Elervir Isles

The Elervir Isles were always in a perfect position to become a martime nation. In ancient days they founded many city states around the sea and spread their culture throughout many areas of the world. Sadly others saw its potential as well and could not let them enjoy their freedom.
— High Sage Syronikir
  The Elervir Isles are an important stop for all trade between Pavanor and Farlis. It is a great region for fishing, wine, olives and other goods and its climate also makes it a well liked region for tourism. Today it has already been under control of the Pavan Empire for several centuries.   It is mainly populated by Humans but there is also quite an significant amount of Dwarves and Half-Elves living there.  
Elervir Isles

Extra Information

Between Farlis and Pavanor
Vary varied climate due to the northern islands being temparate and the most southern islands temperate warm to warm. Saralith Island even has a small desert area.
Controlled by
The Elevir council controls the isles but they are themselves subject to the Pavan Empire.
Exotic fruits, limited amounts of iron and gold
Important Landmarks
Lake Itherika, Anderia Island, Ikifan Mountain


  The Elervir Islands are rather varied because their is quite some distance between the most northern and southern islands. The northern Isands are temperate to temperate cold and can be considered to be closest in climate to the central regions of the Pavan Empire or Terios.   The southern islands are warmer and have great temperatures all year round. The most southern island of Saralith even has a small desert area.  


by Kefkejaco with inkarnate

Anderia Island

  Anderia Island is the largest of the Elevir Isles and is seen as the most important one due to its larger population.   The island is known for its many forests and is also the main producer of ships in the Elervir Isles. Besides that it also has a booming leather industry. Anderia city itself is the largest city within the Elevir Isles and has been the most powerful even during the city states period.  
Anderia Island
Geographic Location | Dec 29, 2022
by kefkejaco with inkarnate

Rostora Island

  Rostora Island is not among the largest among the Elervir Isles but has notheless played its part in its history.   Currently the island is known for its fertile ground which it uses to produce a variety of products. They are especially famous for their great olives and the olive oil that is created from them. Thanks to its rather central position within the Isles it has become a frequent stop along martime routes.  
Rostora Island
Geographic Location | Jul 18, 2024
by kefkejaco with Inkarnate

Deska Island

  Deska Island was the main competitor of Anderia during the long history of the Elervir Isles.   During ancient times Deska was also a notable producer of ships. Today, however, their focus has shifted its focus to the creation of perfumes and rare dyes. Due to its proximity to Pavanor it trades often with this continent in order to get the best products to use in their products.
by kefkejaco with Inkarnate

Elehas Island

  Elehas has never been in a position of power but has nonetheless been a defining ally in wars.   Today the island is known for its wine which is among the best in Niorath. Besides the many vineyards the island is also a great producer of honey which is mainly used for food but also serves as a form of medicine. On the other side of the island the city of Algam is close to a premium marble deposit.
by kefkejaco with Inkarnate

Omaleri Island

  Omaleri Island is considered the most sacred island in the region and has a large temple dedicated to Arisia.   When one visits the island it would be a shame not to visit Lake Itherika and see its bright pink colour. No one knows exactly why it is coloured this way but according to myth it is a sacred place often visited by the moon and nature godess Arisia. Many Hadenian believers travel here to make a sacrifice.  
Omaleri Island
Geographic Location | Dec 29, 2022
by kefkejaco with Inkarnate

Saralith Island

  Saralith Island is the warmest of the Elervir Isles and is therefore the place to be for more exotic goods.   Saralith had always been more closely related to the Pavanor lands to the east. Many resources and ideas travelled from their to the island and Saralith itself made good use of it. Today it is a main producer of spices and herbs. Due to its easily accessible location it has become a main supplier for eastern Farlis.  
Saralith Island
Geographic Location | Dec 24, 2022
by kefkejaco with Inkarnate

Imban Island

  Imban Island technically belongs to the Elervir Isles but was seperated a long time. For most of its early history Imban belonged to the Elervir Isles. This eventually changed when after a long period of Avaronian rule it was conquered by Dagika to gain a foothold in the Isles. It became a heavily fortified island. Although it is now back in the fold it is still being used to control trade in the region.
by kefkejaco with Inkarnate

Pselero Isles

  The Pselero Isles are the first Isles that are encountered by ships coming from the Pavan Empire. Because of this proximity they changed their main income from fishing to trade. Some trade routes that go south but don't want to deviate too much, unload part of their goods here from where they are distributed to either Anderia or beyond. Besides the ports there are also quite of few fortresses on these isles.  
by kefkejaco with Inkarnate

Gavoreka Isles

  Despite their good position as the most western islands of the island group the Gavoreka Isles were not significant in ancient times. This was mainly because the soil of these islands was not fertile enough to supply large populations. This changed when a large amount of Sea Falls was discovered making the islands quite wealthy.  
Gavoreka Isles
Geographic Location | Jul 2, 2023
by kefkejaco with Inkarnate

Navarlia Island

  Navarlia Island has been important to the Elervir Isles despite its rather small size. The reason for this is mainly because tin and copper were found there early in its history. This made the island very important for the creation of bronze in the region. Due to their easy access to bronze they became a main producer of bronze sculptures.  
Navarlia Island
Geographic Location | Dec 23, 2022



Ancient History

  During the most of the ancient era the Elervir Isles were divided among various clans each vying for more power. This period of time led to frequent wars between the various Isles.   Eventually a shared culture arose and there came to be more cooperation between the various islands. At this time the islands became known as the Eler States, which consisted of various city states who band together against outward threats. However, it was not uncommon for city states to fight against eachother in order to gain more power. These conflicts were most common between Anderia and Deska and their respective allies.  


  Shortly before the start of the Avaronian Era the Eler States expanded and found many new city states further east. The founded new cities along the Kisari Basin and the Andagian Sea. For the Eler states this was the most prosperous time and trade flourished among the various cities.   Eventually, however, some of these colonies became so poweful that they became new nations in their own right. The most famous of this time period were Dagaki and the Nora States.   As if this was not enough their luck took an even worse turn when the Avaronian Empire invaded. They managed to repel them during the first war thanks to their great fleet. But the second war was won by the Avaronians through their use of Fire Magic. From then on the Elervir Isles would be under Avaronian rule for many centuries. Only some of their former colonies such as Dagika managed to maintain their independence.  
by kefkejaco with Inkarnate
Yamaderis misplaced this image by Kefkjaco with heroforge

After Empire

  When the Avaronian Empire lost control of its provinces in Pavanor it eventually led to the independence of the Elervir Isles as well. They joined the Archon Alliance in trying to defeat the Avaronian Empire once and for all and became a great foothold for the first invasion of Farlis.   Once the Avaronian Empire fell the use for the Archon Alliance deminished and wars between Human nations became more common once more. The Elervir Isles finally united under the rule of Anderia which became its capital. During its early years the Elervir Isles tried to gain a foothold in Farlis and controlled various sea regions in what would currently be Terios. Despite their early successes they eventually were defeated and forced to give up their territories there.   In Pavanor and the Mizarin region they had a longer lasting success. However, they never managed to reconquer Dagika despite their best efforts. Their renwed conquest efforts came to an end when the Pavan Empire invaded them. They saw the Elervir Isles as having too much power over trade between Farlis and Pavanor. In a bid to strengthen their own position they conquered the Isles and the Elervir Isles have remained under their control ever since.  


Author's Notes

First general overview of the Elervir Isles. Will expand this with seperate articles for the most important islands as well as a bit more in depth history.

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Jan 11, 2023 01:34 by Deleyna Marr

I love seeing how this mission is coming together. That's a fascinating project.

Feb 3, 2023 16:54

Thank you! It sure is a great mission ^^

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Jan 23, 2023 17:34 by Michael Chandra

Oh that's neat, lotsa different islands and a nice history throughout the ages. I like the way you've presented that all without making it too dense a read.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Feb 3, 2023 16:54

Thank you for the kind words! Yes for this Dimi mission I wanted to start from a very top view article with nice presentation and not too much info so nice that it worked ^^

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!