Narmouth Desert Geographic Location in Tarien | World Anvil

Narmouth Desert

Compared to the brown dust and and ochre rock formations found in the Carboth Desert, Narmouth is paradise. First, there simply isn't the sand. Secondly, the Wind Wall Mountains mountains along its western edge may towerer of the desert floor, but they do so abruptly. As such, there are no labyrinths of rock or canyon mazes. Everything is just flat. Narmouth also gets substantially more rain as the Sea of Storms is unpredictable and will, several times per year, send powerful storms into the deserts interior, causing the cracked earth to swell and flood. Here great spiked cacti soak up the torrential floods and after the ground soaks up the water the desert blooms with a vibrance of color and beauty that rivals anywhere on Tarien.
More rain means more vegetation and more vegetation means more animals. From long eared hares to languid lizards and strange, flightless birds of all sizes, the desert comes a live at dawn and dusk when temperatures are at their most tolerable. Some small herds of miniature antelope and goats even live along the deserts edges and even its interior, near the River Prydith, which flows freely in all but the driest years. Tracking these beasts - and any other who trespass on their domain - are the Wemic. Half man, half lion, these mighty warriors have carved out lives and even a full society in Narmouth.
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