Prompts Advent Calendar was a 2020 event where Janet and Dimitris shared daily a new prompt along with an explanation video about it. Here are the articles I've done for this challange:
All of the text and art of Symbols of Power, including the CSS theme, have been created by David Cutuli (Naelin) unless otherwise specified.
The ttrpg mini models and faction shields have been created using HeroForge and Azgaar Armoria respectively and edited by Naelin.
The art and content attributed to the pseudonyms of Welkinal, Danae or Veld has been created by David Cutuli (Naelin).
SoP theme song composed and interpreted by Lu Cutuli. |
SoP logo and Out of Universe logo created by TJ Trewin. | Open paper texture by Markus Spiske.
Huge thanks to TJ Trewin for his help with SoP's css theme design.
Cover image:
WorldEmber Banner
World Anvil (Edition by Naelin)
You did it!!!!!! Congrats!!!
Thank you Emy <3 Some are still works In progress, but I somehow made it in time nonetheless!