Yenaria Day 650-1769 - Establishment of the Nil Yeni Settlements in Didome | World Anvil

Yenaria Day 650-1769 - Establishment of the Nil Yeni Settlements

While hundreds of days had past since The Fall of Barsamin scholars still find little recorded history from this time period. What scholars do agree on is that the survivors that settled around the lakes and rivers of the Tresbort . The settlements stayed in contact with each other by using the lakes and river as a easy way to travel between villages. As a result, the region developed a shared culture which scholars call the Nil Yeni culture. The culture was focused around a small community of individuals banded together for their survival. Individual family ties and even knowing ones biological was not The other thing that scholar agree upon is that even after hundreds of days the population remained very small. However, scholars disagree as to the exact size of the Nil Yeni populations; Their estimates range from several thousand people to several hundred thousand. Despite the small population and lack of recorded history from this time, the foundations for the civilizations to come were developing in the scattered villages around the lakes.   During this time many of the modern cities were founded in this time. One of the first cities scholars have a record of it founding was the city of Nil nestled at the base of the Promethean Crater. The legend of the Release of Barsamin details how on day 650 Yorvith a village elder on the Semick council and widely regarded to be the next village Himoth fell in love with her village brother and was exiled. They went to Promethean Crater and found Barsamin trapped by the demigod Lok. They freed Barsamin and according to the myth their incestuous transgression was forgiven and they were allowed to found the settlement that would grow into the city of Nil.   While their are many other cities that trace their founding to this time period, the other major city founded during this time is the city of Nil Yeni. Some Stellite scholars believe that Yeni was not founded in one event but slowly attracted people due to its superior defensive locations. However, The Epic of Yen, revered by the people of Yeni, claims that the city was founded after the Himoth Yen. Her village was burned by savage tribesmen and she led her people to the site of Yeni which provided enough protection to defeat the tribesmen.   Scholars have suggested that the savage tribe in the tale was first mention of the Tern Tribes a precursor people to the modern Tern Bas. However, this is not certain because the exact origin of the Tern Tribes Bas Tribes are not known to scholars. Yet many scholars suspect that the ancient Tern Tribes and Bas Tribes to be descended from a fraction Nil Yeni people that left the sedentary life of the river villages to roam the Needlegrass prairies that surround the upper Strepslim for hundreds of kilometres. Yet others question this assertion and point to the typical ivory skin and ruby red eyes of the modern Slim Bas as features rarely seen in any other Greater Yenarian population.

Cover image: by Cory Brooke-deBock


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