The Blue Brazier Building / Landmark in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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The Blue Brazier

The night passes into dawn and the long shadows of dagger cat pass lead you to a small settlement built into the sides of the mountain. A huge conglomeration of wooden buildings makes up the Blue Brazier inn and tavern. Large wooden pillars can be seen underneath the larger structures and the wood is so old it may be petrified. The main building has existed for centuries or so the stories go.
As you enter the lower floor a bleary eyed Firbolg man looks at you as if he just woke up. He sits at a large black desk with several notebooks and scrolls on it. “You just get in? Need rooms?” He yawns as if he just woke up from drinking all night and looks for some keys to some rooms. “How many you want?” The first set of wide stairs leads up to a wide common room area filled with tables and chairs, some early morning drinkers sit around a huge stone table in the middle.
As you pass by you see that this 20 foot stone table has a strange scene moving about on it. Hundreds of ghostly figures move about between tiny trees and transparent foothills as they begin to slaughter each other with ancient weapons. You don’t recognize the uniforms or even the armor but the tiny ghosts move in battle formations across the fields and attack each other. A human man clinks a glass with a Fire Genasi and says”I’ve got 20 gold on red team, you in?” The other man says “It’s a bet! But that yellow team is going to mop the floor with them, look at that trebuchet!” The first man just replies “It’ll break halfway through, it’s rickety.” Each day over an hour or so there is a new battle and they never repeat. The bartender tells anyone who asks that no one knows if they are ghosts of ancient times or if these are bizarre simulations for some wizard or vizier of a bygone era. The table and this portion of the inn have been here for a millennia.
The Current owner is Gherzon Meistavale he is a Drow who left the underdark over a century ago. Through a series of mishaps, adventures, and a few heroic moments he wound up the inheritor of the Blue Brazier.
The current Bartender is a Firbolg man with addiction issues known as Bishlap the weary.


The Blue Brazier has existed in Dagger Cat Pass since the second age.  It went through many different forms over the centuries depending on who ruled the area.  Originally it was an elven meeting place and safe house in the dangerous Helver Mountains.  When the humans regained the Eigerlands it was slowly turned into a large inn and tavern for travelers through the pass.


Item Cost Drink Menu -
  • Scruf (basic Ale made from Tellenheim Rye grain)
  •   Gallon 2 sp
  •   Mug 4 cp
Distilled spirits:
  • Blizzard Hops Whiskey- 20sp, Full Glass 1 gp
  • Rum-6 cp
  • Madiera-6cp
  • Sherry- 1sp
  • Brandy- 2sp
  • cider - 4cp
  • mobby (Fermented Acala Fruit) - 1sp
  • Beer (Ale or Lager ) - 1sp for a pint

Wines & wine mixes:
  • elderberry
  • orange
  • gooseberry
  • currant
  • cherry
  • birch
  • quince
  • turnip
  • raspberry
  • blackberry
  • grape
  • apricot
  • lemon
  • hippocras (wine & spice mix),
  • Stepony
  • shrub
  • punch & sangria

Common Pitcher 2 sp Bottle 10 gp Banquet (per person) 10 gp Bread, loaf 2 cp Cheese, hunk 1 sp
Inn stay (per day)
  •   Squalid 7 cp
  •   Poor 1 sp
  •   Modest 5 sp
  •   Comfortable 8 sp
  •   Wealthy 2 gp
  •   Aristocratic 4 gp
  • Meals (per day)
  •   Squalid 3 cp
  •   Poor 6 cp
  •   Modest 3 sp
  •   Comfortable 5 sp
  •   Wealthy 8 sp
  •   Aristocratic 2 gp
  • Meat, chunk 3 sp
Founding Date
SF2: 2135
Parent Location


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