Rollus Settlement in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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A small village that can be found in the Dagger Cat Pass.  It is a major trading post and place of rest for weary traders and travelers.  Most of the traffic that moves across the land bridge between the Eigerlands and Penthaheim either goes west towards Helletowne and the Eye of Hellenox or Southwest into the Dagger Cat Pass and on to Stoneport or Warshaw.


Oddly enough a strange Nimblewright was put in charge of the town of Rollus over 70 years ago. A great dispute took place and two self proclaimed lords tried to take charge at the same time. As the pressure built and violence was threatened a diplomat came up with the idea of putting the emotionless Nimblewright in charge. He had been hanging around the area for decades looking for a purpose and most of the regulars really liked him.
His name is Wrightson Four fingers and though his intelligence is limited he has studied and met Cog as well as Sava Cogson.  He reveres both of them and loves to talk about them.  Few Automatons have achieved what the three of them have.


Businesses in Rollus
The Blue Brazier Inn and Tavern -
One of the oldest known inns in the Eigerlands it has existed for as long as anyone can remember. It has had hundreds of owners over the centuries and the huge beams that support it seem to have almost petrified at this point. The current owner is a old bluish purple Tiefling woman named Azara and her partner Ines.
The inn has over twenty rooms and a bar area that has three levels to it. The second and largest level has a very interesting ancient table. A 20 foot by 10 foot stone table stands in the middle of this area and small ghostly figures re-enact battles throughout history.
No one knows if these battles actually took place or if these tiny ghosts are telling new stories to entertain the guests. The best part is that guests and tavern goers can bet on the outcomes.
Ankheg's Tavern and Inn 
A large inn and tavern in Dagger Cat pass that caters to miners and locals. The inn is run by a large Goliath woman named Brak Gristledowne. An old adventurer herself, she runs the place with the help of a Tiefling partner named Caldesar Caleph who runs the bar.
The main meeting hall and drinking spot for any weary traveler coming thought the mountains. One of the walls opposite the bar is enchanted with a minor illusion of a large dagger cat pouncing on a horse. It repeats a slow animation over and over.  
Kazalar’s Smithy - An old Minotaur runs the smithy, though his work is getting shoddy due to his age. He is looking for an apprentice though. It’s hard to find anyone who wants to live in the dangerous dagger cat pass. His name was originally Knuckle Crush and he was a sailor and mercenary.  Now he goes by Orvin Kazalar and he was originally from Ventenheim.  He once sailed with Adventure Team Grimm and will tell tales of the great deeds he did for them.  

Kilton’s Wares and oddities - One of the only shops in Dagger cat pass is Kiltons which carries all your basic dry goods and adventuring equipment. Though he is always interested in monster parts and strange things.  The owner is an old human man named Rufolo Kilton.
The hunter’s warehouse -
Closer to a butchery, the owners are two sisters who can make cuts of meat out of just about anything that isn’t poisonous or rancid. They are both dwarven women who have lived in these mountains for 200 years. Though outcasts themselves they still hold to the old ways and aren’t too thrilled with dwarves who don’t work metal or mine. They also have a few rooms they let out to mostly hunters and rangers.  Their names are Risa Raspgrinder and Polly Beltsander. 
Noloton Stables-
A Halfling man runs the stables in the pass. He is extremely adept and loves to ride horses. He may even offer to race someone if they also love horse racing. He is an excellent jockey and has a course set up just outside of town down by the south tower. Roll some animal handling checks and test your skills! He usually wagers 50 gold or so. Colby Noloton is his name. 
The broken down tower ruins -
Many ghost sightings have occurred on the south side of town. Probably due to the old ruins that made up a mountain kingdom a millennia ago.
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