The Lady of Crows

This article is depicting a potential future of this world. Some events in here might not have happened yet and will be changed by the actions of the players involved in this world. Until these campaigns have concluded, this article will exist in a superposition between existance and non-existance.   Some version of this article will survive, but who knows what it will be when all of this is over
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Goddess of Death, Fate & Destiny

The name of the goddess of death has been long lost to time. Today she is only known as the Lady of Crows, The Weaver of Fate or the Queen of Winter. Her followers are valued all over the world, guiding those who have passed into the afterlife.  
Tenets of Faith
Death is gentle. Don't mourn who you have lost. Be glad about the time you had with them.
Death is inevitable. It will come for everything that's alive. Make the best out of the time you have
Death is final. Fate is set. There is no way back when your time has come


As much as she is the goddess of death, she is also a goddess of life. She has protected life, as much as she has unleashed her wrath against those who try to avoid her. Death will come for you, and the Lady will make sure of that, but if your fate is not yet sealed, she will protect your life until your day has come.
— A priest of the Lady
  Birth and death are both fundamental parts of life. There is no beginning without an end, no path without a destination. Life and death are two sides of the same coin. One can't exist without the other, but nobody has to fear the end. Once your time has come, the Lady will gently guide you to your place in the afterlife. She will be there for you in your last moments and accept you with open arms. She will provide comfort in your darkest hour and walk the final steps of your journey alongside you. Her gentle touch will be the last thing you feel before you finally leave this world.   The Lady teaches that fate and destiny await each mortal soul, as there is only one final destination - death. But while the end is set in stone, the path to get there isn't. Life is filled with choices and uncertainty - a sprawling labyrinth of paths all leading to the same destination. While the Lady of Crows is the goddess of death, she also teaches her followers to embrace life and make their own choices.  
Follower: If our lives are predetermined - If everything happens according to our fate or destiny - why even try? Why not just let things happen?

Priest: I understand why you might feel like this, but it's not that easy, my dear. How do I explain this understandably? Let's imagine life as a wide river, running towards the ocean. You can swim in the center, or near the river banks. You can decide how you spend your time on the river. You decide who you spend your time with and what you do. But in the end, the currents are dragging you along. You can try to fight it for a while, but you can't fight it forever. Eventually you will reach the ocean no matter what, but until then, it's your decision what you make of your journey.


Nobody knows where the Lady of Crows came from, but she wasn't the first goddess of death. During the Age of Arcanum she was the second Mortal to ascend into godhood and replaced the old Deity of Death, whose name is long lost to the minds of Mortals.   Many myths and legends are told about her ascension, but in the end, only the Lady knows the truth. Maybe she was a devout follower of the old Deity of Death, and they chose her as their successor? Maybe she was one of the most powerful mages of her time and ascended to godhood to break her mortal bonds, or maybe she even saved this world by killing the old god and taking their place.   After her ascension, she first appeared to the people of Apresia. She chose her first champion from their ranks and gave him Culporis, the Collector of Debt. Her champion faced the Undying King and ended his reign of terror. But the man who came back was not the same man who left Apresia - only a shallow husk of what he had been.   Wherever she came from, for hundreds of years now, she has been guiding dead souls into the afterlife. She makes sure that this bridge can be crossed only once and in only one direction. What's dead shall stay dead.
Work in Progress

This article is still heavily WIP and can change at any moment

Divine Domains
Death, Fate & Destiny
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Related Myths

Holidays & Celebrations

Cover image: by Midjourney
Character Portrait image: by Midjourney


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Jan 7, 2024 15:13

Oh, to have a small chat with her, share a drink and to be in her presence... how are you doing that, let me suffer like that and longing for the kind words of our Lady? :(

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Feb 23, 2024 19:34

I'd say for now be glad you are not yet in her presence. Usually that's not a good sign for your health :D   Thanks for your comment

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