
Faldenze is one of the more famous cities in Varena, mainly due to its unique location. Thanks to being located on a peninsula the city, with only a small access point linking it to mainland, the city has never been taken. Part of the city lies on the lower area of the island but the vast majority of the city is actually located on large plateau about a 100 meters above sealevel.   Due it being located in a beautiful location and having great food it has become a popular location among tourists. It is also a trade hub for ships going to southern Terios which spread the fame of the swordfish dishes to that region as well.  
This map shows the world of Niorath and its various biomes and nations. The north and south pole areas are still rather unexplored because they are frequently covered in ice. Various species live there but they have not played any major role in the history of the planet. The other continents are much more populated and have seen their fair share of changing occupants.

Some areas of the world are quite different from the normal natural biomes. These are chaos areas, region affected by the dangerous Chaos Tempests who can corrupt the land beyond recognition. Many of these are the result of forbidden magic going very wrong and have often meant the end of the empires that performed the related rituals.

Geography of Niorath
Geographic Location | Aug 31, 2023

Extra Information

Founding Date
68 AF
Located on a peninsula along the Varenan coastline
The city is controlled by the Varenan republic
23 854 ( 21 624 urban, 2230 rural)
Primary Race
Known for
Olives, Lemons, Swordfish, Cork, Copper
Avg. Temperature
21 °C


Overall Architecture

  Most of the building in Faldenze are made with stone, mainly sandstone and travertine which are excavated nearby. On the other hand the poorer districts of the city consist mostly out of wooden buildings. In the richer district on the very top of the plateau there are also several buildings made out of marble.   In general the city looks aesthetically pleasing with frequent use of flowers to brighten up the streets. On top of that the great location makes the city really stand out and is therefore frequented by many tourists.   Other defining landmarks are the great Archonic temples and the fortress. It is believed that the foundations of this fortress are from Avaronian times.
Lower City by Me


Faldenze is one of the more famous cities in Varena, mainly due to its unique location. Thanks to being located on a peninsula the city, with only a small access point linking it to mainland, the city has never been taken. Part of the city lies on the lower area of the island but the vast majority of the city is actually located on large plateau about a 100 meters above sealevel.   Due it being located in a beautiful location and having great food it has become a popular location among tourists. It is also a trade hub for ships going to southern Terios which spread the fame of the swordfish dishes to that region as well.  
Settlement | Mar 4, 2024


  The Merchant district is the first district that one encounters upon entering the city proper. It is close to the harbor and the stairs leading to the upper city. As the name suggests the vast majority of trade happens in this district.  
  • Population: 2624
  • Primary Building Style: Stone


  On the other side of the river in the lower city, the River district can be found. In architectural style it is very similar to Merchant district but there are many different elavation levels making it harder to traverse.  
  • Population: 2820
  • Primary Building Style: Stone

Shanty Town

  Outside the eastern walls at the edge of the River district the poorer district is located. It is one of the most populated ones but also has the worst building, most built in wood.  
  • Population: 6566
  • Primary Building Style: Wooden


  In the western part of the upper city the military district can be found. This is where most of the soldiers have their residences.  
  • Population: 1119
  • Primary Building Style: Stone


  The largest area of the upper city is known as the Residential District and is somewhat richer than the lower city. Just like the lower city the buildings here are made out of stone.  
  • Population: 4398
  • Primary Building Style: Stone


  The Temple district is the riches of Faldenze and named for its largest temple. In contrast to the rest of the city there are many buildings here that use marble.  
  • Population: 1784
  • Primary Building Style: Marble


  Just outside the western wall there is a small district which is the main place to stay for travellers. It is home to several inns but also to the main graveyard.  
  • Population: 488
  • Primary Building Style: Stone


  Just outside the peninsula there used to be a district which was mainly frequented by the farmers of the neighbouring area. Today it mostly in ruins after the Magi Covenant armies burned the area down.  
  • Population: 1825
  • Primary Building Style: Wooden

Natural Resources


  • Igneous: Granite
  • Sedimentary: Laterite, Sandstone, and Travertine


  • Minerals: Calcium
  • Metals: Copper


  • Food: Millet, Finger Millet, and Chia
  • Animal Feed: Finger Millet

Vegetables and Fruit

  • Vegetable: Onion, Parsley, Velera
  • Fruit: Lemon, Olive, Grape


The flat regions around Faldenze have fertile ground and is used for various crops such as millet. But also fruit and vegetables are frequently grown nearby, most of them are in service of Varenan cuisine such as parsley, lemons and velera. But the what the Faldenze is most known for is its fantastic olives which are grown on the hills along the coast.  


The nearby hills also provide the city with various building materials which are frequently used in construction. The most commonly extracted stones are sandstone and travertine but there is also a marble quarry nearby. Wood is also quite commonly used in the region. Several lumbercamps for palms or cedars can therefore be found not far from the city proper. Another material that is gathered in the area, is cork. This material is of course heavily used in a wine country like Varena.  


Also metals are mined in the nearby hills of Faldenze. Copper is the most common one in the area and Faldenze exports it not only within Varena itself but also along the entire eastern part of Farlis. In ancient times it was mainly used for warfare but currently it has found new uses with the advent of the industrial era. Terios is currently the main importer of Copper.




  According to legend Faldenze used to be the location of an ancient Avaronian fortress. When it was abandoned it became a secret hideout for Elven criminals, often soldiers who did not accept the fall of the Avaronian Empire. Eventually Humans came to the area and thought it was perfect for a settlement.   The founder of the city, Endrigo, is thought to have climed the cliff to the fortress unaware that it was inhabited. One of the criminals was about to attack him from behind when a komodo dragon bit the criminal in the leg, giving Endrigo the opportunity defend himself. After thanking the komodo dragon he returned and brought a full force to drive away the criminals. The komodo dragon has been the symbol of the city ever since and some are kept in the fortress of the upper city.

View from upper city by Me


  Over time the city would grow in size filling the entire top of the plateau and the lower areas. Due to its great defensible position and it being located along major trade routes, it became the richest city of the region.   The vast amount of people travelling there also gave rise to a superb cuisine which utilised the various goods of the region. One of the most famous dishes from the city is perhaps the swordfish dish called Anorisi Faldenzia.   Over the centuries since its founding the city has never been captured in a war even though many have tried. For most of its history it has been an indepenent city state controlling a large portion of the current Varenan coastline. After conquering northern territories they shifted their attention to the southern kingdoms. After their conquest of the south they renamed their nation Varena, with Faldenze as its capital.   They held this position for several centuries during which they expanded their northern territories significantly. After losing their control of those areas the capital was moved to the larger Tharsis.

Covenant-Alliance War

  In the war between the Eastern Alliance and the Magi Covenant Varena was one of the main participants. Although Eprus suffered most heavily the northern part of Varena was not spared.   Given the wealth and importance of Faldenze the Covenant troops tried to capture the city. They laid siege for several weeks but could not make any progress before being summoned back north. Out of spite, however, the troops burned almost all farms to the ground along the way.   Even now, several years later, this is not something that Faldenze has recovered fully from. Several people died from food shortages before a decent supply line was established once the enemy troops were lost. The surrounding areas are only now regrowing crops. But the loss of the large amount of olive trees is not something that can be fixed in the short time given the time that is needed to grow these trees. The loss of most of its olive production has dealt a significant blow to Faldenze's economy.  

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


Author's Notes

This settlement is inspired by a town we visited during our honeymoon in Greece, called Monemvasia. The pictures that I added are also taken by me :) Not the komodo dragon, that one was added because the nerdbuilding tool gave that as a creature of the settlement and I thought it would make a great mascot :)

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Feb 16, 2022 12:32

Well thought out settlement. A good place for a visit, eating some fresh fish, visiting the temples and maybe get a sunbath. 10/10 would visit again. :)

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Feb 17, 2022 14:39

Thanks Eddie! :D I will make you head of the tourist department there :p

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Feb 16, 2022 12:58

Great Settlement Kef. I like the layout of the article, Images and the maps, Good info on the resources available too. A well deserved Like from me.   Aemon

Feb 17, 2022 14:40

Thank you! ^^ I tried to use as much as possible from the nerdbuilding tool and the resources was a great thing to include :) Updated some images now with the ones I took myself when visiting Monemvasia :p

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Feb 16, 2022 14:10

Crazy map work! Beautiful! Very detailed and informative. Very impressive.

Feb 17, 2022 14:41

Thank you for the kind words! ^^ The map took some work but glad how it came out ^^

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Feb 17, 2022 16:23

Nice! The map is very well done! The location of the city is logical (especially that it was a fortress). I would only expand the history section a little bit.   PS. What the two settlement pictures depict IRL? It looks like a beautiful place

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Feb 17, 2022 16:31

Thank you! ^^ I took these pictures in Monemvasia in Greece and I drew the inspiration for this settlement from that place :) https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monemvasia   As for the history, yeah I still wanted to add more but thought I was nearing the flash challenge limit but it appears I am not yet there xp will add some stuff!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Feb 19, 2022 23:57 by Michael Chandra

Oh that's neatly laid out, and I can tell you used a lot of the seed here.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Feb 22, 2022 12:46

Yes I tried to use it as much as I could :) I thought ah komodo dragon as an animal in the region, why not make it the mascot :p

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!