Greater Deities

This article is depicting a potential future of this world. Some events in here might not have happened yet and will be changed by the actions of the players involved in this world. Until these campaigns have concluded, this article will exist in a superposition between existance and non-existance.   Some version of this article will survive, but who knows what it will be when all of this is over
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This article will be expanded upon in the future

Even if we all like to believe that we truly own our own life and decisions - and this is true, at least to an extent - there are many powerful entities out there, shaping and influencing the world and every single one of us. You might not agree with their teachings or actions, but you can't deny their existence and influence. They have been here long before any of us, and they will be here long after all of us are gone.
— A sage contemplating the powers of this world

After the War of Fate the influence of the Gods and other extra planar entities dwindled, but it never completely vanished. There are many powerful beings out there, and you will find a place of worship for most of them somewhere in Lothrea. But the most known and most worshipped entities are the ten Greater Deities. You will find temples and shrines to them in every major hub of civilization.


The Siblings of the Sky

In the beginning, there was nothing. No time, no space, only darkness; an endless and eternal void of nothingness. But in this endless void, there was a single mote of light. A tiny piece of light and hope - the beginning of something great. The beginning of everything that exists today.

For an eternity, this mote of light was alone in the darkness, but eventually it grew tired and bored. So it gave itself up and gave birth to the elements, and three new lights in the dark. The elements formed the world as we know it, and the lights grew into the three siblings of the Sky.
by Midjourney
by Midjourney


Goddess of the Sun, Light, Love, and Temptation  

Every morning the Sun rises and stands bright in the sky. It brings light, love, and life to this world. Yana is the patron of the sun, and the Lady of Light. She teaches her followers to care for everyone, to be a bright light in the dark, and to love freely and without regret. Many people pray for Yana's blessing every day - kings and beggars alike.

Tenets of faith
Stay in the light. Be the best person you can be.
Love freely. Admiration knows no regrets.
Embrace temptation. It will show you the light of the world.
Tenets of faith
Stay in the light. Be the best person you can be.
Love freely. Admiration knows no regrets.
Embrace temptation. It will show you the light of the world.

by Midjourney


Goddess of the Moon, Healing, Magic, and Twilight

Tria has been here since the beginning of time. She is the source of magic and the patron of twilight and shadows. Her followers are scattered all over the world and come from all walks of life. Highly valued practitioners of the Arcane Arts and the most skilled healers count among her followers as much as criminals, assassins, and everybody else who wants to stay in the shadows.

Tenets of faith
Stay in the twilight. Too much light and everything burns. Too much darkness and the world dies.
Magic is a tool. Use it freely, but respect its power.
Your life is your own. You are the architect of your own path. You are responsible for your own life.
by Midjourney
Tenets of faith
Stay in the twilight. Too much light and everything burns. Too much darkness and the world dies.
Magic is a tool. Use it freely, but respect its power.
Your life is your own. You are the architect of your own path. You are responsible for your own life.

by Midjourney
by Midjourney


God of Change, War, Bravery, and Suffering

Many people fear change. Seeing Izrak, the red moon, standing in the sky is seen as a bad omen in many cultures. But change is not bad. Change is nessesary and inevitable. Followers of Izral have embraced this. Only those who can adapt to new circumstances can survive. Many warriors and soldiers, but also inventors and other forward thinking people, are praying for his blessing.

Tenets of faith
Embrace change. Only the brave will survive.
War is an engine of change. Fight for what you believe is right.
Suffering is unavoidable. Change isn't easy. Push through and grow.
Tenets of faith
Embrace change. Only the brave will survive.
War is an engine of change. Fight for what you believe is right.
Suffering is unavoidable. Change isn't easy. Push through and grow.

The Children of the Earth

Just a few decades after the first Mortals appeared on Lothrea their faith gave birth to new entities and new gods. These new arrivers fought for followers and prevalence. They clashed in countless bloody wars, influenced great cultures and people, trying to find worshippers all over the world. But in the end, only five of them remained. All others have fallen into obscurity or oblivion.
by Midjourney
by Midjourney


God of Order, Law, Protection, and Tyranny

Nothing can strive without Law and Order, as Chaos is pure destruction. Mialdir teaches to follow the law to the letter, no matter what you believe is good or evil. The law stands above all, above your morals, and above your beliefs. Followers of Mialdir believe that the only way to avoid the eventual destruction of all life, is for everyone to obey a common law and bring order to this world.

Tenets of faith
Order is Life. Without law, there is no order and without order there is no life.
The Law is paramount. Protect the order and laws of this world. Without them, everything will fall apart.
Enforce Order at all cost. People don't know what's best for them. Force them to obey the law if you have to.
Tenets of faith
Order is Life. Without law, there is no order and without order there is no life.
The Law is paramount. Protect the order and laws of this world. Without them, everything will fall apart.
Enforce Order at all cost. People don't know what's best for them. Force them to obey the law if you have to.

by Midjourney


God of Travel, Commerce, Civilisation, and Greed

Lornan came into existence, as one of the last gods of his time. When people started to live together, they formed pockets of civilisation. They traded with each other, which gave birth to the god of Commerce and Civilisation. He wants the Mortals to come together, learn from each other and thrive. Together, people can achieve so much more than any single one of them ever could. Merchants, politicians, travelers, crafters and artisans - you can find them all among his followers.

Tenets of faith
The Whole is strong. It's always stronger than its single parts. Work together and flourish.
Travel and see the world. Make new experiences, meet other cultures and learn from them.
Take what is rightfully yours. Ultimately, it will help the people around you.
by Midjourney
Tenets of faith
The Whole is strong. It's always stronger than its single parts. Work together and flourish.
Travel and see the world. Make new experiences, meet other cultures and learn from them.
Take what is rightfully yours. Ultimately, it will help the people around you.

by Midjourny
by Midjourny


Goddess of Joy, Beauty, Passion, and Selfishness

Ashryn the daughter of Yana, is the patron of joy and beauty. She tells everyone to enjoy life and everything it has to offer. Don't look back, don't think about what you are doing, regret nothing, just move forward and enjoy every day by itself. The world is beautiful, and it's the right of every mortal creature to enjoy it. Her followers are artists, travelers, musicians and many more free thinking spirits.

Tenets of faith
Live Life to its fullest. Enjoy everything it has to offer.
Embrace your passions. Don't let anybody stop you.
Reject misery. Leave everything behind that doesn't bring you joy.
Tenets of faith
Live Life to its fullest. Enjoy everything it has to offer.
Embrace your passions. Don't let anybody stop you.
Reject misery. Leave everything behind that doesn't bring you joy.

by Midjourney


God of Knowledge, Peace, Justice, and Apathy

Knowledge is the most valuable thing you can imagine. It helps you make rational and fair decisions, and without it you are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. Elmos is the Keeper of Knowledge, and records everything that happens. He has never intervened in any mortal affairs. He is just an observer. It is said that his domain is an endless library containing all past, current and future knowledge.

Tenets of faith
Knowledge is Peace. Only those who know their past can build a successful and peaceful future.
Knowledge brings Justice. Don't judge people, if you don't have all the facts.
Knowledge means Reason. Logic and Reason are better guides than Instinct and Emotion.
by Midjourney
Tenets of faith
Knowledge is Peace. Only those who know their past can build a successful and peaceful future.
Knowledge brings Justice. Don't judge people, if you don't have all the facts.
Knowledge means Reason. Logic and Reason are better guides than Instinct and Emotion.

by Midjourney
by Midjourney


Goddess of Life, Nature, Weather, Poison, and Disease

Zethris is as unpredictable as nature itself. Her touch brings life, but her wrath can destroy entire countries. She is the patron of nature and the sea. She controls wind, rain and weather. Farmers and Sailors alike pray for her good will.

Tenets of faith
Protect all life. It doesn't matter which form it takes.
Embrace the wild. Nurture the untamed places of this world. Live in harmony with them.
Know your place. Nature is wild and unpredictable. Don't stand in the way of an unstoppable force.
Tenets of faith
Protect all life. It doesn't matter which form it takes.
Embrace the wild. Nurture the untamed places of this world. Live in harmony with them.
Know your place. Nature is wild and unpredictable. Don't stand in the way of an unstoppable force.

The new Gods

During the Age of Arcanum, civilisation thrived and Mortals got more and more powerful, until two of them ascended into godhood. They changed the divine pantheon and the perception of it forever. Divinity was no longer some inherent ability of the gods, but a goal that could be achieved.
They might have been mortal once, but today they are as influential as every other god.
Lady of Crows
by Midjourney
Lady of Crows
by Midjourney

The Lady of Crows

Goddess of Death, Fate, and Destiny

The name of the goddess of death has been long lost to time. Today she is only known as the Lady of Crows, The Weaver of Fate or the Queen of Winter. Her followers are valued all over the world, guiding those who have passed into the afterlife.

Tenets of faith
Death is gentle. Don't mourn who you have lost. Be glad about the time you had with them.
Death is inevitable. It will come for everything that's alive. Make the best out of the time you have
Death is final. Fate is set. There is no way back when your time has come
Tenets of faith
Death is gentle. Don't mourn who you have lost. Be glad about the time you had with them.
Death is inevitable. It will come for everything that's alive. Make the best out of the time you have
Death is final. Fate is set. There is no way back when your time has come

by Midjourney


God of the Forge, Arts, Creation and Destruction

Idros was the greatest artisan of his time. His skills far exceeded those of anybody else, and even the gods themselves came to him for his work. The items he created count among the most powerful artifacts in existence, and eventually - through his craft - he ascended into godhood. His followers believe that through the labours of your own hand and mind, you can achieve everything you can imagine.

Tenets of faith
Create new things. Create them with your hands and mind. Your creativity is your only limit.
Strive for perfection. The highest honor is changing the world, through the labours of your work.
Let go. Destroy things that did not work to make room for better work.
by Midjourney
Tenets of faith
Create new things. Create them with your hands and mind. Your creativity is your only limit.
Strive for perfection. The highest honor is changing the world, through the labours of your work.
Let go. Destroy things that did not work to make room for better work.

Cover image: by Midjourney


Author's Notes

This article has been moved to another template. Sadly this means all the likes and comments on the old article did not move with it. If you want to check them out, you can find them over here

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Feb 27, 2024 22:01 by Mochi

holy sHIT I love this layout, it's gorgeous!   (commenting again mwahaha)

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Feb 27, 2024 22:41

Thank you!

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Mar 1, 2024 14:28 by Bob O'Brien

Absolutely beautiful CSS/design work... and the content itself isn't too shabby either! I'm particularly intrigued by the fact that your Goddess of Death is an ascended mortal. You've told me "there's a story behind that"...

Check out my latest efforts:
Laurels & Loot is a new, lightweight TTRPG rules system that hearkens back to the early days.
Mar 8, 2024 13:06

Thank you!   Yes there is a story behind that, but the Lady of Crows isn't keen on people knowing about it. Regardless I will probably write it down sometime in the future :D

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Mar 4, 2024 13:00 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is such a great overview of the deities. I love the insight we get into each one. I also love the stained glass images of them - great choice of aesthetics! :)   (Moving my comment over here. I love this article. <3)

Mar 8, 2024 13:08

Thank you! Glad you like it :)

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Mar 6, 2024 19:49 by Bart Weergang

AH to a new template, that's why it looked so familiar, but I loved seeing this again!

Mar 8, 2024 13:08

Thanks!   Had to move to article to a new template to submit it for the Worldbuilding Awards.

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Mar 19, 2024 20:30 by Paul Fijma

This is a lovely article; the font, consistency, and artwork are excellent.

Akimotos, worldbuilder.
Mar 21, 2024 21:18

Thank you! Glad you liked it :D

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Mar 21, 2024 21:20

I like the fact how you combined the negative and positive aspects. Apathy - Knowledge, Joy - Hedonism, Order - Tyranny etc... Like how every good thing out of balance can turn bad.   Also georgeous layout. Wish i could do something like this too, but so little time next to work and everything to learn this.   Also: Greetings from a fellow german. Just saw you also got a german version of your world.

Mar 21, 2024 21:40

Thank you! Yes the entire idea behind this pantheon is to have something grey. I wanted to get away from a typical good vs. evil pantheon. Lothrea itself is a grey world, so why should the gods be any different.   And yes, I have a version of my world in German but it's very outdated. I started worldbuilding in German, and then slowly translated stuff over to English. Now I don't have the time to maintain both versions, so I just write here in the english world.

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Apr 13, 2024 18:38

Wow just amazing through and through.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying
Apr 13, 2024 18:46

Thank you!

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Apr 17, 2024 08:34 by Kerry

The layout of the article, vibrant colors, neatness.... I literally cannot. Aside from these words, I am speechless. I shall return to ogle this masterpiece later, rest assured.

Apr 17, 2024 17:38

Thank you! I'm really glad you've enjoyed it.

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