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Deputy President of the Federation

The role of the second most powerful person in the Galaxy

And so we unite our two grand republics into a great and glorious Federation! Let the reign of of this new nation last eternal, as we journey onward to tomorrow.
Ricky Beddow, Last President of Raybia, First Deputy President of the Federation
The Deputy President of the Federation is the second highest ranking government official of the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets, behind only the President of the Federation. While originally intended as a simple deputy to the President, privy to all the same private information, and with a similar level of authority, capable of becoming rapid replacement should the need arise, the role has slowly evolved.   In the modern Federation, the Deputy President serves both as deputy to the President and as a permanently based agent of the executive branch on the Federation's capital world of Envis. While the President is expected to be frequently travelling, it has become absurdly rare for the Deputy President to do the same, instead politicking inside the Envien Congressional Assembly.   The current Deputy President of the Federation is Erin Denver, who was appointed after the death of Connor Uniacke during the FNV Porter Hijacking & Attacks. The first Deputy President was Ricky Beddow, who was the last President of an independent Republic of Raybia, before its union with the Federation of Iomhare to form the modern Federation.
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Cover image: Astraesto by Blocky


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