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Sun Jan 1st - Sat Jan 28th

New Year's Resolutions 2023

Start this year with realistic creative resolutions by learning from your fellow worldbuilders!
This event has ended!
Scroll down to see all submitted entries
  As we enter a new year, it's a great time to set your creative goals and resolutions for the next 12 months—which is what this event is all about! To take part, read 10 articles from fellow Anvilites and write about what you learned from them. Then, mention what your New Year's Resolutions are for your creative projects.   Reading is an amazing way to get inspired and improve your own writing and worldbuilding skills, so take this as a learning opportunity! And by getting to know what other creatives are doing, you'll get a ton of inspiration to start this new year.

How to Enter

Pick 10 articles written by other World Anvil users, read them, and create a generic article where you write what you've learned from them. Then, add some New Year's Resolutions for your own creative projects!   Submit the article and you'll get the badge when the event ends.  

Other Information

  • The article you submit needs to be at least 500 words long. There's no maximum word count.
  • The article must be submitted before the closing time to be eligible.
  • Only one article may be submitted per person (this does not mean one article per world, in cases where multiple authors work on a single world).
  • As always, World Anvil claims no ownership over your original work.

Step by Step Instructions

  1. Make sure you have a World Anvil account.
  2. Pick 10 articles written by Anvilites other than yourself! We recommend choosing them from the WorldEmber special categories and leaderboards!
  3. Read each article and give it a like and a comment with constructive feedback!
  4. Create a new Generic Article in your world. Add a link to each article you've read and write about 100 words explaining what you've learned from them.
  5. In the same article, write your New Year's Resolutions for your worldbuilding or other creative projects.
  6. Make sure the generic article is not a draft (i.e. published) and public (i.e. not private).
  7. Submit the generic article before January 28th! To do so, click the "Submit" button in the right sidebar.
For any further questions or clarifications about this challenge, message the Community Team (@Community Team) on the World Anvil Discord or post to the World Anvil Facebook Group!

Social Media Sharing

If you share your answers on social media, make sure to use the #WAResolutions hashtag and mention @WorldAnvil on Twitter so we can see them!  
Looking for inspiration or seeking some ideas? Make sure to stop by the World Anvil Discord, our Facebook Group or Subreddit for worldbuilding conversation and inspiration!

Challenge entries