Lusterlin Settlement in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Lusterlin is a large settlement of traders, fisherman, and tanners that run a trade outpost in the northwest of the Eigerlands. It is considered the last bastion of civilization as one enters the horne or heads out to fish the dangerous waters of the Blade Driven Sea.


The populace is more varied and mixed than most cities in the Eigerlands.  Many mixed race denizens can be found here due to their tolerance for any and all individuals.  Many who live here are proud of their independence and hardiness to live in such an environ.


Lusterlin appoints a Governor every 15 years who rules with support of a cabinet of ministers.  These ministers must be appointed from local guilds of importance.  
  • The Mage's guild, the Iceblood Invokers
  • The Public Works Guild, known as the Earth Vents
  • The Commerce Guild, Known as the Four Trade Winds
  • The Defense Guild, Known as the Bluecloaks
  • The Shipping Guild, Known as the Icebreakers
  • The Artisans Guild, The Autovanes

These groups submit a series of candidates who are chosen by election and then ratified by the current governor.

Industry & Trade


Fexxalon Magicks - The owner is a Pixie man named Caddy Twinkles the IV.  He hates the Assembly of the weave and strives hard to make sure that they are never welcome in the Lusterlin.  His Shop is a strange series of open levels that can be up to ten feet tall or one foot tall and most are open to the common room.   Almost like a beehive that has been sliced open on one end.  He often zips into an area to find an item or potion that someone has asked for.  
  Thistle Clothier and Haberdasher - A high end clothier and supplier to the government.  Despite it's location in far off Lusterlin the shop has a very good reputation even in cities like Stoneport and Helletowne.  The owner's fashions and exotic prints are often shipped to every corner of the Eigerlands and keeps money flowing into the town.  The Owner is a fastidious half elven man with thin moustache known as Imbroglio Quent.  
  Vorvalane Smithy - Run by the human woman Callux Hall, it is a major enterprise that does the majority of all of the metalwork for the city. 
  Eckhardt's General Store
  Zinnamore's Alchemy
  Berwin Trade Poste
  Nemble's Clockworks
  Graistwinde Goods


Masterlin Ward -
The original settlement was built against a massive cliff over two millenia ago.  This area offered safety from the frozen winds that swept across the region and even some protection from the massive snowstorms that blanket the area during the winter months.  These days it holds the palace and many of the important long standing businesses and governmental buildings.
Temple Ward -
An offshoot of the Masterlin ward, it holds the early temples and churches that were built before the religious wars.  Often rejected by the general populace who migrated here for business ventures or personal freedoms, The church of Eigeralon was one of the only religious entities who found a foothold early on.  The first stones laid down by the mighty Cleric and hero known as Carvingian Myst.
Fazzelin Palace -
This major castle and surrounding grounds was built by the ancient Fazzelin family who ruled here in the early part of SF 3.  Now the main castle holds many of the government offices and guildhall headquarters.  Guests of the city often are given rooms here in the castle.
Eckhardt's Ward -
One of the first additions to the city that wasn't swept away by snow or burned down was built by the famous dwarven couple Riva and Conwyn Eckhardt.  Their children also discovered a shaft that descended thousands of feet into the earth below.  Eventually they capped the shaft and used the geothermal vent to create heat for the entire city.  
Bridgetown -
An offshoot of the ward originally housed the crews that built the many bridges that now connect the Tazlin Ward to the rest of the city.  Eventually the buildings got repurposed into new shops and housing for the citizens.
Tazlin Ward -
A newer area of the city was created based on population growth.  The flat bedrock was ideal for more modern buildings and many artisans wound up settling in this area.  

Catowin's Howl -
One of the roughest areas of Lusterlin is connected by the heated bridge that carries heat over to the village that exists at the top of the cliff.  Only the toughest of trappers, hunters, and blacksmiths live in this area.  It is often battered by icy winds and snow drifts.  
Meshwin's Field
- A wide open flat area that is used to store lumber and stones for construction.  Recently the Red Wulves Fighter's Guild has been using it for training. 


Inns Taverns and Bars -

Lavender Salon - Despite it's appearance as a high end hotel and expensive bar the Lavender reserves it's upper floors for a brothel and gambling house.  The owner is a telepathic half elven woman by the name of Merania Trellox.  Her skin is a light pink due to her fire genasi side and her hair is long, lustrous, and dark. 
Bartenders: Goron Scarf, a Green Elven man and often Policar Vincture a tiefling woman with purple skin. 
Sex Workers: Indigo Atelia, a dark skinned human woman.  Champ Kind, a Green Elven Man.  Treticar Blue, A shape changer, a doppelganger with a shady past.
Snowfane Inn & Tavern - The most popular Tavern in town it is often the most frequented by travelers, merchants, and Hunters.  It's comfortable and large common room can hold hundreds of rowdy drinkers.  Dozens of exotic pelts hand on the walls and from the ceiling as well as impressive taxidermy of all manner of northern creatures. 
The owner is Evard Grundlesham a dwarven man with white streaked red hair.
Bartender: Xolom Cho, a Blinkling man from the darkfae realm.  He often uses his tail to assist with extra drink orders. 
Barback is Ronco Bucktrim a minotaur with a smaller stature than most. 
  Brattletop Inn & Tavern - The newer competing tavern in the area is the Brattletop.  It is four stories tall and stands in defiance of the strong winds and heavy snows.  The owner is human man with one eye called Rev Cremmen.  He has worked a deal with the heatworks to access stronger ducts and offer hot showers and warmer rooms than the Snowfane.  His new ideas are causing trouble with the older dwarves in the area that are descended from the Eckhardts.
Bartenders: The brightly colored parrot aarokocra known as Macaratu, the former sailor.  Yezziwinks, a halfling woman with unusually high dexterity. 
  Yeti Scalp Tavern - The main tavern serving Catowin's Howl it is surely a hive of scum and villainy.  It's massive stone walls were originally a church in the midst of construction.  A century ago, after fifty years of trying to finish the structure, The acolytes of Kierkeolon gave up on the venture and abandoned the area.  It was quickly purchased by a clever and powerful Half-orc man named Portron Vock.  He stabbed a knife through a yeti scalp and pinned it to the wall behind the bar.  It is still there today, twenty five years later, and Vock will happily tell anyone the story of how he defeated the yeti in hand to hand combat. 
Outpost / Base
Location under


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