Ashe Settlement in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Ashe is a small town on the edge of the Ashen Forest. It is used primarily by hunters and fur traders who often delve into the dangerous forest to hunt exotic game.  It is also situated on the River of Daggers which give them access to markets from Helletown, Allachi and Westinox.  Though not a very popular town for travelers it's location often gives those moving up and down the river a place to rest or weather a storm.


The current governor of the region is an older dwarven man named Copias Irongut. He is a former warrior and standard bearer for a powerful dwarven house in the Urgolos Hold by the name of House Ironweld. He is over 250 years old at this point and retired from fighting when he helped the town of Ashe fight off a band of Ogres 35 years ago. He was feted with the title of town sheriff and eventually moved to governor when the town once again fought a take over by House Quail in 2969.


17. Blue Moose Brewing - Owned and operated by the Firbolg man known as Cy Mooseland.  Cy is almost 7' tall and strangely quiet for a firbolg.  He has light brown fur and long dark brown hair that is tied back into a ponytail.  He wears grey overalls most days.   He is very careful when he talks about the elves and the Forest lands. 
16. Markand's Dry Goods and General Store - Russ Markand has run this store for over 25 years and is a bit of a local legend. Russ is a Halfling man who fought in the Ogre battles and was a former soldier. He left that life to give his wife a better life in the small town of Ashe.
15. Roaritun Tower - The only guard force in Ashe is located here. They have a makeshift barracks and weapons hold. The town is patrolled by a band of mercenaries known as The Spineback Boys. They are led currently by an honorable fighter named Helvedere Dross, he keeps the band together and they have sworn to protect the town. About a decade ago they chased off the original guards of Ashe put there by House Quail over a century ago. These guards were known for the graft and corruption, including stealing from townsfolk and lynchings.
14. The Constellation - The largest tavern and inn in the town of Ashe, The constellation acts as the town hub for meetings and festivals. The current owner is a Half orc woman by the name of Enstazi Bronze. She is an attractive woman in her 50's and she keeps her hair in a tight long ponytail which is held with bronze rings. She wears a bright yellow flowy blouse and a dark brown leather apron most days. She still holds a grudge against Two Moons for opening his bar in town. The Constellation's main room is tall and wide, 200 ft square with 20 ft. ceilings. The second floor has balconies that ring the main room and look down upon it. Painted on the walls is a night sky with dark clouds. Magical illusions project the current stars, planets, moons and constellations which slowly rotate reflecting the real sky and seasons.
13. Kozmere's Sawmill - Owned by Arkan Kozmere the sawmill is a vital part of the economy of the town. Most people who wash up in Ashe will find work here. Arkan himself is a human man with a bright blue left arm. He claims the arm is the result of a wild magic explosion from two decades ago. He is in his 50's now and is a shrewd business man. He often works with Sal Veringen to make sure that outside entities do not threaten the town's independence.
12. Two Moon's Cups - A popular bar frequented by the local laborers, mostly lumberjacks, wood workers, and tanners who live in Ashe. It can be a rowdy place and also a good place to gather information on the forest and local news. Just be careful with your elbows and your drinks, the wrong move can get you thrown through a window. The owner is a tabaxi man by the name of Two Moon. Formerly of the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars he was exiled twelve years ago by Queen Mellorah for failing to retrieve Princess Mew when she fled the kingdom. He began working at the Constellation and showed great promise as a bartender and innkeeper. Much to the chagrin of the owner of the Constellation he started his own business just a few years ago.
11. Ashe Town Courthouse, Hall, and Bank. - This white stone and marble building is the seat of government for the area.
10. Ovirex Blacksmith - Run by the Fire genasi man known as Match Ovirex.
9. Ghesthmane's Arcana - Run by the strange earth Genasi man known only as Ghesthmane, He swears he was once a powerful magician who was cast out of the Assembly of the Weave for being too quick to learn. He carries a strange ever changing assemblage of magically infused items.
8. Storvant Stables - Run by the halfling couple, Issa and Helm Storvant.
7. The Rusty Gem - This is the second most popular tavern and inn in town. It is run by the shady mustachioed character known as Sal Veringen. He is half elven and half hobgoblin. His skin is a ruddy red and he has oily black hair that hangs down to his shoulders. He traffics in many illegal activities and always seems to know everything that goes on in town. Despite these characteristics he is deeply loyal to the town and works to make sure no governmental structure ever intrudes. The Rusty Gem also includes a robust brothel that operates on the upper floors. Sal has a business partner, a human woman named Honey Ryder, who manages the brothel side of the business.
6. The Everspring Well - Most of the freshwater for the town comes from here. It is said that it was blessed by a cleric of Hellenox five centuries ago to always be clean and safe drinking water.
5. Lorfan's Tannery and parts shop - Goral Lorfan is the local tanner, taxidermist, and monster parts vendor.
4. Dartmoor's Technique - The home of Joran Dartmoor the local artificer.
3. The Practice Circle - This wide open space has markings upon it for duels, Fistelbash, and weapons practice.
2. Church of Hellenox - The Speaker of Hellenox at this location is a female half elf named Ellendia Peryton. She has taken a vow of chastity but is struggling with it.
1. Newtown - The area of the town now under heavy construction. Several new houses are going up as well as a few new taverns and businesses which are rankling the current business owners.


Bar Fare and Drinks :
  • White Allachi - Cream, Dark Rum and spiced chocolate beans - 1 sp
  • Dry Blooded - A tomato juice and vodka drink with a peppery spice mix - 1 sp
  • Blue Moose Ale - a crisp ale that's always on tap from the brewery - 5cp.
  • Ashwood Stout - A local stout that is stored in ashwood casks. It has a chocolate note to it - 1 sp
  • Eiger Lager - a common lager found all over the western Eigerlands - 3 cp.
  • Onsalm Red wine - a dark red from the Onsalm Region of Penthaheim - 3 sp per glass
  • Franc White wine - A nice dry white from the town of Franc - 3 sp per glass.
  • Pan seared Grouse with Leeks - 2 sp
  • Chicken Meat pie -2 sp
  • Broccoli and bean pie - 1 sp
  • Fried potatoes and Sausage - 1sp
  • Pork Loin and mushrooms - 3 sp
  • Auroch Steak with fresh greens - 5sp

Guilds and Factions

People of Ashe - 
  • Gilly Travinloss - Halfling woman who works at the Sawmill.  She has curly blonde hair and wears brown overalls.
  • Ulah Bearpaw - Firbolg woman who works at the Tannery.  Light purple fur and long droopy ears.  yellow eyes. 
  • Zinjah Sheeth - Drow woman who works at the brewery.  She has pale blue skin and silver hair cut short, glasses.
  • Corvo Multar - Dwarven man with Red hair and a big scar down his face.  Informant type, often seen at taverns. 
  • Inigo Petrovich - A human man, one of the hunters who helps feed the town. Dark Hair, muscular, tall.
  • Wrench - An elderly Ogre man with one leg.  He is a fixture of the town and very wise. He gets around in a wheelchair.
  • SPINE BACK GUARD - Archan Hong - asian looking man with dark leather studded armor.
  • SPINEBACK GUARD - Van Dryleaf, a green elven man with bright green fur and a dyed purple mohawk.
  • SPINEBACK GUARD - Theodosia Seven, dark skinned human woman with long black curly hair, and many daggers.

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