BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Week 1 of 2020 Summer Camp

When I decided to do Summer Camp last year I was a rather new user of World Anvil. But the competition sounded exciting, so I joined in! I did the homework, checked out 2018's prompts, and, I discovered the neat little weekly round-ups that Anna from World Anvil had done in 2018, like this one.   Last year there were no round-ups, but I wanted to make sure I got exposed to more articles than those of the people that were around in discord. So I would dive into the list of prompts and read submission after submissions, often sharing those I loved in the discord, so that more people could enjoy reading the hidden gems that folks were writing about. The sad part is that I no longer have any of those articles!   So this year, I am keeping a list of articles that I liked, as I once more scour the list of submitted articles for each prompt. The reasons for them being in the list are unique to each article: for some it may be the idea, for others it may be the writing style, or the worldbuilding... But they all inspired me in some way or another, and I want to share them with everyone else (and have a list at the end of Summer Camp of the articles I really fancied).  

Prompt 1: Write about a myth or legend relating to a famous, long-lost item.


Prompt 2: Describe a valuable historical or ancient artefact in your world.

Roughly 1 day after the release of the prompts, these are the numbers of submitted articles for the first two days (July 1st and 2nd):
  • Prompt 1: 71
  • Prompt 2: 45

Prompt 3: Describe an important religious leader in your world. How has their character changed the status quo?


Prompt 4: Write about an apex predator in your world. How does it hunt and survive?

Roughly 3 days after the release of the prompts, these are the numbers of submitted articles for the first four days (July 1st to 4th):
  • Prompt 1: 145
  • Prompt 2: 116
  • Prompt 3: 78
  • Prompt 4: 110

Prompt 5: Describe a condition in your world caused by a drug or medicine.

Roughly 4 days after the release of the prompts, these are the numbers of submitted articles for the first five days (July 1st to 5th):
  • Prompt 1: 180
  • Prompt 2: 161
  • Prompt 3: 103
  • Prompt 4: 150
  • Prompt 5: 128

Prompt 6: Decribe an important celestial body or constellation in your world.

Roughly 5 days after the release of the prompts, these are the numbers of submitted articles for the first five days (July 1st to 6th):
  • Prompt 1: 216
  • Prompt 2: 187
  • Prompt 3: 130
  • Prompt 4: 180
  • Prompt 5: 154
  • Prompt 6: 154

    Prompt 7: Describe a counter-culture in your world, something outside the mainstream culture of the place.

    Roughly 6 days after the release of the prompts, these are the numbers of submitted articles for the first seven days (July 1st to 7th):
    • Prompt 1: 249
    • Prompt 2: 225
    • Prompt 3: 157
    • Prompt 4: 207
  • Prompt 5: 177
  • Prompt 6: 192
  • Prompt 7: 134
    I purposefully decided against the style used in the 2018 blogs, as it included things like "staff pick" or "most liked". I was trying to come up with categories that would reflect the articles I had read, but in truth, they are too varied. So I decided to simply list them, and let people peruse the articles and see which ones they liked.   There are hundreds of articles submitted for the prompts, so, while I have tried to read as many as possible, I have not read them all. The articles listed here are those that I particularly liked from the set of articles I did read. I hope this list helps people to read a few more articles during Summer Camp, but I fully recommend getting lost in the list of submitted articles and reading some random articles by yourself. You will most likely find cool stuff.

    Cover image: by Stefan Keller


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jul 4, 2020 19:04

    What an honor to be included in this list! <3

    [they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
    Jul 7, 2020 16:32

    My pleasure, Ondo!

    Jul 4, 2020 19:59 by Chris L

    Thanks for including me!

    Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

    Jul 7, 2020 16:32

    No worries :)

    Jul 4, 2020 21:32 by [REDACTED] [ALSO REDACTED]

    Thank you for including me in this list!

    Jul 7, 2020 16:33

    You are welcome!

    Jul 9, 2020 16:04 by Stormbril

    Thanks so much for including me! :D I'm looking forward to taking the time to go through the articles on this list i haven't seen before :)

    Jul 9, 2020 19:42

    No worries :) I hope you find some articles that you enjoy and/or inspire you!

    Jul 11, 2020 20:55 by E. Christopher Clark

    This is a fantastic resource. Thank you for putting it together!

    Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
    Jul 12, 2020 07:03

    No worries, I hope you found some neat articles to read!

    Jul 12, 2020 18:34 by E. Christopher Clark

    I did indeed!

    Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!