Siege of Bagor

Era beginning/end


The final battle of the Pavan-Avaronian War was the siege of Bagor. It ended with a gigantic surge of energy that killed everyone in the city of Bagor and around. This marked the end of the Avaronian Empire.

The final battle of the Pavan-Avaronian War was the siege of Bagor. The Avaronians were unable to hold of the attackers and performed a gruesome ritual in an attempt to stop the invaders. Hunderds of slaves were sacrificed but to no avail since the ritual failed and had an even worse result. A gigantic surge of energy was released killing everyone in the city of Bagor and around it. This marked the end of the Avaronian Empire.   With their capital gone they surrendered to the Pavan Alliance The remainder of the Avaronian Empire was reduced to the inner regions of Farlis and the pratice of Mackevism was banned. The clergy of Mackevism was exiled and most of them went to Avak'am together with other prominent Avaronians. The lands around bagor are still a wasteland to this day. Recently travel around the area has been dangerous again due to frequent storms.

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