Trai'dietch Pass Geographic Location in Tarien | World Anvil

Trai'dietch Pass

Cutting between the Rheuthengage and Wind Wall mountains at the top of the Prydith Peninsula, this pass is the single most travelled caravan route on Tarien, connecting the nations of the Sea of Storms with the nations of the west. Highwaymen know this and frequent the well rutted hills and winding canyons that allow passage, making this one of the most popular spots for sellswords to find work, assuming that they belong to the Mercenaries' Guild, of course.
Other dangers about for those that brave the pass. Despite being a common route, the pathways seem to constantly shift as earthquakes and landslides both frequent the area. Getting lost, therefore, is a real danger. What on one trip might be a clear path on the next can be blocked by tons of rubble, forcing a reroute through the maze of rock and dirt. In the spring fording the River Prydith can prove impossible and one often finds several caravans waiting out the raging, rain swelled waters for days. Giants also make their way south, out of the wilds of the mountains to the north, eager for an easy meal of horse and Human.
Despite these dangers, enough traffic snakes its way through that the corridor is generally free of wolves and other large predators as both they and their prey have found more peaceful homes. Those caravans that do make the journey find stern welcome at Fort Tarick on the western side and a somewhat warmer one in Calkara to the east.
Mountain Pass
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