Kalevoor Castle Building / Landmark in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Kalevoor Castle

The great Kalevoor Castle was built sometime at the end of the second age. Built originally as a human stronghold in the Northern Eigerlands it was supposed to be a safe haven for the human kingdom of Eigeria and the King known as Wahlgren the Survivor. Sometime during the shattering it was abandoned as the residents either fled or were purged by elven forces. In the years just after the shattering a wizard by the name of Ichthiadore the robust now flush with power claimed it as his own. He spend the next two decades perfecting a spell so powerful that it lifted the entire area and propelled it a thousand feet in the air.
Suspended now the castle and it's surrounding land provided a safe haven for Icthiadore as he pursued his studies and power. Sometime during that century a dragon set his eyes upon the castle and desired it. In a pitched battle that took weeks the dragon and the wizard fought. Using new psionic powers that the dragon had discovered he slowly worked his way into the mind of the wizard and drove him mad. Centering a banishing spell upon himself Ichthiadore cast himself into the abyssal plane never to be seen again.
The Dragon known as Malavoor Doh’ Malis the dark one now had his lair. Malavoor often moves about his castle in his human human guise as Professor Marius Domalus, a humble though very rich researcher who teaches at Vellen University at times. He is a renowned archaeologist and Alienist. He loves the study of Elven and human history through archaeology and will talk at length about the things he has discovered and supposes. In reality his powerful dragon mind is scanning all those around him for latent psionic energies. He can absorb smaller energies very quickly of those around him. Powerful Psionics, especially those few who train in their abilities and are able to use them in combat, are most prized. These individuals he tries to collect and keep at Kalevoor Castle. All of the current servants and guests are kept tightly controlled by Malavoor while he slowly feeds off of their psionic abilities. He renders them docile and mind controls them to be humble butlers, valets, maids, and stable hands. His prize collection get to roam the grounds as special guests of the castle. They get the best rooms and are feted with feasts, dances, and soirees in the various opulent rooms. Unlike the servants these people are consumed quicker and their minds burn out within a few weeks or a month.
The castle is constantly active and lively as guests move about the grounds doing activities in the snow and ice. After a day in the sun building snow and ice scupltures or taking sleigh rides over new powder they always retreat back into the warmth of the castle and a delicious meal. Their glorious benefactor regales them with long lost tales and interesting history. All they while they get more and more drowsy until they retire to bed.
When new guests arrive the castle and the grounds can always be found near a hill top or on the coast, firmly attached to safe ground. As the guests are entertained and greeted the island slowly floats up into the sky trapping them...forever.

Purpose / Function


Down some of the hallways in the Inner Sanctum of Malavoor Doh' Malis there are deadly and dangerous traps.  The first of which is the Receding Air Gas Trap: If a PC searches for traps and rolls well on their perception they can see a series of tiny holes amongst the walls and ceiling of this hallway.  Each is hexagonal and less than one millimeter wide.  Tiny symbols can just be made out in between the holes.  As you study the walls and try to determine if this is just a porous stone or something more sinister Roll a Constitution Saving throw.  DC 14 on the first round.  Your head swims as you try to catch your breath.  As you rush to make your way back to the previous room you slam into an invisible wall of force.  If the PC stays another round then the DC goes up to 18 and levels of exhaustion creep in.  The breathable air begins to leech out of this area and walls of invisible force seal off the ends of the hallway.  If a PC goes unconscious they will awake in one of the force cages in 15. the Vestible for Live Exhibits. 
Magnetic Hallway - Some of the hallways in Malavoor inner sanctum were formed using lodestone enriched mineral rock.  Utilising a series of spells and runes these can be activated and enhanced to suspend anyone made of metal or wearing metal in place by using reversed polarities.  DC 18 Strength saving throw to leave the space.  This check must be made every five feet of movement.


The Ice Spires -

Massive Ice spires dot the floating island that the castle resides upon. These Icy structures are magically infused with shard rock and several powerful spells that, when activated, lift the entire island a thousand feet into the air. It is possible to slowly move the island using the spires but this knowledge is known only to Malavoor himself.
These Ice Spires are the powersource for the entire island.  Their latent magical energies power most of the lamps, fires, and lanterns in the castle as well as traps and illusions.  Should they fail the entire island would fall back to the planet with catastrophic results.  


Kalevoor Castle Grounds

1. Carriage Room - This large room is strewn with crates and shelves of equipment for maintaining carriages and sleighs. Axles, rails, bolts, planks and wheels are stacked in neat rows or on listed shelves on the wall. The rough wooden floor has traces of straw and dirt from boots. It feels like it is in constant use and a castle wheelwright and carpenter are on hand and available. A half orc woman by the name of Sersi Kharr and a human man by the name of Bolly Wort.
2. Wine Storeroom - The room itself is a cool but not cold temperature. The smell of grapevines and dried leaves hit your nose as you walk in. on the south wall crates of grapes are stacked, dried grape leaves are strewn about the ground in this area. The center of the room has a pull up door that reveals a wide staircase going down into the wine cellar proper. The door using a winch system from the beams above. The wine cellar has stacks of bottles on ornate carved bottle shelves. The Sommelier and the wine maker are both halflings. An attractive female halfling named Erstinda Harbung and a shaggy older halfling man by the name of Gurstin Glinling.
3. Main Stock Room - One of the largest rooms on the western wing this is the dry goods holding storage. Dozens of burlap bags full of grain can be seen, boxes of spices from all over Tellenheim, Trunks of linens and fine fabrics are lined up on the opposite wall. The room smells of fresh corn and wheat and even hints of coffee depending on where one is standing. This room is staffed by a human servant by the name of Gawyn Harsdale of Helletowne. He can be seen cataloguing a large box of exotic peppercorns brought in from Ventenheim.
4. West Hallway - This hallway has a long stain glassed window that looks out upon the hillside featuring a griffon taking flight. The stone floor has a lush long carpet woven with earth tones. The hallway smells of scented wax drifting from the large candle sconces on the walls. A vanilla scent tinged with lemon.
5. West Washroom - this is the main bathroom on this side of the castle. A small magically enchanted pool of water sits on a marble table for face washing. A toilet stands in the corner and a wooden tub sits to the side large enough for one medium sized creature to fit in for bathing. More scented candles are lit on a metal sconce. It wafts a lavender and sweetgrass scent throughout the room.
6. Sauna - You immediately feel the pleasant warmth and humidity as you enter the room. several sconces of magically lit coals stand near the walls and the benches. Sliding your finger on the rune adds more heated moist air into the room and increases the temperature.
7. South Dining Room - A large open room with three large stone tables, the third placed on a dais and seemed to be for special occasions. The room itself has white plaster walls decorated with bas relief sculptures depicting ancient kings, heroes and battles. Several hanging plants dot the corners of the room and add a splash of color with red, white and purple flowers dotted on them. Their are two servants assigned to this room. A human named Estelle Loganus and a green elven man named Okalon Oakalus.
8. Conference Room - Just to the north of the dining room, the conference room is paneled with a rich blonde colored wood and has a carved wooden table of Eigerpine. Eight low backed comfortable chairs ring the table. Six wide ancient paintings hand on the walls around the table, all seem to depict the shatter fall that broke apart the Arrow and the Fletching.
9. Main Kitchen - A large open kitchen with stacks of shelving holding fresh grains, vegetables, and spices. A magical freezer holds reindeer steaks and boar bacon. The chef is a Firbolg man named Felo Chambers.
10. Servants Dining Room - A basic room where the servants take their meals. It has the same polished blonde wood as the conference room.
11. South East Parlor - This room has six wide couches upholstered with a royal blue velvet. It also hold book shelves with hundreds of volumes of ancient histories and literature from the last millennia. A central table holds a large centerpiece of flowering plants. [DM Note: This plant when activated can dust a 15 ft. Radius area with spores which will put guests to sleep within one round. DC 18 Constitution saving throw.]
12. East Guest Quarters - These rooms are perfectly situated for a party of six guests. Well made beds of heavy polished wood and a wash room complete with magically enhanced sink and toilet with temperature controls and fresh water. The rooms are painted a light blue and have paintings of landscapes most depicting the forest lands.
13. Northeast Parlor - This room has a wide staircase going up to a second floor, it's a rich dark mahoghany with carved spindles and plenty of curves. The center of the room has a long dark wooden table replete with jugs of cool water and a carafe of a light pink wine. Two more smaller circular tables are set for four and have pencils, parchment and sketch books on them. The walls are painted a series of lighter earthtones set in intersecting squares. A few tapestries adorn the walls depicting the battle of Warshaw.
14. Grain Room - A basic wood paneled room with little insulation. Dozens of crates and burlap bags of all of the basic grains of Tellenheim can be found here. Rich golden wheat of the Warshaw region, Long spindly oats from Onsalm, and white rice from Kierkewoode. A Halfling man by the name of Geddleton Lang catalogues the room and watches for insects and vermin.
15. Peasant Quarters - Often some of the staff who work out in the grounds and the surrounding hillsides make their way back to the castle for rest. These basic quarters are for them and have all basic necessities. They have a basic wood wainscotting and white plaster walls. The beds and other furniture are what you would find at any inn.
16. The Warehouse - A wide open warehouse space with dozens of heavy wooden shelves and stacks of crates, barrels, and sacks line the walls and corners. Two large stone areas can be seen in the center of the floor. Each of these has a metal doors that leads down to a stone staircase and a sub cellar. These are used for pickling jars, root vegetables, and bottles of ciders. The warehouse is staffed with a human man named Inglehoff Miller. [DM Note: A former nobleman from Lamborginus he was heavily feted by the Talons of the Rook to be part of their psionic vampire group. It is possible on a DC 17 history check for an member of ATG to recognize him from the party.]
17. Main House Guest Bedroom one - This bedroom has a mauve paint on it's wide plaster walls. It has three large beds made with the finest linens from Lamborginus and high quality pillows.
18. Main House Hallway and Stairs - The stairs going up lead to an observatory room with two large telescopes.
19. Main House Sitting Room - Wide comfortable couches line the walls and a dire bear skin rug lays on the cold stone floor. Warming lanterns on the walls keep the room a few degrees warmer.
20. Main House second Bedroom - A smaller bedroom with just one large bed and mint green walls. Wide finely detailed tapestries depict the tall trees from the jungles of Ventenheim.
21. Main House Breakfast Nook - A small warm room that smells of coffee. A device on the small table magically brews coffee.
22. Main House Parlor - One of the largest rooms in the central complex it is lined with dozens of book shelves that stretch up to the ceiling. A three foot globe stands up against one of the walls, it rotates slowly mimicking the rotation of the planet. Several comfortable couches lined with a rich green velvet sit around low tables. Small vases containing white flowers sit amongst the end tables. [DM Note: These flowers can emit a invisible spores that will cause exhaustion amongst anyone sitting in the room too long. DC 17 Constitution saving throw.]
23. Main House Study - This room has a dark red paint on the plaster walls. A dark brown wood panel beneath the chair line. A circular table sits in the middle of the room surrounded by four chairs all dark and polished and hundreds of years old. The room also has several books shelves with wood that matches the table. A centerpiece in the center of the table is a carved crystal with dark purple veins of stone running through it, it seems to depict a phoenix rising. [DM Note: The preferred study for Malavoor/Marius where he likes to discuss serious matters with his guests or really hit them with a psionic whammy. The phoenix sculpture is a focusing tool which allows him to raise the DC on his psionic attacks by 4. Also A PC can find the Journal of Icthiadore with an investigation check of DC 16. Another check can reveal a book of lost devices that mentions Viendall's Dimensional control rod called "A theorem on lost and rumored magical devices and their possible locations" by a gnome woman artificer called Kastila Feldtowne.]
24. Main House Living Room - A much more comfortable room than even the study, it has wider softer couches and circular tables set with drinks and snacks.
25. Main House Hunter's Retreat - This long room has a Dull blue paint on it's plaster walls. It has dozens of taxidermied creatures heads lining the walls about 10 ft. up. The ceiling stands about 16 feet and the dark wooden floors have lush rugs made from a Chimerae made from tiger and rhino. A nature check allows someone to figure out it is a strange manticore DC 16. A large brick fireplace sits upon the eastern wall with a Giant sloth rug unfurled before it. [DM Note: If investigated the fire is mostly illusionary, with just a small fire in the corner that is real to give off heat. A DC 15 check reveals a secret trap door in the floor leading down to the Inner sanctum!] The heads are from dinosaurs, tigers, bears, wyvern and elephant. Some of the heads have a weird humanoid look to them possibly werebear and weretiger. A strange and ominous inclusion... [DM Note an investigation check will also reveal A book known as the compendium of dragons and their sighted locations by Ulstan Berridor the VII lists several adult dragons on the continent of Tellenheim. It was written in SF 2854.]
26. Main House Cozy Room - Another comfortable room with an array of soft couches. These rooms with stairs lead to a balcony that overlooks the hunting room and the series of sitting rooms. The halls are lined with antique paintings and tapestries.
27. Main House Reading Room - More bookshelves and chairs, the room is painted with a warm light brown paint on it's plaster walls.
28. Main House Servant Hall - This area holds a pantry for food for servicing this side of the castle. It has many cabinets on the walls that hold linens, plates, silverware and basic spices for guests.
29. Main House Third Bedroom - Another large guest bedroom, this one painted a golden yellow. The beds are also opulent and made with the finest linens from the Forest Realms.
The Ice spire - The ice spire stands in the center of the castle. It towers over 70 feet above the roof and glimmers with cyan blue crystalline facets.


Under The Castle, The Hoard Chamber of Malavoor Doh' Malis

1.Entrance through Fireplace - descending down the trap door you fall six feet down to a platform as a magical lantern glows cyan blue and lights your way. A stone staircase leads down almost 40 feet in a spiral. As you walk the lights flare at the base of each stair three in front of you. This leads down to a wide room of dark stone. Instead of being dark and threatening the room actually feels fairly warm and comfortable. The top half of the stone is painted a pleasant cobalt blue and the bottom half is paneled with a dark brown oak. Every 10 ft. a lantern flickers with an orange and red magical flame. In between the lanterns are carved marble reliefs that depict famous elven rulers throughout the third age. (Inorh, Quellis, Emperor Epiphyte, and Orahero.) Several wide victorian style couches sit along the northern wall with end tables set with vases. [DM Note: A secret door can be found behind the middle couch DC 14 Investigation check, as the section of the wall rotates like indiana jones crusade. ]
2. Ancient Art Room - The long hallway leading southeast from this room goes out to a secret door just outside of the castle grounds. A search outside DC 17 reveals this. The first and second staircases lead up about 20 feet to the balcony room. The art room itself is fifteen feet wide and 24 feet long and has painted stone walls a mauve color. The tall ceiling is almost 15 ft and the walls are dotted with all manner of paintings some of which appear to be several centuries old. All beautiful landscapes from past ages or battle scenes and victories from earlier in this age. A history check would reveal that most of these depict the elven armies of Inorh losing ground to a dragon with black and purple scales.
3. Bent Hallway - This hallway alights as you walk forward with runes on the wall that glow purplish red. [DM Note: anyone who can read the runes realizes that these don't just add light they scan the person(s) walking through for some unknown purpose. This hallway is also trapped with magnetic runes which can be activated to trap anything made of metal. Once activated a creature must make a DC 19 strength check or be suspended by the magnetic waves. If someone comes in from the other way they can also find the secret door leading back to 1] The hallway itself looks like it is carved from a shiny black stone like obsidian. The floor has a square pattern carved into it. Midway down the bent hallway is a large opening with a staircase leading down made of dark grey stone with more of the magical runelights on the base of each stair. This leads down to 18.
4. Shard Vault - Like most shard vaults you have seen, like Agrimor's or the Diligent Corbomites in Stoneport, the walls are lined with a protective field made of rune sequences. Thick stable wooden shelves hold dozens of sculptures, coins, and uncut rocks which all hold a percentage of shard stone in them. The opening leading into this room is sealed off with a wall of force projected by a small stone set into the floor that glows with that purple red energy. The stone is just inside the threshold. A small panel of floating runes, glowing the same color, can be found on the wall about four feet up on the left of the threshold.
5. Ancient Armory - Peering into this room the walls are painted white and thin stone columns break up the room every 8 feet or so. In between the columns are six rows of humanoid mannequins that display ancient armors collected over the ages. Elven, dwarven, and human style armors most of which do not look familiar to any of you. The opening leading into this room is sealed off with a wall of force projected by a small stone set into the floor that glows with that purple red energy. The stone is just inside the threshold. A small panel of floating runes, glowing the same color, can be found on the wall about four feet up on the left of the threshold.
6. Ancient Weapons - In this room that is painted a cardinal red there are several weapons racks each displaying exotic weapons. Strangely shaped halberds and spears, A long katana with dragonborn markings, and large shields are all displayed. The opening leading into this room is sealed off with a wall of force projected by a small stone set into the floor that glows with that purple red energy. The stone is just inside the threshold. A small panel of floating runes, glowing the same color, can be found on the wall about four feet up on the left of the threshold.
7. The statuary - This room is painted a light blue and holds a strange collection of different sized statues. Shelves in the back hold small statues of humanoids and animals that stand 3" to 8" tall. A lower set of shelves displays medium sized statues of animals that are exquisitely carved to look real. The front of the room has very large statues of a lion, a wyvern, and Rhino. The opening leading into this room is sealed off with a wall of force projected by a small stone set into the floor that glows with that purple red energy. The stone is just inside the threshold. A small panel of floating runes, glowing the same color, can be found on the wall about four feet up on the left of the threshold.
8. Secret Trick Staircase - A secret door can be found in the hallway here with a DC 15 investigation check. It opens to a curved staircase going down towards 9. Like the other stairs it is a dark grey stone staircase with magical lights that turn on as someone walks down it. After the third stair the staircase drops and turns into a steep slicked ramp that tries to move creatures quickly to the bottom. The bottom has a teleportation pad that attempts to drop creatures into one of the force cells of 15. Making contact with the pad automatically teleports a creature. A DC 17 acrobatics or strength check allows a creature to stop their slide.
9. Extradimensional Prison - This strangely shaped domed room has a device in the center that looks like a stone and metal misshaped egg. stripes of energy pulse around it as well as hundreds of glowing runes that ring around it in tiny characters. A thin hallway leads down to a circular opening that drops down 50' to 19. [DM Note: The egg is a powerful interdimensional prison. Malavoor can summon and trap demons if need be or he can throw powerful adventurers inside which keeps them in stasis. The back room of 9 through the small halls leads to a comfortable leather chair that sits in front of a stone and metal console. This console allows for Malavoor to contact the creature inside the egg and communicate with them.]
10. The Mosaic Room - The grand staircase leads down to a huge circular room which has a beautiful mosaic built into the floor. Inside several circles of bronze and gold is a magnificent picture of a black and purple dragon constructed from precious gemstones. On the far side another grand staircase leads up to a hallway and the art gallery. [DM Note: An investigation check reveals a strange panel hidden amongst the mosaic DC 18. A series of arcane switches acts as a breaker box allowing someone to turn off all of the force walls on a DC 21 arcana check.]
11. Art Gallery - This tall curved room is a only 15 ft wide but stretches almost 90 feet broken up every 15 feet by enormous columns. In between the columns are elaborate marble statues depicting old gods that you don't recognize. On the walls are dozens of huge paintings and tapestries that look to be a millenia old at least. They seem to depict many of the famous battles and tragedies that make up the main history of the continent of Tellenheim over the last age. The stone walls are painted light gray with a cream colored lower half paneled with painted wood.
12. Obsidian Hallway - A series of two hallways with stone carved of obsidian. On the western corner is a spiral staircase that leads down to 21.
13. Balcony Overlook - A white marble railing with a brass rail stretches along this curved balcony that overlooks a circular room down below. The drop is a good 50 feet down to room 16. The floor below is an enormous painting depicting a battle of dragons with a purple and black scaled dragon taking down a huge gold dragon. Below them are dozens of other dragons in an intertwined battle. [DM Note: a perception check shows a ledge on the opposite side over 30 ft away on the opposite wall. It is an illusory wall that leads to 15, the vestibule for live exhibits.]
14. Pleasure rooms - A wide room painted with a magenta shade has many frilly and soft fabrics hanging along the walls. Wide couches make up the corners of the room and a large wide soft bed sits in the center. Many instruments of pleasure can be found on and in cabinets along the walls.
15. Vestibule for live exhibits - A door in the wide hallway that leads to 14 is locked with an arcane lock. Beyond is a dark grey room with eight cells. Each of these has a force wall sealing them off. [DM Note: Anyone who gets teleported will be trapped in these cells. Currently their is an elven man inside one of the cells. He claims to be Misticus Ver’ tragen the second, he of the flame son of Misticus Ver'Tragen, A bronze dragon who is said to live in the Uleris Valley of the Eigerlands. If freed he has the stats of a young brass dragon.]
16. The Golden Floor - The floor is an enormous painting depicting a battle of dragons with a purple and black scaled dragon taking down a huge gold dragon. Below them are dozens of other dragons in an intertwined battle. [DM Note: an investigation check reveals a small panel hidden in the painting which is under a trap door. The panel requires a DC 15 arcana check and would allow for all arcane locks to be disabled. **ALSO hidden amongst the scales of the painting of the gold dragon has been set the piece of Viendall's control rod!  With a good investigation check someone could stumble upon it.]
17. More Live Exhibits / Larger Creatures - A sealed door replete with an arcane lock seals off the hallway beyond. If the arcane lock is disabled the hallway beyond has large vestible sealed off with force walls. In each of the four areas are incredibly dangerous creatures sealed off in chambers. [DM Note: A Glabrezu demon, a mutoillithid, hundreds of strange tadpoles suspended in fluid, and a gelatinous cube can be found confined to these areas. Getting close to the first opening you see wide black pincer emerge from the blackness beyond and then yellow eyes. The creature begins to speak to the person offering them riches and power for their release. Glabrezu's are very intelligent creatures. Looking at the Mutoillithid causes a DC 10 wisdom saving throw or the creature goes catatonic on the floor. Viewing the tadpoles causes a DC 15 intelligence saving throw or become entranced by the creature beyond who are really Illithid spawn. A panel in the golden floor will allow for all arcane locks in the area to be disabled.]
18. Verdant Hallway - The staircase from the Bent hallway leads down into a wide hallway with smooth stone painted a forest green. Large tapestries line the eastern and western walls each depicting a lush jungle scene complete with dozens of exotic animals. Hallways split off from the edge of the eastern and western walls.
19. Viewing / Scrying Room - This room has dozens of glass panes magically enchanted to look on the various goings on of governing bodies and cities. The glass panels seem to flicker between various scenes and those watching would only see recognizable city structures or landscapes as a type of screen saver. A central control console has a leather chair and a series of polished stone panels with strange symbols carved into them. [DM Note: These are in draconic but also require a knowledge of runes and arcane symbols. Arcana check DC 18 to operate. a success would allow the user to look in on certain cities and even people if the user is direct enough.]
20. Orrery - a magically enhance viewing room of floating orbs and motes of light which mimics the night sky. All of the constellations and orbital planetary bodies of the system can be seen floating in this room.
21. Magenta Hallway - The tight spiral staircase from 12 leads down to this hallway. The walls down here are carved from a magenta colored vein of rock that is a little rougher than many of the smooth polished walls in the rest of the sanctum. [DM Note: These walls are trapped with a magnetic rune trap that triggers when a creature walks down the hall. DC 18 strength check to move through if anyone is wearing or made of metal.]
22. The Dragon Statues - Two statues of young dragons each about 10 feet tall face off on wide pedestals facing each other as if they are entering combat. The leave just enough room for a medium sized creature to walk underneath their heads. [DM Note: the reality is these are both petrified dragons that Malavoor defeated and killed by using a petrification scroll. Each of them is a scion of an adult gold and silver dragon that malavoor killed to provoke them. He keeps them as trophies in this room. In the back corner of the room is a secret door locked with an arcane lock that leads to the meditation chamber.]
23. Meditation Chamber - This secret chamber is painted with a soothing light purple. Magical scrying panes are set on each wall over ten feet wide which depict scenes of calming star scapes, lush forest with brightly colored birds, and calm seas under a beautiful sunset.
24. Private Bedchamber / Dragon form - This huge opulent room has a 70 ft. vaulted ceiling and large pillars up against the walls. A lush floor of soft dirt and magically sustained grasses and flowers brightens up the room with purple and black flowers. A huge silvery bed constructed of stone and metal sits in the center that measures over 60 ft. long. [DM Note: An investigation check DC 15 reveals a few dragon scales that have fallen into the vegetation]
25. Private Bedchamber / Human Form - A set of smaller rooms has an ornate feather bed and magically sustained washroom.


Available Loot:

  • Items
  • Amulet of Health
  • Bead of Force
  • Potions, The great Potion table for Random potions
  • Torchus Glove
  • Amulet of Equilibrium
  • Warp Anchor, Rod
  • The Banshee's Jewel Box
  • Weapons
  • Blade of BUTLR
  • Double Bladed sword of Dathomir (Magic) +2
  • Wyrmshide Bow
  • Armor
  • Adamantine Mind Blade Gauntlets
  • Great Tree Maka Bracers
  • Shadowborn, Armor
  • Great Owl's Shroud
  • Gold
  • Small bags of 345 gold
  • 267 platinum
  • bag of jewels worth 1500 gp
  • Viendall's Dimensional control rod piece number 2!


The NPC's in the Castle -

A half orc woman by the name of Sersi Kharr and a human man by the name of Bolly Wort. Sersi Kharr formerly lived in the city of Serpico in Ventenheim. She was a courier for the ETC and had developing psionic powers. Now though she only remembers her old job and then accepting the job here. Bolly Wort used to live in Morden's Bridge and was there when Adventure Team Grimm made their way through. On a trip to Lamborginus he was abducted by a winged horror, Malavoor was on his way home from Vellen Falls and felt his psionic presence.
The Sommelier and the wine maker are both halflings. An attractive female halfling named Erstinda Harbung and a shaggy older halfling man by the name of Gurstin Glinling. Both of these halflings grew up in the Uleris Valley. Their community was terrified of their power and sent them off to Helletowne to find a cure.
This room is staffed by a human servant by the name of Gawyn Harsdale of Helletowne. He grew up in Helletowne and was a successful psionic rogue with the Hare's Catch before being abducted by Malavoor. He attempted to pick Marius' pockets after a class at the university there.
Their are two servants assigned to this room. A human named Estelle Loganus and a green elven man named Okalon Oakalus. Okalon grew up in the forest pact of Oraheim, he was travelling to Helletowne when he was abducted by some of Malavoor's thralls and brought to Kalevoor. Estelle Loganus was wealthy woman who had just married a minor baron of House Nuxhall. They had just bought a house in Westinox. She lashed out at a would be suitor who didn't believe she was married with her telekenisis breaking his ribs. She fainted and when she awoke she was a maid in Kalevoor Castle and believes she accepted a position.
The chef is a Firbolg man named Felo Chambers. Chambers was a former cook in the Inorh Region of Oraheim in service of the Inorh family.
A Halfling man by the name of Geddleton Lang catalogues the room and watches for insects and vermin. Lang hails from the Arrow. He was a busy artificer when his psionic powers manifested. He was traveling to Helletowne to find a cure for his condition when he was taken.
The warehouse is staffed with a human man named Inglehoff Miller. [DM Note: A former nobleman from Lamborginus he was heavily feted by the Talons of the Rook to be part of their psionic vampire group. It is possible on a DC 17 history check for an member of ATG to recognize him from the party.]
  Jora Opteris Evecta - An elven man who says he is a Ornithologist from the Forest Realms of Oraheim. In Reality he is a member of the Verdant Sigil and a powerful druid. His mind has been tampered with by Malavoor as his latent psionic power is being siphoned off.
Dorthus Malliball - An attractive Elven woman who has quite a fortune in Lamborginus. Her family owns several linen companies and they manufacture expensive silks. She claims to be here to discuss upholstery samples with Marius. She has quite a deep scar running up the right side of her head. [DM Note: In reality she is a former Talon of the Rook who survived the battle of the flotilla. ATG left her for dead and she was thrown into the Wyvern sea. She was rescued by an agent of Malavoor and taken to Kalevoor not long after.]
Madeleine Quail - A low level member of house Quail in Penthos. Madeleine has been tasked with running a haberdashery to keep her out of politics.  

Monsters Polymorphed into guests and servants

Note that Detect Magic and Truesight will detect the Polymorph spell. Polymorph is a 4th level transmutation.
Yathan Kevel - a half elven man wearing a brown vest over a tan tunic, he claims to be from Lamborginus but his accent is very flat. [In reality he is A nothic transformed and monitors the PC's quite often.]
Galeda Klaus - a human woman in her sixties is one of the maids for the main house. She claims to be from Penthos. [A Mind witness polymorphed into a human woman.]
Kelgos Anvus - A dwarven man in his 70's who repairs things. [A Duergar who disguises himself to be a mountain dwarf.]
Yisma Polo - A human woman in her 40's who look much like Sandra Oh.  She has black hair and is dressed in dark blue vestments with gold embroidery.  She looks every part the rich merchant from Serpico that she says she is.  She claims to be the heir to a shipping fortune from ferry's that go between Serpico and Cobra Lah, Listamonte's Shipping. [She is a Nothic that is in service of Malavoor Polymorphed to look like an attractive wealthy woman]
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Eigeria
Parent Location


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