
This article is depicting a potential future of this world. Some events in here might not have happened yet and will be changed by the actions of the players involved in this world. Until these campaigns have concluded, this article will exist in a superposition between existance and non-existance.   Some version of this article will survive, but who knows what it will be when all of this is over
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Welcome to Lothrea, a high magic world, where tradition meets progress, magic meets technology and faith meets science. Lothrea has just surpassed an age of rebuilding and is now re-discovering ancient magic and technology. In this age of technological advancements, many things are changing. Some for the better - and some for the worse.    
MagipunkSteampunkHigh FantasyKnightcore
Welcome to Lothrea, a high magic world, where tradition meets progress, magic meets technology and faith meets science. Lothrea has just surpassed an age of rebuilding and is now re-discovering ancient magic and technology. In this age of technological advancements, many things are changing. Some for the better - and some for the worse.
MagipunkSteampunkHigh FantasyKnightcore


Shades of Grey

The world of Lothrea is filled with countless people, organisations and entities, all with their own goals and desires. There is no clear line between good and evil, between light and dark - all of that depends on your own viewpoint and situation. Nobody is the villain in their own story. Your own choices shape who you are, and what you do.

Exploration, Adventure & Discovery

Over a long history of destruction and rebuilding, countless empires and civilisations rose to great heights, before being destroyed. They left behind ruins, filled with ancient knowledge and history, that are just waiting to be discovered and explored. This is a world of adventure, where every new discovery holds the potential to change the world in its entierty.

Magic vs. Technology

For some people, magic and technology, are two sides of the same coin, different ways of understanding the laws of nature. For others, they are fundamentally incompatible with each other. Magic brought great wealth and prosperity to civilisations in the past, while technology starts to redefine the status quo in the present.

Tradition vs. Progress

An age of rediscovery and exploration has led to the age old conflict between tradition and progress. The world is transforming rapidly, and the established order of things is questioned and has to adapt. While some hold on to the old values and rituals, others jump straight into the new discoveries and a new future.


The People

Lothrea is home to countless different species, cultures and peoples, all with their own unique histories and stories. In many places across the world, most species live together in shared cultures, especially in the major cities. Often your biological heritage is less important than where you grew up and what cultures shaped you.   Only four sapient species developed in the early days of the Dawnera - Humans, Halflings, Giants and Dwarves. During the Sundering the Giants were destroyed, and some individuals were thrown into the newly created Shadowfell or Feywild. Transformed by the magic of the Sundering those individuals became Shadowborn or Feyborn, turning them into Orcs and Goblins as well as Elves and Gnomes respectively.   Today, all of them are common across the world, often living together in shared settlements. Over millennia a handful more sapient species appeared on Lothrea, like the Dragonborn or the Awoken. Depending on the region, these might be rather common or incredibly rare.  
Elves - Orcs
Gnomes - Goblins


The World

There are many continents across the World of Lothrea, but most stories focus around Teldora, a continent in the northern hemisphere. The continent has a wide range of different climates and geographies. From the frozen tundra on the Sichel, over the medius plains in Lekeria and lush beaches at the Golden Coast, to the Steppe of Murokai and the jungles of Dracari in the south.
World Atlas
Generic article | Jun 15, 2024

The lands of this world and it's inhabitants. Mountains, Rivers, Valleys, Cities, Landmarks, Peoples and Cultures.

And its History

The Age of Dawn

In the beginning there was nothing, but eventually this nothingness gave birth to everything that exists today. This first age was the Age of Creation, the Era of Dawn. During that time the Siblings of the Sky - Yana, Tria and Izral watched over the newborn world. They watched as life formed, grew and prospered, and ultimately developed into the first sapient and sentient beings of this world.

The War for Dawn
The Mortals' beliefs brought rise to new gods, created and fueled by their faith. Over centuries, this faith split between ever more Divines, each single one of them becoming weaker and weaker. And so the Divines fought for their followers. They showered the world in gifts, all in a desperate attempt to gain the Mortals' faith. But the Mortals faith did not sway, each one holding on to the Divines they created themselves.   Desperate, and with no good options left, the Divines started to fight each other. They wreaked havoc across the world, killing countless Mortals and Divines in the War for Dawn. When the world was at the brim of annihilation, the Siblings of the Sky intervened. With their combined power, they forced the fighting to stop, killing most of the remaining Divines in the process. This intervention unleashed magic greater than anything seen so far or ever since and caused the Sundering, the separation of worlds.
The Age of Arcanum
The Age of Arcanum was the second age of Lothrea. After rebuilding from the destruction of the War for Dawn, the Age of Arcanum became an era of great civilisations and magical achievements. It lasted for over ten thousand years and saw many great empires rise and fall. To this day, The Age of Arcanum was the height of civilisation.
The War of Fate
The War of Fate was the darkest era of Lothrea's history, and nobody knows how long it lasted. In a chaotic conflict, with ever shifting alliances between civilisations, peoples, gods, dragons, and other primordial forces, the world was once again brought close to the brink of annihilation. Records of this time are rare at best, and those that do exist seem to contradict each other. Many cities, settlements and empires fell during this period, and then, one day to another, the war was over.
The Age of Mortals
This is the present day, an age of rebuilding and rediscovery. A rapidly evolving world, no longer bound by the ancient order of things. This is no longer an age of divinity, but an age of mortals. A blank slate, holding the possibility of a grand future, or another great war. While the world is looking forwards, old forces worry about their influence and power.

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Cover image: by Midjourney


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Jun 7, 2024 03:45 by Dimitris Havlidis

Very strong introduction article, well done Satrium

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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Jun 7, 2024 19:52

Thank you!

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Jun 11, 2024 00:31 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Great introduction article - I can see the influence of the meta here, but you've put your own spin on a lot of the things. Love the timeline of Lothrea's history - all the past ages really add to the feeling of the current age. :)

Jun 20, 2024 19:41

Thanks! Glad you liked it. :D

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