Sea of Storms Geographic Location in Tarien | World Anvil

Sea of Storms

The western cousin of the Eldorian Sea, the Sea of Storms has a fierce reputation for wind and rain that gives its name. Separated from its cousin by only the Isthmus of Geltamar, Humans have explored most of its waters and settled along much of its shores. Despite its reputation, it is also well trafficked as ships sail from Grennig to Drythe and then through the Canal with regularity.
Few ships, however, sail across the sea itself, preferring to hug the coastlines. Partially this is because of the currents that elp southbound traffic along its western edge and northbound traffic to the east. Mostly, however, it is because of the great maelstrom at its center. Ships blown off course have described a permanent swirl of dark clouds that toss lightning and hurricane winds outward at any who dare to trespass.
Deeper than the Eldorian Sea, it is also cooler, making it a favorite haven for great schools of fish in the winter. With the fish come pods of whales and dolphins to feed upon them. Fortunately for sailors, the waters do not contain the great sea serpents or kraken found in the Darsiac Ocean.