Andisien cause.   Kandino's support is also notable, as their military directly engaged with the loyalist Federation Navy, prompting a direct declaration of war from the Oberynites - the only such declaration of the Civil War.


Kingdom of Asray
A puppet rising against his master, rebels helping rebels. A shame, perhaps, that the help was not reciprocated.
- Prof. Julian Head
The Kingdom of Asray had used the chaos of the Federation Civil War to begin its own uprising and rebellion against the Kingdom of Apreas. Finding common cause against the Apreaseans, the Andisiens and Asrayans joined forces - trading equipment, supplies, information, and anything else the other required or requested. Thanks to Asray, the bulk of the Apreasean Interstellar Royal Navy was unable to assist the loyalist Federation Navy in a large number of battles, resulting in numerous Andisien victories across Federation Space.   Despite the Asrayans efforts to assist the Andisiens, following the conclusion of the Federation Civil War, the new Federation Federal Government made little effort to support their sister rebellion. Without support, the Asrayans slowly fell despite a valient effort. A feeling of betrayal by the Federation had dominated the area through the centuries, and even the modern Kingdom of Asray - a protectorate of the Kingdom of Apreas, remains on unfavourable terms with the government. Direct trade between the two is extremely rare, and traders are forced to instead go via the Kingdom of Apreas.


Commonwealth of Asuralin
It is often argued - although admittedly without much direct proof, that the self declared neutral power, the Commonwealth of Asuralin, was covertly involved in the Civil War, supporting the Oberynites. This alleged contribution would soon thereafter lead to a decade of soft conflict between the Federation and Asuralin, a conflict that would very nearly destroy the latter.
- Prof. Julian Head
The Commonwealth of Asuralin is notable for never declaring support to either the Andisiens or Oberynites, instead declaring themselves officially neutral in the war. Nevertheless, most - including the Andisiens, place their allegiance with the Oberynites, with it being alleged that Asuralin performed an extensive and elaborate intelligence and surveillance campaign throughout the Federation.   The extent of the Commonwealth's assistance is hard to gauge, including if they did indeed perform the campaign at all. Following the Civil War, relations between Asuralin and the new Andisien lead Government detoriated into an economic cold war. Trade between the two nations almost completely dissolved, and Asuralin's economy began to completely collapse soon after.

Most Famous Battles

Battle of Sela


Liberation of Serdica



Lead Up to Conflict

... 3463 AC

A complex web of loosly connected events that would eventually coalesce into Civil War

  • 3449 AC

    30 July
    3451 AC

    27 February

    Ship Construction: FNS Opportunity
    Construction beginning/end

    The FNS Opportunity, a 14th Generation Avalon Class Battlecrusier, is built by Raybien Sector Shipyards for the Federation Interstellar Navy.

  • 3452 AC

    10 May

    3452 Federal Election
    Political event

    The incubent President of the Federation - Lara Barerra, wins his second term in office as leader of the Federal Liberal Party. He forms a coalition government with Marnus Braithwaite and Michael Oberyn, as the respective leaders of the Braithwaite and Oberyn Liberal parties.

  • 3459 AC

    28 December

    Lara Barerra announces his retirement from politics
    Life, Career

    President of the Federation Lara Barerra announces that he will retire from politics at the end of his term

  • 3460 AC

    3 January

    Barerra Announces Support for Oberyn
    Political event

    Having announced his retirment just days earlier, President of the Federation Lara Barerra announces his support for Michael Oberyn in the 3460 Federal Election, passing over his Deputy President of the Federation Marnus Braithwaite.

  • 3460 AC

    14 January

    Silvia Fortia announces her presidential campaign
    Political event

    The leading left-wing Federal leader, Silvia Fortia, announces her campaign for President

  • 3460 AC

    19 January

    The Linkin Arrangement
    Construction beginning/end

    Organized by the Assistant Minister to the Interstellar Navy, Amy Linkin, the later named Linkin Arrangment sees Jaydei Aerospace Industries & Manufacturing and Ameritan-Etonova Industries secretly construct 23 advanced naval warships, including the famed FNS Enduring. The vessels are constructed across numerous deep space construction sites, far from the prying eyes of Federal agencies, and are paid for in full by Rami Nistavan

  • 3460 AC

    2 February

    Braithwaite casts support for Oberyn
    Political event

    A month following President of the Federation Lara Barerra's declaration of support for Michael Oberyn in the 3460 Federal Election, Oberyn's principal poltical rival Marnus Braithwaite also casts his support.

  • 3460 AC

    13 May

    3460 Federal Election
    Political event

    Michael Oberyn wins his first term as President of the Federation, with Marnus Braithwaite appointed as Deputy President of the Federation for his third consecutive term.

  • 3461 AC

    11 April

    The Andis Revolt Begins

    Disenfranchised and disastified by the administration of President Michael Oberyn, a large rebellion begins on the Federation's capital Anfieden.

  • 3463 AC

    22 September

    The Execution of Elissa Andis
    Life, Death

    The revolutionary Elissa Andis, daughter of Aradio Andis - chief leader of the Andis Revolt, is executed at the age of 27. She is the youngest to ever be executed by legal mandate in the Federation.

Armed Conflict

3464 AC 3469 AC

The Civil War that would dramatically shift the Federation, and cause of the deaths of untold billions

  • 3464 AC

    2 February 04:00
    3464 AC

    2 February 11:00

    Mutiny on the FNS Duncan A. Davenport
    Military: Battle

    The first of several dozen mutinies aboard Federation Navy vessels immediently prior to the 1st Federation Civil War, the Mutiny on the FNS Duncan A. Davenport pits supporters of Michael Oberyn and the Andis Family against one another. The mutiny is successfully quashed by the ship's Security Corp, however inspires numerous copycats, many of which are successful, and form the backbone of the Andisien Federation Navy.

  • 3464 AC

    9 February

    The Golovan Declaration
    Gathering / Conference

    Signed by numerous members of the Federation Federal Government, the Golovan Declaration declares the government of Michael Oberyn illegitimate. The Declaration sparks the beginning of the 1st Federation Civil War.

  • 3464 AC

    9 February

    The Golova Declaration
    Political event

    A group comprising half of the Federation Federal Congress, as well as numerous Sector and Planetary Governors and representatives, put their name upon the Golova Declaration. Declaring the Presidency of Michael Oberyn a dictatorship, and demanding him to immediately step down.

  • 3464 AC

    9 February
    3469 AC

    7 August

    The 1st Federation Civil War

    Fought between the rival Andisiens and Oberynites, the 1st Federation Civil War was a devastating conflict, that has radically shaped the actions and government of the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets.

  • 3464 AC

    2 March
    3464 AC

    17 May

    The Battle of Sela
    Military: Battle

    Fought over the capital of the Witisen Sector during the 1st Witisen Campaign, the Battle of Sela is the first major conflict of the 1st Federation Civil War.

  • 3469 AC

    13 March
    3469 AC

    7 August

    Liberation of Serdica
    Military: Battle

    The final battle of the 1st Federation Civil War. The Liberation of Serdica sees a Bradley Horne led Andisien force successfully capture Serdica, the capital of the Oberynite cause.

  • 3469 AC

    1 August

    The Capture of Michael Oberyn

    Michael Oberyn, President of the Federation, is captured by Andisien military forces after a brief firefight during the Liberation of Serdica. His capture signals an end to the 1st Federation Civil War, though the conflict continues another week.

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