New Year, New Words, New Me
OI! Where did 2022 go?
Goals for 2023
So, what are my goals and plans for this year? Well, partially what I also had as plans for last year. I have two types of goals for this year, one for writing and one for my healthy whether that be physical or mental. Why do I put both of them there? Because they are tied in with each other! Writing when you don't want to write doesn't give energy, it'll only cost energy and that is just one example. So, let's see what shenanigans my brain has come up with. Most of the healthy goals are copied from my World Ember Pledge 2022 because they were pretty good!Writing Goals
- I will create a new article to replace My Plans for 2022, specifically the 'To Do' part of the article. It's not just for 2022 anymore! I want to create a sort of hub for myself where I can track the progress of what I wrote when in WA. The hub will be filled with articles to do, articles that are finished, maps, and resources. Especially the resources might be interesting for people who stumble across the article and find something they were looking for. ^^
- I will say this again, yes, as it was the goal for 2022: finish the starting zone in and around Limani so I can start plotting a campaign for my players. \o/ Will I do it this year? Well, I will certainly try, and even if I fail, the world is a few steps closer to that goal regardless. ^^
- I will try to write something every other day. It could be worldbuilding, it could be personal, a paragraph for a novel/project. Just write something.
Healthy Goals
- I will not force myself to write when I don't feel like it. I am allowed to see if I can break through a demotivated day by making myself write for 5 minutes. If, after that, I still don't want to write, I will lay down my pen for that moment and do something else.
- I will enjoy myself while writing, so it gives me energy instead of costing me energy.
- I will take a break and go for a walk when I have written for more than two hours, because breaks are important.
- I will go to the gym twice a week, to ensure that I become more physically healthy.
- I will try to walk for 30-60mins twice a week to get fresh air.
- I will break up my writing tasks and ambitions into small segments, so they have a low chance of overwhelming me.
For me, there is a distinct difference between a goal and an ambition. Goals are something that you can achieve within a timeframe that you give yourself. An ambition on the other hand is striving towards something that you cannot always get done. It is that extra mile you want to go and achieve if possible and it is the thing that drives you towards your goal. So, what is my ambition? I have three for this year that hopefully will give me drive and focus.Campaign
Ultimately, I'm building this world for my players to enjoy and that means that I will have to put time and effort into creating a campaign that will leave them hooked for years to come. Knowing my players, there are a few things that I have to keep in mind when worldbuilding.
- They are utter loreheads, at least some of them. They love reading into the lore and getting to know it better. I also have some that are no loreheads at all and just want to know the bare minimum to play and screw around. Finding the balance in that will be tricky, but should be doable.
- The group consists of mostly good people and one or two that just want to screw around. With that in mind, I can already start thinking of how I can incorporate the different personalities into the campaign.
- I don't allow all standard DnD 5e races in my setting, just yet. Therefore, character creating will be an interesting process to go through and won't be a simple session zero. Jotting down the details of their characters and what is possible and what not will be needed.
How not to get eaten by various phoenixes
During WorldEmber, amidst the chaos that is a hyped community, birth was given to an idea of mine that spiralled out of control. How Not To Get Eaten by Various Phoenixes, A Possibly Useless Handbook for The Aspiring Phoenix Master came to life, partially as a joke, but partially as a serious endeavour. What started as a gimmick for my world, has turned into an ambition to make it actually come to life. After losing the persuasion check against my brain, I have decided to fully write this handbook with artwork and everything. Eventually, it will be printed and I will make sure it has a nice leather cover. Having an item from my world, a physical item with world lore that I made would be a dream come true. Granted, I have no idea what will come of this project and how I will do this, but the prospect alone excites me already. I hope to put some effort into this project every month, whether that is through writing, through drawing, or some other thing that will get tied into it.Next stop: 250k words!
At the moment, I'm sitting just shy of 120k words in my world. According to my friends, that's a heck of a lot of words. According to my brain, it is not. xD Which is all well and good, because that means I have much inspiration to wow them even more. Last year, I believe during SummerCamp, I finally broke through the first milestone I set for myself: 100k. With World Ember now over, I can look back at a successful year of writing. According to my dashboard, I almost doubled the number of words in my world. With the Handbook project in the pipeline, and a lot of prep for the campaign in sight, I suspect that the number of words for this year will increase drastically. Therefore, my next milestone is 250k words! In all shapes and sizes! These words can come from the handbook, worldbuilding, character building, and what all else writing I can think of that I put in WA.
Thank you so much for picking the slow-whales! I am honoured that you think so highly of my writing <3
And I absolutely love your healthy goals! I am very tempted to "borrow" some ideas if that's okay xD
Your work is awesome Mochi, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. ^^ And of course, feel free to borrow and adjust any of the healthy goals to your needs! Health is most important and I'm very grateful that my goals have inspired you to make your own. <3