The <REVISED> Gift of Intention

On the Dhalmanite cosmology, known as Autonomism, the origin of the universe came from the first apparition of the Curiosity, when nothing else was there. By asking itself questions, the curiosity made other concepts, laws of the universe, and eventually, things, appear to be the answer. The Curiosity's children had curiosity themselves, and so the exponential creation of new things and concepts, by virtue of generating the answer to the universe's questions.   The aggregation of new answers to the Laws of the Universe's questions led, eventually, to life, as an answer to the Law's question of whether something would ever defy them. But "life" was not the answer. Life came with its own Law of the Universe, the Intention, personified on the deity Rheshnaghty. The intention consumed Curiosity for itself and left all of the other Laws of the Universe devoid of creative power.   The Temple of Rheshnaghty teaches about the capacity of living beings to lead their lives with purpose, and call it the Gift of Intention. However, the way the Gift of Intention has been viewed by the Autonomists has changed on the last hundred years, and so did the texts, chants and teachings of Rheshnaghty's devotees.  

Rheshnaghty, the avalanche-god

Rheshnaghty by Naelin
During many centuries, the Temple of Rheshnaghty (and Autonomism in general) had a pretty tough concept of the God of Intention. On the less-abstract version of the Autonomist genesis, Rheshnaghty is said to have devoured Alocardenas, the Curiosity, integrating Alocardenas' concept into themself and appropriating it. They were called the "Avalanche-god" that devours, destroys and consumes everything, and their "Gift" of Intention was considered a delicate and heavy burden that societarians (and all living beings) must take with responsibility and care, and the teachings of the Temple consisted on mastering the analysis of one's own actions, the restraint of potentially destructive behaviours, and solemnity about the capacities of living beings.
Symbol of Autonomism by Naelin
Text, Religious

Rheshnaghty, god of doing more and better

Game of Strings by Naelin
On 2965 E.Alz, the then leader of the Rheshnaghty Temple, Lush Enis was executed in front of her followers and neighbors, on what was the first and only execution related to charges of weaving contacts.   Lush had spent several decades teaching a version of The Gift of Intention that was very different from the mainstream one: She taught her followers to use The Gift with grace, freedom and generosity, and to guide their intention towards making the world around them better so that the people around them would do the same. She led by setting precedent and put a great deal of effort and conscious action into improving the lives and wellbeing of the people and the town around her. She was indeed a member of the Weaver's Network, an organisation of people across the archipelago whose objective is to make all folk be able to access the same kind of resources and contacts commonly only available to the powerful, and made unashamed use of her contacts and capacities to help her people get what they needed.   While her execution involved several interests, particularly maxing an example about the Weavers being dangerous and illegal, and to remove the new ideas about the Gift of Intention from the teachings of the temple, it had the exact opposite effect: The Weavers gained a better reputation with the common folk, and the cult to Rheshnaghty never came back to the idea of the avalanche-god.  

The <Revised> Gift of Intention

Since the death of Lush, all written words about the god of Intention have been shifting towards this new positive light. Ominous warnings have been removed, instructions about doing good have been added, words like "fearsome" were changed for others like "grandiose". In some cases, deep within the priest's rooms, one can find the actual revisions of the texts, full of crossed-out words, addendums and scribbles on the margins. One of these has even made its way into the public eyes.

Cover image: Banner of Rheshnaghty by Naelin


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Dec 13, 2020 15:03 by TC

This is a really interesting article!! I love all the details that went into the document, some of the quotes got a good laugh out of me. Rheshnaghty is a fascinating god too, and the art for them is incredible!

Creator of Arda Almayed
Dec 13, 2020 15:25

Thank you! :D I'm glad you enjoyed the text <3 I am quite proud of Rheshnaghty's portrait hahaha

Dec 13, 2020 21:07 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The document is wonderful - I love the ink mishap. XD   I also love the art of Rheshnaghty! :D He looks like an angry boy.   Really fascinating article. I really like the shift in belief.

Dec 14, 2020 12:59

Thank you very much Emy! I spent some time crafting that document's nightmareish bbcode. I'm glad you liked it!

Dec 14, 2020 21:30 by Caitlin Phillips

The ink mishap gives my life joy. What a wonderful article! What a fascinating god and a brilliant take on a religious text.

Cait x
Dec 16, 2020 02:07

The ink mishap seems to be the most popular thing I've done for WE lol. Thank you very much for your comment! It was a fun one to write as I enjoyed to expand on one of my personally favourite characters, I'm glad you liked it :)

Dec 15, 2020 10:51 by TJ Trewin

I love the layout on that opened document!

Journals of Yesteryear

Dec 16, 2020 02:08

I'm learning from the masterrrrssss :D Thank you for your comment! <3

Dec 15, 2020 14:20 by JRR Jara

Esta es una religión con la que me puedo identificar! los dibujos me gustaron mucho y el detalle del documento donde dice que se va a gritar con los otros monjes me hizo reír :)

Creator of Hanzelot and many more.
Dec 16, 2020 02:09

Gracias Meluuuu <3 Desde que escribí sobre Lush para SummerCamp que tenía pendiente expandir un poco más sobre ella. Amo que parece haber gustado este artículo <3

Dec 16, 2020 16:33 by Catoblepon

Interesting article and AMAZING work with the BBCode of the document, I love it! Great job, nae :D

Dec 17, 2020 00:52

Thank you Catooo <3 The code itself is nightmarish to look at, but it was fun as hell to make. I'm glad people are enjoying it as much as I did :D

Dec 16, 2020 16:37

Plot twist, el documento sí era un original

Dec 17, 2020 00:53

"...Y este documento llegó a los ojos del público después de la desaparición del aprendiz que lo editó" XD

Dec 17, 2020 09:44 by Kaleidechse

Great work! I love the story behind the changes in teachings, and that you actually show the revised document! The annotations are lovely, I really like what they say about the person editing the text!

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.
Dec 17, 2020 12:49

Thank you very much! I had quite some fun imagining the editor's personality and thoughts. Glad you liked it!