Ashen Forest Geographic Location in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Ashen Forest

A large and dense wood—unless one was at least ten miles from the borders where the trees give way to open groves—the trees of the Ashen Forest were very large and old, their wide trunks rising to a great height above. Many of the trees along the Great River of Daggers were transplanted there after the fall of Helveton by the elven refugees of Quellis. Most of the trees were evergreens, though there were many other kinds as well, including cedar, Ash, maple, and oak.
Smaller plants, such as berry bushes, ivy, and flowering plants also thrived here, and the streams and ponds were full of lilies.
  The Ashen Forest was full of a plethora of monsters—ankhegs, basilisks, bloodthorns, bulettes, choke creepers, giant spiders, manticores, owlbears, stirges, and wyverns. Despite it's relatively small size it is known for it's incredible variety of species both predator and prey. Packs of wolves were also common, and the trees were home to an abundant variety of birds and wild game. It is a popular, though dangerous, hunting ground for those with the skill to navigate it and survive.
Currently there are many sections of the jungle all being ruled by creatures who claim ownership.  These borders are ever shifting and impossible to keep track of due to the density of the forest.  There are a coven of Green Hags who each claim a section.  The three sisters, The eyes of the Forest. There is a young adult Green Dragon who wants to take ownership of the entire forest.  There is the Queen of the spiders who wants her spider kind to dominate the entire world.  And finally the Manticore King, an extremely intelligent manticore who is creating an army of deadly creatures to defend his territory.

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