Helveton Keep Building / Landmark in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Helveton Keep

Helveton Keep is an enormous mountain top stronghold.  It is crafted of the dark grey granite and marble that streaks through the Helver Mountains.  Many centuries ago their was a great orc king.  Smarter and greedier than all born before him.  He banded together dozens of tribes into a great army that razed and pillage the Eigerlands.  His name was Umminas the Terrible and he was known to slaughter entire towns of humans and elves.  Dwarves though, he enslaved, he prized them for their mining ability and their skill with gold and gemstones.  Helveton Keep was a great mining facility that created to delve deep into the mountains looking for precious metals and shardstone.
SF 2193
Founding Date
SF 1854
Parent Location
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