Yenaria Day 2750-2997 - Early Yenari Empire of the Darmin Dynasty in Didome | World Anvil

Yenaria Day 2750-2997 - Early Yenari Empire of the Darmin Dynasty

While some could make the argument that the Early Yenari Empire was established in the The 1st Brybort War when Yeni consolidated its power over the Strepslim and the Northern Lake Resbort area, the official start of the Empire dates to day 2754 when a piece of The Palace Barsamin streaked across the sky with such intensity that it could be seen even though the Swirling Eye was not fully closed. This created lots of excitement in Yeni and Darmsel Darmin the heir to the Guide of Yeni volunteered to mount an expedition to find where the palace fragment landed and see if another crater was formed. The expedition traveled up the Yenishar Coast and was unable to find the palace. However, the expedition encountered large natural columns of marble in a bay. Darmsel Darmin thought they looked like the pillars of The Palace Barsamin and she named them the Pillars of Barsamin. Some of the expedition decided to remain close to the holy site which later became the city of Nali. After returning from the expedition Darmsel Darmin encountered Yeni in the first day of a civil war that looked to be long and bloody.   As Darmsel Darmin was returning to Yeni some one assassinated her biological mother and her biological sisters were viaing for being the next guide. Soon it seemed that Yeni would be plunged into civil war. The war started with the citizens of Yeni attacking each other. One sister retained control of the city and one sister fled to Delfi had the support of the Northern lake cities. Many cities were divided and lots of small conflict took place. It was to this chaos that Darmsel Darmin returned.   Darmsel Darmin learned of the conflict the returning expedition neared the Strepslim. She decided to sail to Nil to figure out how to deal with the war and to share the discovery of the Pillars of Barsamin. At Nil she received a warm welcome. Some argue what happened next was a cynical ploy by the priestesses of Barsamin to quell the civil unrest in the land, while others argue that the priestesses were so taken with her discovery that they truly believed that she was divinely blessed. When Darmsel Darmin was in Nil the Gran Min said she had a vision from the prophet Da harka Darmin stating that due to her holy blood and pilgrimage to the Pillars of Barsamin Darmsel Darmin could bring stability to the region and the faith.   Darmsel Darmin was called the 1st Empero and given authority by the prophet herself to preside over the Gran Min and the Yeni Guide. With this new holy authority from the Barsaminic faith the civil war quickly came to and end as Yeni and the other cities recognized her divine authority. Over Darmsel Darmin long over 100 day reign many aspects of Nil Yeni life changed.   Scholars mark the start of the Old Yenarian culture with the establishment of the Early Yenari Empire. DDarmsel Darmin becoming the first Empero caused a period of rapid change. First, Darmsel Darmin believed that she had scared blood and that she could pass this on to her offspring. Her obsession with blood relationships caused many of the Nil Yeni people to also focus on their biological children and less of the communal Village Himoth children. With this ne focus on ones individual offspring. The Himoth lost some of its communal function and became more of a system of political control. Another change that happened slower was over the next hundred days days the taboo against inter Himoth relationships faded, and was replaced by the concept of Blood Steps  Another issue that Darmsel Darmin faced was establishing her control over the hundreds of Himoth matriarchs. The tradition had been that Himoths were elected from the Himoth village women. Each Village Himoth had a slightly different way of electing the Himoth, but this system created thousands of independent communities of a few dozen to several hundred. This meant that Darmsel Darmin had trouble keeping all of them loyal. The system also created political turmoil in cities as dozens of Himoths competed in close competition with one another. After dozens of days of political strife and maneuvering, Darmsel Darmin replaced the the Matriarch Himoths with the Himark] system. Essentially, every Himoth was given the title Himark. While very similar in duties, the title had two distinct differences. The Himark was explicitly loyal to the Empero and the Empero had the explicit right to replace any Himark with a choice of her own. She also created a Granmark that oversaw many Himarks and reported directly to the Empero.   One reason that the changes that Darmsel Darmin instituted lasted was that she reigned for over one hundred days before passing away of natural causes on day 2864. She was able to pass the Empero to her eldest daughter, who likewise passed the Empero to her daughter. Unforcantetly, the 3rd Empero had no daughter to pass the Empero to. So in a very contraversal move she nominated her only son Hraven Darmin as the 4th Empero and spent the last 10 days of her reign convincing the Yenarians to accept him. To the surprise of many the Empire did not fall apart when Hraven took over. Hraven Darmin actually reigned at the height of the Early Yenari Empire. The empire ruled over 10-15 million people and stretched over almost all of the settled know world, from the core of the empire around lake Lake Resbort to the less populated outlying regions of the Yenishar Territories, Shadcress, and the resourse rich Cradcresse Islands.   Despite the stability of the empire under a controversial male Empero, Hraven Darmin was constantly mired in hotheaded controversies, almost proving his critics point that a male did not have the wisdom to lead the empire and faith. The decision that proved his undoing was when in 2947 he personally lead the fleet and army to Shadcress where the spread of the new Jharette faith was causing unrest and stoking fears of a rebellion. He brutally crushed any hint of a rebellion, going so far as to burn down a village Jar Mith which many of is admirals believed completely innocent. As his brutality increase so did his paranoia that his admirals were plotting a coup. On day 2949 Hraven Darmin sacked most of the navy admirals and generals. In fitting irony, the power vaccum this created allowed many of the soilders and sailors to munany, throw Hraven Darmin overboard to his death and join the growing Jharette rebellion. This munany dramatically increase the strength of the growing rebellion and was ultimately responsible for the island of Shadcress breaking away from the Empire. The news of their Empero's death enraged the Yenarians and they started organizing another fleet to advenge the death of the Empero.   Before the Early Yenari Empire could organize another fleet, the 5th Empero, Da Harka the 2nd, disappeared. She was only a toddler of 4 days and on the night of her coronation she disappeared. This left the Empire without a apparent heir and five strong claimants. Within the day the war The Wars of the 5 Emperos The Wars of the 5 Emperos [/history]  had started. This brutal war would stretch on for almost 50 days devastating the empire.   While the war devastated the Empire none of the five Emperos was able to maintain control of the Empire and towards the end of the war individual cities and leader with no claim to the Empero were raise forces and claiming independence. One such individual was Tomish Sharven. She led a detachment of Nalian soldiers in the war, and after several days she controlled a large army loyal to her first and not an individual Empero. Instead of using the army to declare Nali independent, she approched one of the Emperos and proposed an alliance. The Empero would retain her title and control of Barsaminism, and Tomish would become the Gran Guide leading the empire. This alliance quickly changed the balance of power and in 2998 Tomish Sharven was crowned the first Gran Guide of the Empire. While it took many more days to fully reunite the empire, scholars mark the start of the Middle Yenari Empire by the corination of Tomish Sharven.

Cover image: by Cory Brooke-deBock


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