
A popular strategy-based card game originating in Melior that's enjoyed even beyond the rifts.

The mechanics of this card game are still being refined, any feedback is greatly appreciated! :D
Click here to jump directly to an example playthrough.


Gauntlet is a two player strategy-based card game enjoyed by folks in every known realm thanks to its popularization among traders who took it overseas and through the rifts.   The game consists of 48 cards divided evenly between four personalities (suits). This deck is contained in a leather pouch along with a separate pouch of wooden tokens (or coins) and the two pouches are wrapped up neatly in the leather game mat known as the playingfield.   Gauntlet is enjoyed by folks as young as 10 or as old as time itself; many adults enjoy playing longer games with higher prize stakes, often using coins rather than wooden tokens as damage indicators that can be won... or lost.
(Hover over the carousel below to pause its scrolling)

Historical Origins

The game is believed to have originated from somewhere within the Melopian Commonwealth but nobody is sure exactly which country has the rightful claim to its conception.
Everyone proudly boasts that their homeland was the one who invented the game and each origin story is more bizarre than the next!  
Now, I disagree. See, I reckon that gauntlet clearly comes from Garronay because it was used generations ago in a military training exercise for new recruits - and then when it became a card game the armies of The Jolundrian Empire went and spread it around everywhere they went.
— A Garronayan woman explaining her theory on the origins of the game.
  Though nobody truly knows the country of origin for gauntlet, the story that is most well-known about the game says that it was inspired by a form of rural punishment used by folks who didn't have access to a courthouse or fair trial.   When small settlements were in disagreement due to conflicting evidence over a committed crime, they would pick notable members of the community (all from different professions and walks of life) to form two lines facing each other. The accused would stand before them and slowly walk through the middle (known as the gauntlet) and receive either a vote of support or a punishment of choice from each member of the community in the lineup.   If the accused was still standing at the end of the gauntlet, their punishment was deemed as complete. If they took no punishments at all then they were completely pardoned of the crime.   The card game evolved into having two teams (or communities) face off against each other, with folks in the lineup defending their own accused (now called a runner) and attacking the opposing team.    



Three gauntlet cards
Three gauntlet cards by TJ Trewin
Two players sit next to each other at the table and unroll the leather mat of the playing field in front of them. A deck of cards is shuffled and split equally between the two players, or each person can use their own separate stylized deck for aesthetics if they wish.   Unlike other strategy-based card games, players don't need to hold cards or keep secrets from their opponent - so it's tradition to sit next to each other so that you both get to run forwards through the gauntlet! For players who have limited arm mobility or for folks short on table space, it's perfectly fine to sit across the table from one another.   Each player will place four cards from the top of the deck into their lineup. These cards can attack, defend, evade, and heal (more on those later) and the cards are placed with their top edge (front) facing inward so that the cards are facing off against each other.   Next, each player places down one card from the top of the deck as their runner. Once this card moves into its ready position, it needs to run forward through the gauntlet (the area between the two lineups) and reach the end to be victorious.   A player has to start their turn with one movement (where they can move a card by one adjacent place), followed by one action (performed by the card). Cards in the lineup will try to aid their team's runner, and hinder the opponent's progress. Cards have hit points and when they're hit too many times they are knocked out and placed in the player's losses pile. Coins (or wooden tokens) are used as damage indicators, which can be added to the prizepool as the game progresses.  
The player who gets three cards to successfully run the gauntlet wins the game!
  A round of gauntlet can be made shorter by playing up to the first victory, or by playing a knock-out game - where the first to knock out three of the opponent's cards wins.  
Issuing a Challenge
To challenge someone to a game of gauntlet, you point your bundled up game of gauntlet towards a person's chest and proclaim your challenge to them, by name, before firmly throwing the bundle (your game of gauntlet) down upon the table. This is the believed origin of the phrase "throw down the gauntlet" to mean "to issue a challenge".  
Najé Lanta, I do challenge you to a game of gauntlet - first to three wins, loser does all of the cleaning this week!
Boa Lanta, challenging her wife.
  To accept the challenge, the opponent must declare that they accept - and pick up the game of gauntlet and begin to unravel it ready to play.   Important Etiquette:
  • Challenges may be always be declined without any reason given and this decision should always be respected.
  • Any challenge issued without a name or proper degree of respect is deeply frowned upon.
  • Slapping an opponent across the face with a gauntlet playingfield is considered an offense.
Before a game begins a prize may be agreed upon. Players should also decide if they want to play with wooden tokens as damage point indicators, or coins that can be won (...or lost).  



The leather playingfield has a main central area consisting of one lineup of four cards for each player. At the start of the lineup is a space for one runner, which needs to move into its ready position before being able to proceed.   Between these two lineups of cards facing each other is the gauntlet - this is the gap that a runner will need to travel through and survive to pass through the end of it.   Successful cards are placed in the player's victories to their side of the lineup, and cards that get knocked out go into the losses pile.  
Click the image below to view full size or click here to view an interactive demo.
The playingfield of Gauntlet the card game.
Gauntlet playingfield by TJ Trewin



There are 48 cards in a deck that are evenly devided between four personalities (suits):
Supportive, Defensive, Evasive, and Aggressive.   Each card has an action and its type indicates the direction it can be used in.
These are: Direct, Lateral, and Ranged.  

Diagram depicting a gauntlet card's anatomy.

Gauntlet card anatomy by TJ Trewin

The artwork on each card depicts an important role in the community and is inclusive of the lowest income folks and the wealthiest professions, with no special differences between them. The professions vary from place to place and some themed decks even use beautifully illustrated animals instead!   On a standard deck design there are no numbers, letters, or words so that it's universally understandable regardless of literacy level or language spoken.   It has become a common trend for custom decks to have local heroes illustrated in the artwork, such as the example above depicting Orlon Gantiel, a renowned quarterstaff instructor from Anvil - collectors pay a lot of money for cards signed by the heroes themselves!  
Supportive cards (red hearts) have 3 HP. For their action they can heal 1 damage from other cards, or have a chance to heal 2 damage from themselves. They are great for keeping the runner from being knocked out as it tries to run the gauntlet.  

Gauntlet playing card - Servant. Supportive direct. Depicting a human servant.

Servant by TJ Trewin

Gauntlet playing card - Therapist. Supportive lateral. Depicting a visian therapist.

Therapist by TJ Trewin

Gauntlet playing card - Barkeep. Supportive ranged. Depicting a visian barkeep.

Barkeep by TJ Trewin

Heal 1 damage from the card in front of you OR flip a coin to self heal 2 damage on success.  
  • Servant
  • Alchemist
  • Mentor
  • Physician
  • Lateral
    Heal 1 damage from BOTH cards either side of you OR flip a coin to self heal 2 damage on success.  
  • Escort
  • Priest
  • Therapist
  • Entertainer
  • Ranged
    Heal 1 damage from any card diagonally or in front of you OR flip a coin to self heal 2 damage on success.  
  • Barkeep
  • Lifeguard
  • Chef
  • Artisan
    Defensive cards (black shields) have 4 HP and use their action to block damage, or have a chance to deal 1 damage. They make strong contenders for running the gauntlet thanks to their resilience.  

    Gauntlet playing card - Farmer. Defensive direct. Depicting a doman farmer,

    Farmer by TJ Trewin

    Gauntlet playing card - Chaperone. Defensive lateral. Depicting a corvidan chaperone.

    Chaperone by TJ Trewin

    Gauntlet playing card - Shieldbearer. Defensive ranged. Depicting a faun shieldbearer.

    Shieldbearer by TJ Trewin

    Passive: Block all damage done to you from directly adjacent cards. Flip a coin to deal 1 damage to the card in front of you on success.  
  • Farmer
  • Smith
  • Guard
  • Soldier
  • Lateral
    Passive: Protect each card directly to the side of you from all damage. Flip a coin to deal 1 damage to a card to the side of you on success.  
  • Lookout
  • Groundskeeper
  • Bodyguard
  • Chaperone
  • Ranged
    Passive: Block all damage done to you by ranged actions. Flip a coin to deal 1 damage to any card diagonally or in front of you.  
  • Laborer
  • Librarian
  • Lawyer
  • Shieldbearer
    Evasive cards (black circles) have 2 HP and use their action to move cards around the playingfield, or have a chance to deal 1 damage. They are fantastic for strategic manipulation of cards.  

    Gauntlet playing card - Clothier. Evasive direct. Depicting a panyan clothier.

    Clothier by TJ Trewin

    Gauntlet playing card - Smuggler. Evasive lateral. Depicting a human smuggler.

    Smuggler by TJ Trewin

    Gauntlet playing card - Spy. Evasive ranged. Depicting a quargan spy.

    Spy by TJ Trewin

    Passive: Dodge all damage done to you from directly adjacent cards. Flip a coin to deal 1 damage to the card in front of you on success.  
  • Thief
  • Sailor
  • Privateer
  • Clothier
  • Lateral
    Swap places with a directly adjacent card in your lineup OR flip a coin to deal 1 damage to a card to the side of you on success.  
  • Outlaw
  • Scout
  • Smuggler
  • Diplomat
  • Ranged
    Make any card diagonally or in front of you move by one space OR flip coin to deal 1 damage to any card diagonally or in front of you.  
  • Beggar
  • Messenger
  • Merchant
  • Spy
    Aggressive cards (red diamonds) have 3 HP and use their action to deal 1 damage, or 2 damage on a successful coin flip. They are excellent for knocking out runners before they can finish the gauntlet.  

    Gauntlet playing card - Butcher. Aggressive direct, depicting a doman butcher.

    Butcher by TJ Trewin

    Gauntlet playing card - Activist. Aggressive lateral, depicting a pangulan activist.

    Activist by TJ Trewin

    Gauntlet playing card - Vandal. Aggressive ranged. Depicting a quargan vandal.

    Vandal by TJ Trewin

    Deal 1 damage to the card directly in front of you OR flip a coin to deal 2 damage to the card in front of you on success.  
  • Brawler
  • Butcher
  • Baker
  • Fighter
  • Lateral
    Deal 1 damage to a card either side of you OR flip a coin to deal 2 damage to BOTH cards either side of you on success.  
  • Rebel
  • Activist
  • Scholar
  • Assassin
  • Ranged
    Deal 1 damage to any card diagonally or in front of you OR flip a coin to deal 2 damage to any card diagonally or in front of you.  
  • Vandal
  • Fisher
  • Hunter
  • Marksman
    Deck variants
    The card personalities are not representative of their societal roles - many people collect and trade cards, as other decks might have (for example) a butcher who plays a supportive role or an aggressive therapist.   Some folks use decks that depict sports teams or their players, local heroes, political figures, or even the Ordained. Other popular designs include types of birds or different breeds of dogs.  


    Additional Rules

    This section is still a work in progress :)
    • Each player may only have one runner at a time, regardless of if they are in the gauntlet or not.
    • For each turn, the movement must be taken first, then action.
    • In the event of a tie, the person with the greatest number of coins (or tokens) or the fewest losses wins.
    • When a card is knocked out, the damage tokens that were on it are returned to player(s) who placed them.
    • If card is knocked out from lineup, you have to wait your turn before moving the cards along as this counts as a movement.
    • If there's more than one gap in the lineup, all of the cards shuffle along and remaining gaps are filled from the draw pile.
    • At the end of the game, the victor keeps all healed damage tokens.
    • You can heal an enemy card if you want to remove the coin/token from it.
    • Ranged actions need a clear line of sight to their target.
    • If there's a gap in the lineup it has to be filled first.
    • You can choose to skip a movement and/or action.
    • You keep the coins/tokens that your runner has when they complete the gauntlet.
    • For movements and movement based actions, you can only swap cards that are next to each other.
    • If a player runs out of coins to use as damage tokens, they should make use of the wooden counters instead.

    Modify a 52-card deck:

    You can play gauntlet with your own standard 52-card deck using the following adjustments!   First, remove the 2s and any Jokers from the deck. Next, swap out the suits:
    • Hearts become Supportive.
    • Spades become Defensive.
    • Clubs become Evasive.
    • Diamonds become Aggressive.
    You can determine a card's action type by its number:
    • All of the multiples of 3 and Queens are Ranged. (3, 6, 9, Q)
    • Remaining even numbers and Kings are Direct. (4, 8, 10, K)
    • Remaining odd numbers and Jacks are Lateral. (A, 5, 7, J)
    For optional titles, refer to the list of cards - the lowest value is the first on the list. (E.g. the 4 of Hearts is a Servant, and the King of Hearts is a Physician)

    Gauntlet - Example Playthrough

    Note: To view fullscreen, click here.

    Cover image: Gauntlet playingfield by TJ Trewin


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Dec 11, 2022 22:10 by Simo

    *Gasp* I want to study it well and challenge you next time we meet. Also Orlon's signed card <3

    Dec 12, 2022 14:13 by TJ Trewin

    hehe thank youuuuuuuu! :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Dec 11, 2022 22:38 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

    This is really an amazing article! I love how you develop all the culture and history behind the game - all those professions and cards inspired by real people are a great idea, everyone must want to have their own card representing them! - and all the effort you went through to make the gameplay super clear. The demonstration especially was perfect! It was really great to see the game in action like that with all the explanations!, and it really helps with understanding how this works and made it seems super fun :D

    To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
    Dec 12, 2022 14:14 by TJ Trewin

    Thanks so much!!

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Dec 11, 2022 22:41

    OMG this article *o* The amount of time you spent frantically planning this REALLY SHOWS!   I love the Spy card and the Clothier, and the fact that all of the cards are different from each other and 48 professions are represented.   And that playthrough! A work of art. Absolutely went above and beyond with this one, as usual with your chonker ones. Massively good work.   PD: Oh, those naughty naughty bakers, always stirring up trouble

    Dec 12, 2022 14:15 by TJ Trewin

    eeeeeeeeee thank youu! <3

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Dec 11, 2022 23:02 by Amanda McRoberts

    So the only rule for what cards are in the deck is there has to be 12 of each of the four personalities?   The game sounds amazing by the way.

    Dec 12, 2022 14:18 by TJ Trewin

    Yep, there's always a total of 48 cards in a deck :D   Thanks!!

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Dec 12, 2022 17:07 by Catoblepon

    This article is amazing! It looked very tempting to be played but now that I've read it, I wanna play it even more!

    Dec 12, 2022 17:20 by TJ Trewin

    Thanks so much Cato! :D :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Dec 13, 2022 00:32 by Sarah Thoonen

    This is awesome! The playthrough examples are a fantastic way to see how it all works. I totally want to have a go at this now. :)

    Dec 13, 2022 11:45 by TJ Trewin

    Thank youuu! :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Dec 18, 2022 06:23 by Dimitris Havlidis

    that ... that was incredible - very well done TJ - I am in awe

    World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
    Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
    “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop


    Dec 18, 2022 12:18 by TJ Trewin

    thank you so much Dimitris! :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Dec 26, 2022 11:32

    * picks up jaw from the floor * That is just amazing and so detailed! Love the artwork for all the cards you've shown so far and the example play through is simply perfect. Great job!

    Dec 26, 2022 12:14 by TJ Trewin

    aaa thank you so much! :D I had lots of fun drawing the cards

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Dec 28, 2022 23:54 by Gabrielle Decker

    I can't believe I'm just now reading this! Ack! Well done, TJ! This is absolutely incredible! I've had a tarot deck of sorts in mind, and have been tinkering with a spread for it in CodePen for a few months now, so this is incredibly inspirational!

    Dec 29, 2022 09:09 by TJ Trewin

    Thank you so much!!

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Dec 29, 2022 22:58 by Stormbril

    This is an incredibly well thought out and well made article and game -- so much effort on display, so shiny and amazing! Just really amazing work TJ :D

    Jan 2, 2023 13:32 by TJ Trewin

    eeeeeeeee thank youu!! :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Dec 31, 2022 03:06 by Starfarer Theta

    I had been introduced to a fascinating card game. I still don't understand all its intricacies, I think this is something I'll be playing from time to time. Could be useful for earning some coin on the side- or just losing it all. Either outcome is possible. Something to think on for sure. It really depends on just learning the rules of the game in the first place.
    — Nemo, World Traveler

    Jan 2, 2023 13:33 by TJ Trewin

    May it serve you well for fun nights on your travels!

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 2, 2023 12:32 by Mochi

    This is the most incredible article I've seen! The level of detail is so impressive and inspiring! :D

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Jan 2, 2023 13:32 by TJ Trewin

    Thanks so much for your kind words!! :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 2, 2023 17:47

    The amount of work that has gone into making this, during WorldEmber no less, is astounding. I don't know how you did it, but it is incredible - maybe we can do some playtesting for it in the Lodge! :D   It reminds me very vaguely of Onitama and the Duke - both boardgames which could be interesting the check out as sources of inspiration or refinement, though the article doesn't lack for either.   If I had any feedback at all to give, it'd be about how the flow of information is currently presented. Tastes vary, but I would consider putting the history stuff at the bottom of the article; start with an overview, then the rules - the good stuff that we're excited for! Secondly, the 'Objective' header is a little confusing to me, since it doesn't seem to talk all that much about objectives until about the end. Maybe 'Gameplay' would be a more accurate header?   Great, fantastic work <3

    Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
    Jan 2, 2023 19:43 by TJ Trewin

    Thanks for the excellent feedback, Q! I'll take those things into account when I'm allowed to polish the article again :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 3, 2023 23:47 by Evan Arix

    TJ I need these cards with my life.

    Jan 4, 2023 12:15 by TJ Trewin

    Then I shall have to draw the rest of them soon then! :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 11, 2023 23:44 by Lia Felis

    I love the article and the game itself. I think this one was a really big work -not just the game itself and all the illustrations - but to lay out all the icons, pictures ad colors (I usually fought hard with formatting). I will follow this article and I recommend it to my players as well, I think "my boys" will go crazy for it. Thank you for your hard work!

    Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.
    Jan 12, 2023 00:13 by TJ Trewin

    Thanks so much! :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 15, 2023 15:56 by Chris L

    What a lovely article and so much hard work you've put in! This is gorgeous and very well done! Congrats on putting together what looks like a functional game in such a short amount of time! I really enjoyed the original artwork you made for the cards!

    Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

    Jan 16, 2023 09:35 by TJ Trewin

    Thank youuu! I'm looking forward to making the rest of the art for all the remaining cards :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 19, 2023 17:31

    I would like to thank you very much for this great and outstanding article, about I can only say WOW and Chapeau and I agree with everything that has already been said. I would just like to know how to turn a 48 card deck into a 52 card deck despite taking cards and which cards act as jokers?

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

    I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
    Jan 19, 2023 18:36 by TJ Trewin

    Thank you so much!! :D   Sorry I'm not sure I understand your question, could you rephrase it?
    I'd be happy to help if there's more information I can add to this article later

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 19, 2023 18:57

    Under "Overview" you write "The game consists of 48 cards...", but on the right side it says "You can play gauntlet with your own standard 52-card deck using the following adjustments! First, remove the 2s and any Jokers from the deck." Maybe I missunderstood?

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.

    I would be very happy if you would celebrate my SC contributions with me.
    Jan 19, 2023 20:38 by TJ Trewin

    Ah I see how that may be confusing! 52 minus the four "2" cards would equal 48, but some 52 card decks often have a couple of joker cards in them, and those joker cards aren't counted towards the 52.   I hope that helps to clarify things :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 20, 2023 13:42 by Paul Fijma

    A very cool and well-worked-out article. . In 1986 someone made me a hand-drawn dungeons and dragons card set complete with a carrying pouch, I still have it somewhere. The nice artwork on your cards reminded me of that one.

    Akimotos, worldbuilder.
    Jan 20, 2023 14:29 by TJ Trewin

    Oh wow that's cool! Thanks for your comment :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 21, 2023 21:41 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

    Thanks again for letting me read your article on stream! I've finished my entire reading challenge article, so you can read all my comments, see the replay of the Twitch, and check out the other things I've done here. I appreciate you! <3  

    World Ember Reading Challenge 2022
    Generic article | Jun 8, 2024

    Jan 22, 2023 11:12 by TJ Trewin

    Thank you so much!! <3

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 23, 2023 22:33

    I love this article! I like it when the in-universe card and board games are playable, and there's good setting flavor here too. The example playthrough was a great touch - I wasn't aware that Slides were something we could embed in WA, but it works well.

    Jan 24, 2023 13:42 by TJ Trewin

    Thanks!! It was really fun to set up and make :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 25, 2023 05:40 by Tara Fae Belle

    Wow! Awesome. I like how the game is the meaning of 'throw down a gauntlet' in your world. And that there are collectors editions etc of the card sounds pretty neat too!

    My current passion is Shroom People. I still don't know much about them yet. But as I do, it will be updated here:
    Shroom People
    Species | Jul 10, 2024
    ~ Happy wording!
    Jan 25, 2023 16:32 by TJ Trewin

    Thanks!! :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 31, 2023 15:24 by Reanna R

    Oh. My. Gosh. Absolutely STUNNING. The card artwork, the playthrough, the intricacy, the cultural ties! Such a fantastic piece of worldbuilding! And just in WorldEmber! And it can be played in real life! But what sealed the deal for me was the 'throwing down the gauntlet' bit - and the fact that you managed to tie that into a historical 'gauntlet'!!!! *Chef's kiss* Ladies, gentlemen, and everybody else - this is the work of a master worldbuilder.

    May your worldbuilding hammer always fall true! Also, check out the world of the Skydwellers for lots of aerial adventures.
    Jan 31, 2023 15:49 by TJ Trewin

    Thank you so so much for the high praise!! :D that made my day

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Jan 31, 2023 16:00 by JRR Jara

    WOW! You are a genius!! How did you come up with this idea?? and the art is so cute too. I love everything about this.

    Creator of Hanzelot and many more.
    Jan 31, 2023 23:26 by TJ Trewin

    Thank youuu! I had a chain reaction of inspiration that started with playing elder scrolls online and thinking "damn, I want a card game in my world too!", and then I thought of how chess pieces represented different people in society, and then also I thought of fun game mechanics with hit points, and then it evolved into the card moving through the middle which reminded me of "running the gauntlet" and the rest snowballed from there!! It was so much fun to work on :D

    Journals of Yesteryear

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