
Avaronian is an ancient language dating back to the start of the Avaronian empire. Many of the modern languages are derived from it and its influence can often be seen in modern words and syntax. Both Farlian and Median are closely related since Avaronian was last spoken in the areas of these modern languages.   The name Avaronian itself is derived from the words 'Avar' which means Elf and 'Onnon' which means three. This name is likely a reference to the three journeys that the Avaronian Elves took before settling in their main region.  



Sometime before the Old Empire came to be, the Avaronian language arose in the region that is currently known as Carthen. According to linguists the Avaronian language possibly shared a common ancestor with the Dwarven languages. What this language was supposed to look like is unknown but similarities between Avaronian and ancient Dwarven texts are easy to find.     Avaronian remained a rather localised language until the Avaronian Elves started their conquests. Mythology tells us that most of this early successful expansion was thanks to the Elven hero Mackevor. If this was all due to one person is yet to be determined but historians agree that Mackevor did indeed live during that period of time.  


The expansion of the Avaronian empire eventually caused the language to spread across middle and eastern Farlis. These regions were mainly populated by Humans, Gnomes and Halflings who were assimilated into the Empire during the centuries that followed.   The west of the continent remained fairly untouched by the language. This part of the continent was mainly populated by different Elven societies whose languages had deviated from a common ancestor several centuries earlier. The Dragon and Dragonborn realm in the center of the Volker Desert was left untouched as well. They were not true allies of the Avaronians but agreed to a non-aggression pact.   Eventually the Empire continued it's expansion when it first conquered the Elervir Isles and later the western coast of Pavanor. Historians think this is largely due to the fact that those regions were much easier to conquer than the other Elven nations to the west. The Humans and Orcs living there eventually adopted Avaronian as well. Mostly because they were given little choice in the matter.  


When a wave of independence hit Pavanor the language was not fully dropped, since all prior languages were lost over time, but the people living there did adopt a new script and chose to use their own dialect as official language from then on which would later evolve into Pavan.  
Avaronian Empire Map by Kefkejaco
  Avaronian remained the most important language in Farlis for several more centuries even though ever more diverting dialects started popping up. This came to a halt during the siege of the capital Bagor when a magical cataclysm known as the Chaos Storm made most central regions of the Empire uninhabitable. With the end of the empire the successor states in central Farlis chose to use their own dialect which eventually evolved into Farlian Elvish.   Today Avaronian is considered a dead language but it is still learned by many Elves and Humans, especially those intrested in history or the arcane. Creatures and plants often have an Avaronian name as well which is sometimes the preferred name in scientific circles.  


Close relation
  • Median: easy to learn, uses Pavan script
  • Farlian (Elvish): easy to learn, uses Avaronian script
Relatively related
  • Varenan: advanced difficulty, uses Pavan script
  • Pavan: advanced difficulty, uses Pavan script
  • Mofis (Elvish): medium difficulty, uses Avaronian script
No close relation
  • Arek: high difficulty, uses Pavan script
  • Saver (Elvish): advanced difficulty, uses Saver script
  • Arendian (Dwarfish): high difficulty, uses Arendian script



  In Avaronian the plural depends on how to word ends.
  • in(-in): the plural becomes ini (-ini)
  • ar (-ar): the plural becomes ana (-ana)
  • a (-a): the plural becomes ya (-ya)
  • ia(-ia): the plural becomes yi (-yi)
  • on (-on): the plural becomes yo(-yo)
  • ye (-ye): the plural becomes enye (-enye)


  In Avaronian verbs always tend typically end in two ways.
  • eru(-eru): oweru (Otheru) (to trade)
  • ori (-ori): efinori (Efinori) (to farm)
This form is the present/ future form of the verb and can be used regardless of the subject. Both forms have different conjugations depending on the tense.  

Sentence Structure

  The sentence structure in Avaronian is used in almost any derived modern language. Typically the sentence starts with the verb followed by the subject. The object of the sentence can be found after the subject followed by any additional information. Verb + Subject + Object + Additional Information  


  Avaronian script uses some letters not used in the Pavan script.
  • y : combination letter used to make vowels long, is otherwise silent (represented as y in western alphabet)
  • x : pronounced " θi " (represented as ti in western alphabet)
  • ä :pronounced " tɕi ", when used in front of other consonant it doubles that consonant, it is silent in this case (represented as tci in western alphabet)
  • ö : pronounced " dʒ " (represented as dj in western alphabet)
In Avaronian the vowels are : a, i , u ,e ,o Vowels can be made long by placing the letter y in front of it:
  • ya (ɑ:)
  • yo (o)
  • yu (y:)
  • ye (e:)
  • yi (iː)
  When a consonant needs to be doubled the letter ä is always used first.  


  Vowels: ɑ ɑ: ɛ e e: i iː ɔ o u u: y y: ai oi ɛi i̥   Consonants: c k x j ɣ g ɟ p f v b t θ h d ð l ʎ m n ŋ r s z ɸ ɕ tɕ θi dʒ


10 Words.
Successor Languages


Avaronian Meaning
a A (a)
e E (ɛ)
i I (i)
u U (y)
o O (ɔ)
g G (ɣ, g)
c Sh (ɕ)
j J (j)
p P (p)
t T (t)
s S (s)
d D (d)
y (Y)
x Thi (θi)
w Th (θ)
r R (r)
l L (ʎ,l)
h H (h)
k K (c,k)
f F (f,ɸ)
z Gg (ɟ)
v V (v)
b B (b)
m M (m)
n N (n)
ä Tci (tɕi)
ö Dj (dʒ)
. .
? ?


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Feb 21, 2021 16:34

Awesome and very complete article! I love what you did with the flash challenge!

Mar 25, 2021 15:17 by O4

Amazing-looking conlang! Was the inspiration for the characters Japanese Katakana? I would say there is a bit of that. The sidebar with the alphabet is beautiful, very neatly organized. Great job!

Let us unite against the enemies of Album!
Mar 25, 2021 15:25

Yes indeed I took some inspiration from Katakana ^^ I started with some elements that I wanted to work from and than made iterations on that. Thanks for your kind words and of course for the tip you left on your article :) Otherwise I would not have been able to get it the font in world anvil here ^^

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Apr 15, 2021 18:23 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Great article :D I like the conlanguing and the script you've made! This is super cool!

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Apr 15, 2021 18:45

Thanks Amélie ^^ The script was a lot of effort to get in so I am glad that you liked it :D

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Apr 15, 2021 18:24 by E. Christopher Clark

Nice work! Just saw Dimi and Janet read this on stream. Love the art and the script you created and how they add to a well-written piece.

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Apr 15, 2021 18:47

Thank you so much ^^ So nice that people like the script as it was a lot of effort :D The art (besides) the map is not mine ( because I am not that good yet :p ). But all of the credits are in the error if you want to know the artist :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Apr 15, 2021 18:52 by E. Christopher Clark

Yes, I saw where the credits were. That was a neat place to put them.

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!