Kierkewoode Settlement in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Kierkewoode is one of the Woodestowne's, three towns that make up an important trade route in area between the Eigerlands and Oraheim. They are situated on a river delta leading into the Wyvern sea that creates a large area of rich soil for farming as well as an area of calm seas that are excellent for fishing. The majority of the population work the lands and fishes the oceans to feed an enormous part of the population on the continent.
Lakewoode, Kierkewoode, and Berkwoode are a valuable resource to the major cities and organizations in the southern Eigerlands. This often means they are caught up in schemes by the Major Houses and the large trading companies that sail or ride through. Westinox, Warshaw, and Stoneport as well as the dwarven clans of the Ulirre valley are constantly vying for control.


G1 - ETC Warehouse
G2 - Tavern / Hookhale's Barrels - Owner is the brother of Balonta Hookhale, Baleen Hookhale.  A water genasi man with pulled back black dreadlocks.  
G3 - Tavern / Dramatis Monstrae - A tavern and brothel with a fantastical theme using carvings of monsters and demons. 
  G4 - Magic Shop / Monty's Castle
B1 - Zabu Statue and fountain - 
B2 - Lantabale's Keep
B3 - Blacksmith - Sunder Square
B4 - Calewarren Stables
B5 - Umberfelt Manor
B6 - Museum of Natural History
B7 - South Star Docks
B8 - Magic Shop / Alchemy Alcove
B9 - Rodrigues Hortalez Shipping and Docks
B10 - Guard Barracks / Kierkeguard   B11 - Observatory / Cosmawatch
B12 - Church of Hellenox
S1 - Shopping / Kierke Bazaar
S2 - Shopping / Caffen Street
S3 - Shopping / Kellkirck Square
S4 - Mercon Fish Market
T1 - Manor / Quail Delfast House
T2 - Kierkewoode Townhall
T3 - Temple Vellenox / Daughters of Light
T4 - Arboretum / Lilachouse
T5 - Ontocrates Clinic 
T6 - Library / Yalu Manor
T7 - Ullarin Dwarf Manor
T8 - Underdark Museum
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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